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14:00 Saturday PROTEST

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You were so busy typing you missed the fact he has gone....[quote user="CaptnCanary"]

This protest should be Roeder out and Board out. Those that state that we cannot get rid of the board without money are simply wrong or looking at everything in the wrong way. I mean, when we outed Chase did we know we had a new owner waiting in the wings to buy him out? No we didn''t. But inevitably if enough pressure is put on the current board and life becomes miserable for them you will quickly see them find a buyer albeit at a price much lower than they wanted. We need to call for Board and Roeder to be removed.

As regards the timing of the protest it should definately be before the game. If we then lose you will end up seeing a far greater protest after the game than might otherwise occur. To be honest there is little point waiting until after the game in the hope that we win the match as that will only serve to diminish the numbers in the protest.

So - BOARD OUT, ROEDER OUT, before AND after the game!



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[quote user="PhatCanary"]


Any way back to the post Saturday 14:00, protest against who you want too, just bloody protest. Be polite to all fellow fans and stewards, keep it clean and peaceful please.       Lets get our club back for gods sake!


The post of a REAL NCFC Supporter Phat! I agree, let''s get Norwich City FC Alive and kicking again... Preferrably without Rodent

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MY main reason for the protest was to get Roeder sacked,obviously this has now happened, i therefore believe the protest is no longer needed,some have called for it to now be aimed at Delia and the board, i however feel that this would be the wrong path to take at the moment, we need to get the atmosphere at Carrow Road back, and to get 25,000 fans who''s hopes have just been lifted back to enjoying football again. I still feel a new board is needed and that we must have new investment but Saturday is now a day to get the buzz back into the fans and team and three points are more important to me than shifting the Queen and her mob,something that i feel can''t be done with vocals alone.I know smudger and a few will call me all the names under the sun but Roeder has gone and i want to celebrate that by going to the game looking forward to it for once,and the negative feeling any kind of protest would leave is imo not needed now. God help the board if they get this appointment wrong because the mess they have caused over the last few years is starting to annoy a good few fans and another mistake would be the last straw for most!

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[quote user="PhatCanary"]MY main reason for the protest was to get Roeder sacked,obviously this has now happened, i therefore believe the protest is no longer needed,some have called for it to now be aimed at Delia and the board, i however feel that this would be the wrong path to take at the moment, we need to get the atmosphere at Carrow Road back, and to get 25,000 fans who''s hopes have just been lifted back to enjoying football again. I still feel a new board is needed and that we must have new investment but Saturday is now a day to get the buzz back into the fans and team and three points are more important to me than shifting the Queen and her mob,something that i feel can''t be done with vocals alone.I know smudger and a few will call me all the names under the sun but Roeder has gone and i want to celebrate that by going to the game looking forward to it for once,and the negative feeling any kind of protest would leave is imo not needed now. God help the board if they get this appointment wrong because the mess they have caused over the last few years is starting to annoy a good few fans and another mistake would be the last straw for most![/quote]the board do need to go aswell...but in this financial climate buying a football club is not at the top of peoples shopping list....and as you state PC  god help the board if they get this appointment wrong...the atmosphere will be rocking staurday i can feel it...COME ON YOU YELLOWS

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Unless you know someone with a big fat wad there is no shifting this Board so no point in protesting. 

GET BEHIND THE TEAM - ensure we don''t get relegated and then there will be an attractive invevstment for someone. 

If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  B*st*rd!

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[quote user="shefcanary"]

If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  [/quote]

Funny enough I have also been thinking that Mr Cullum might be waiting for the club to slip into administration. After all, none of that £56m rubbish, none of this £30 minimum per ordinary share and he can do a deal to buy the debt for so many p in the £. He would get alot more for that £20m. We might end up with an entertaining team to watch!


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And of course, the danger of a ''Board Out'' protest now would be the dimwits in that boardroom might think they''re being targetted FOR sacking Roeder, and in a swift move to appease all, end up reappointing the guy...

Scary, but oddly not inconceivable.

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[quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="shefcanary"]If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  [/quote]

Funny enough I have also been thinking that Mr Cullum might be waiting for the club to slip into administration. After all, none of that £56m rubbish, none of this £30 minimum per ordinary share and he can do a deal to buy the debt for so many p in the £. He would get alot more for that £20m. We might end up with an entertaining team to watch![/quote]Yep! Don''t matter about the small businesses that are forced into bankruptcy and the people who lose their jobs just as long as you have success on the pitch! [:S]

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To let the board get away with yet another failure is nothing short of pathetic. The protest should carry on but with the correct names this time! Roeder was another man set up to fail! Christ surely any manager in his right mind would have wanted to make the Taylor deal a permanent one last season.While our board fail our managers on these deals constantly they have not a chance in hell of building a side!! They are the problem in all this and as for Doncaster he remains at the club on his fee despite being absolute shite at his job!!I am sick of them and will not accept another man put in place to fail and save there skin!!Get the witch out now!!!

