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Train to Ipswich

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Hi guys, Do we have to get on a certain train to Ipswich on the derby day? I vaguely remember them doing a football special? just trying to get my train tickets ordered so any advice would be much appreciated, thanks :)

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getting train from Diss, probably not til about 6. from what i remember you shouldnt be on your own, trains are usually seperated by the police into carraiges dividing city and binners!! sometimes good atmosphere on the trains as well. really looking forward to it now :)

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The questions on here get stranger by the day!

There are trains from Norwich to Ipswich every half hour throughout the day. And unless you are under some sort of curfew, you are free to get any train of your choice, tickets can be bought in the ticket office at the station prior to getting on the train.

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[quote user="Skijumptoes"]Gerry, Whatabout cars, can we also drive these in the freedom that you state?[/quote]

Warning if you do, remove anything yellow and green, I had my car damaged there I had horse box in tow and it wasn''t even on a match day,Coppers was''nt interested either.   

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As the weekday service is a train every 30 minutes there is no football special from Norwich to Ipswich, as others have said trains leave Norwich every 30 minutes at xx:00 and xx:30 taking about 40 minutes.After the match there is a football special due to leave Ipswich at 22:20.

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