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Gunny just can't let go...

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This anti Gunn faultfinding is as tiresome and pointless as Bob Franklin''s post.

Talk about creating a post out of nothing

Surely it is you that can''t let go

and can''t let a man get on with his life and earn a living in peace.

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[quote user="CambridgeCanary"]

This anti Gunn faultfinding is as tiresome and pointless as Bob Franklin''s post.

Talk about creating a post out of nothing

Surely it is you that can''t let go

and can''t let a man get on with his life and earn a living in peace.


I agree.


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[quote user="canary cherub "][quote user="CambridgeCanary"]

This anti Gunn faultfinding is as tiresome and pointless as Bob Franklin''s post.

Talk about creating a post out of nothing

Surely it is you that can''t let go

and can''t let a man get on with his life and earn a living in peace.


I agree.



I am not fault finding in the slightest! Gunn is a hero of mine and he made me want to be a keeper!

Like I said... " I came across this today" that is all, I was looking for promotional phone offers and this came up...

Considering that they are helping the club with half season ticket sales, I hardly see it as "out of nothing" either.

How is this a "fault" anyway...? I am not slating him in anyway, I am glad that he doesn''t want to cut all ties with the club.

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[quote user="B-ru"][quote user="canary cherub "][quote user="CambridgeCanary"]

This anti Gunn faultfinding is as tiresome and pointless as Bob Franklin''s post.

Talk about creating a post out of nothing

Surely it is you that can''t let go

and can''t let a man get on with his life and earn a living in peace.


I agree.



I am not fault finding in the slightest! Gunn is a hero of mine and he made me want to be a keeper!

Like I said... " I came across this today" that is all, I was looking for promotional phone offers and this came up...

Considering that they are helping the club with half season ticket sales, I hardly see it as "out of nothing" either.

How is this a "fault" anyway...? I am not slating him in anyway, I am glad that he doesn''t want to cut all ties with the club.

[/quote]This deal was set up well before Gunn moved to them.  They used to sponsor the shirts too.  This is not his work.  The two things are not connected.

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[quote user="CambridgeCanary"]

This anti Gunn faultfinding is as tiresome and pointless as Bob Franklin''s post.

Talk about creating a post out of nothing

Surely it is you that can''t let go

and can''t let a man get on with his life and earn a living in peace.


What Bob Franklin post ? I haven''t seen any posts from Mr Franklin for a while but I seem to remember that he didn''t actually start any threads in support of Gunn but only reacted to tiresome and pointless posts constantly slagging off Gunn. Fair enough if you ask me (although I know you haven''t)

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[quote user="jas the barclay king"][quote user="nutty nigel"]

I love Gunny The Legend[Y]



good memories, happy days...

[/quote]Hands up if you dislike brown nosers

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[quote user="B-ru"]

Came across this today...


Looks like Gunny can''t let go of his beloved NCFC. I am glad that he hasn''t turned his back on us.

He is still a legend in my eyes, but not a manager of a football team.



Whats the connection between that site and Gunn then?

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