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[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="shefcanary"]If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  [/quote]

Funny enough I have also been thinking that Mr Cullum might be waiting for the club to slip into administration. After all, none of that £56m rubbish, none of this £30 minimum per ordinary share and he can do a deal to buy the debt for so many p in the £. He would get alot more for that £20m. We might end up with an entertaining team to watch!

[/quote]Yep! Don''t matter about the small businesses that are forced into bankruptcy and the people who lose their jobs just as long as you have success on the pitch! [:S]


Do I get the impression that you supply NCFC Plc in some way?

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[quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="shefcanary"]If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  [/quote]

Funny enough I have also been thinking that Mr Cullum might be waiting for the club to slip into administration. After all, none of that £56m rubbish, none of this £30 minimum per ordinary share and he can do a deal to buy the debt for so many p in the £. He would get alot more for that £20m. We might end up with an entertaining team to watch!

[/quote]Yep! Don''t matter about the small businesses that are forced into bankruptcy and the people who lose their jobs just as long as you have success on the pitch! [:S][/quote]Do I get the impression that you supply NCFC Plc in some way?[/quote]No I don''t. My question was, would you be happy to watch football at the expense of personal hardship for others?

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[quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="shefcanary"]If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  [/quote]

Funny enough I have also been thinking that Mr Cullum might be waiting for the club to slip into administration. After all, none of that £56m rubbish, none of this £30 minimum per ordinary share and he can do a deal to buy the debt for so many p in the £. He would get alot more for that £20m. We might end up with an entertaining team to watch!

[/quote]Yep! Don''t matter about the small businesses that are forced into bankruptcy and the people who lose their jobs just as long as you have success on the pitch! [:S]


Do I get the impression that you supply NCFC Plc in some way?

[/quote]Spoken like an accountant.  If you want to know how badly a football club going into administration can affect local businesses, take a trip down the A140.

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[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="shefcanary"]If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  [/quote]

Funny enough I have also been thinking that Mr Cullum might be waiting for the club to slip into administration. After all, none of that £56m rubbish, none of this £30 minimum per ordinary share and he can do a deal to buy the debt for so many p in the £. He would get alot more for that £20m. We might end up with an entertaining team to watch!

[/quote]Yep! Don''t matter about the small businesses that are forced into bankruptcy and the people who lose their jobs just as long as you have success on the pitch! [:S][/quote]Do I get the impression that you supply NCFC Plc in some way?[/quote]No I don''t. My question was, would you be happy to watch football at the expense of personal hardship for others?


Its been a personal hardship to watch that rubbish this season!

Obviously I would prefer Administration to be avoided but if NCFC Plc fell into division1 and the club ended up in Administration it would be a way for a buyer to avoid the £30 minimum per ordinary share nonsense and the repayment of the Loan Notes in full. I accept it would be painful to suppliers.

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[quote user="blahblahblah"][quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Canary Nut"][quote user="shefcanary"]If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  [/quote]

Funny enough I have also been thinking that Mr Cullum might be waiting for the club to slip into administration. After all, none of that £56m rubbish, none of this £30 minimum per ordinary share and he can do a deal to buy the debt for so many p in the £. He would get alot more for that £20m. We might end up with an entertaining team to watch!

[/quote]Yep! Don''t matter about the small businesses that are forced into bankruptcy and the people who lose their jobs just as long as you have success on the pitch! [:S]


Do I get the impression that you supply NCFC Plc in some way?


Spoken like an accountant.  If you want to know how badly a football club going into administration can affect local businesses, take a trip down the A140.

Grow up, bad debts are a risk of doing business.

Up and down this country, every year whether in boom or bust, businesses (nearly all have nothing to do with football) go into Administration. Are you going to protest outside all of these firms?

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[quote user="shefcanary"]

Unless you know someone with a big fat wad there is no shifting this Board so no point in protesting. 

GET BEHIND THE TEAM - ensure we don''t get relegated and then there will be an attractive invevstment for someone. 

If we don''t get behind the team relegation is a certainty and we will have to wait for Cullum to buy it from the hands of the administrator!  B*st*rd!






If the truth be said the board should go but they know this and they have always had the clubs best interests at heart even if they have cocked up the managerial appointments!


Hopefully someone will come along with moeny to buy them out but until then we have to get behind the club and hope we can stay up!

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[quote user="Canary Nut"]Its been a personal hardship to watch that rubbish this season!

Obviously I would prefer Administration to be avoided but if NCFC Plc fell into division1 and the club ended up in Administration it would be a way for a buyer to avoid the £30 minimum per ordinary share nonsense and the repayment of the Loan Notes in full. I accept it would be painful to suppliers.


You need to very clearly understand the difference between a supporting a football club and someone''s livelihood mate…

Football is a game, simple as.

Keeping your business afloat in these crap times is about survival… for you, your family and the people you employ!! We are talking about lives affected for many years afterwards. Do you know what happens when your business goes tits up? It has far further reaching implications that what bloody league we are playing in and what our sodding attendances are!

I do run my own business and I am owed a lot of money. I sincerely hope I get it cos I''ve just had my tax bill as well and I don''t have the dough for it. What do I do if they don''t pay though CN? Just shrug my shoulders and say "Ho hum, not to worry, I''ll just shut up shop and pass the misery on to the people that I owe money too."  God, whatever happened to decency?

I don''t do business with the club but I do a lot of work with the programme printers. Try taking your approach with any of those that might have just lost their jobs IF this club went into administration.

Please try and keep things in perspective FGS.

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[quote user="Andy Larkin"][quote user="Canary Nut"]
Its been a personal hardship to watch that rubbish this season!

Obviously I would prefer Administration to be avoided but if NCFC Plc fell into division1 and the club ended up in Administration it would be a way for a buyer to avoid the £30 minimum per ordinary share nonsense and the repayment of the Loan Notes in full. I accept it would be painful to suppliers.


You need to very clearly understand the difference between a supporting a football club and someone''s livelihood mate…

Football is a game, simple as.

Keeping your business afloat in these crap times is about survival… for you, your family and the people you employ!! We are talking about lives affected for many years afterwards. Do you know what happens when your business goes tits up? It has far further reaching implications that what bloody league we are playing in and what our sodding attendances are!

I do run my own business and I am owed a lot of money. I sincerely hope I get it cos I''ve just had my tax bill as well and I don''t have the dough for it. What do I do if they don''t pay though CN? Just shrug my shoulders and say "Ho hum, not to worry, I''ll just shut up shop and pass the misery on to the people that I owe money too."  God, whatever happened to decency?

I don''t do business with the club but I do a lot of work with the programme printers. Try taking your approach with any of those that might have just lost their jobs IF this club went into administration.

Please try and keep things in perspective FGS.


1. Football is a business.

2. What do you and others don''t get? OBVIOUSLY I dont want any business to go into Administration! However the reality is that bad debts are a risk of doing business and firms go into Administration even in  good economic climates. Sometimes this is due to the business model of the business lacking focus / not keeping up with the changing market (e.g. Woolworths), sometimes the way people buy (channels) change (e.g. Zavvi).....the world is harsh out there.  


With respect to the tax bill presumably it relates to a past period of time and you have collected all the money related to the sales of that time period?



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[quote user="PhatCanary"]MY main reason for the protest was to get Roeder sacked,obviously this has now happened, i therefore believe the protest is no longer needed,some have called for it to now be aimed at Delia and the board, i however feel that this would be the wrong path to take at the moment, we need to get the atmosphere at Carrow Road back, and to get 25,000 fans who''s hopes have just been lifted back to enjoying football again. I still feel a new board is needed and that we must have new investment but Saturday is now a day to get the buzz back into the fans and team and three points are more important to me than shifting the Queen and her mob,something that i feel can''t be done with vocals alone.I know smudger and a few will call me all the names under the sun but Roeder has gone and i want to celebrate that by going to the game looking forward to it for once,and the negative feeling any kind of protest would leave is imo not needed now. God help the board if they get this appointment wrong because the mess they have caused over the last few years is starting to annoy a good few fans and another mistake would be the last straw for most![/quote]

No NCFC fan I have spoken to today has had their hopes lifted.... just the gullible inhabitants of this message board so it seems... [:$]

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[quote user="1st Wizard"][quote user="Smudger"][quote user="The Chirp"][quote user="Smudger"][quote user="PhatCanary"][quote user="we are rubbish"]

Getting roeder out is the worst possible thing to do,if we potest and the board sack roeder what will this achive?

If we call for roeders head and the board sack him they will say"there you go ,we have listened to the fans",they will now have brought themselves another 18 months as the new man will need time to build his own team.The root cause of our problems is a no ambition board that has held onto power for at least 4 years to long.Sacking roeder will take us back to the same postion we were in when they held onto worthington too long.The best protest imo is to vote with your feet and let the board see an empty ground each week.As for  who should take over the club,the biggest problem there is the  fact the main shareholders are trying to make a profit on their shares.Why this is the case i have no-idea as they have always maintained whats best for norwich is best for them


Do you think Roeder will keep us up then?


Do you think a new manager with no money to spend will keep us up then???

I seem to remember that the vast majority on here thought Roeder was great a year ago and that Grant was great a year before that.... tell me Phat, you weren''t one of them fans were you???


i have to say.... every single post of smudgers i read i think this is the type of person who just ''looks for it'' ...never really helpful... always trying to be clever but in the end comes across as quite pathetic. scoring points on a messageboard is pretty easy... 

however that aside i agree with him... i have said it for years... before worthington was outted... the board has to go first... then a new board will go get a new manager... roeder cannot turn water into wine... i want roeder out too but the chants should keep away from the manager and the team for now... this mess is the boards fault.

Where as you and every other poster on this message board has been given ample opportunity to come and score points in the flesh, but have you ever bothered???

However ignore the little verbals... I agree with your sentiments on what we are here to talk about... ie: the football club


You keep saying you''ve protested Smudger, have you witness''s to that? mine are Anglia TV!.[:|]


Please post the clip... you have never protested against Delia WIZ... never

Search the archives on this very forum... other posters who I do not know have seen me doing so.

I also tried to unfurl a ''DELIA OUT'' banner many, many years ago from the top tier of the Barclay to be grabbed by stweards and prevented from doing so (must of been around the time Mike Walker was sacked).

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[quote user="Smudger"]

[quote user="PhatCanary"]MY main reason for the protest was to get Roeder sacked,obviously this has now happened, i therefore believe the protest is no longer needed,some have called for it to now be aimed at Delia and the board, i however feel that this would be the wrong path to take at the moment, we need to get the atmosphere at Carrow Road back, and to get 25,000 fans who''s hopes have just been lifted back to enjoying football again. I still feel a new board is needed and that we must have new investment but Saturday is now a day to get the buzz back into the fans and team and three points are more important to me than shifting the Queen and her mob,something that i feel can''t be done with vocals alone.I know smudger and a few will call me all the names under the sun but Roeder has gone and i want to celebrate that by going to the game looking forward to it for once,and the negative feeling any kind of protest would leave is imo not needed now. God help the board if they get this appointment wrong because the mess they have caused over the last few years is starting to annoy a good few fans and another mistake would be the last straw for most![/quote]

No NCFC fan I have spoken to today has had their hopes lifted.... just the gullible inhabitants of this message board so it seems... [:$]


Every Norwich fan i have spoken to has had their hopes lifted.... just like the good inhabitants of this message board so it seems...[:D]

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[quote user="The Chirp"]smudge i live in surrey... but i''m happy to meet anyone for a beer and a chat about anything norwich... football history or whatever!

Where in Surrey Chirpy Cheap Cheap?

I am supposed to be visiting Dorking for the weekend in a few weeks time.

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[quote user="ratman"]its called the ridgeons league smudger u c..t[/quote]

Ahh so it is these days... better get used to what it is called because Delia will soon be taking us there.

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[quote user="Chunky Norwich"]

I''ve always been a silent ''supporter'' of Smudger, I don''t agree with a lot of the things he says and they''re normally inflammatory but free speech and all that and he does contribute to discussions and get debates going.

However this post has finally convinced me that he really is nothing more than a neutral wind-up merchant, or at the very least a dissillusioned ex-Norwich fan who just gets kicks out of getting rises out of people.

Constant moaning, sniping and self-congratulatory posts about lack of protests and as soon as one is organised, he moans, snipes and self-congratulates himself about that too.

If you really cared about the club Smudger you''d do one of two things: 1) Come along and cheer on the boys and the board. You could baa along with all the other "sheep" as Delia ''fleeced'' you (to paraphrase) or 2) you could come along and protest against the board and/or Delia and make your feelings known. One way or the other, everyone on here knows which camp they''re in and it is possible to be in both.

You are in neither. Isn''t Lowestoft Town in Suffolk......?


You don''t say, but it is moving to Norfolk soon apparently... so we may be only the 3rd best team in Norfolk in a few years time rather than just the 3rd best team in East Anglia????

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ah dorking! it''s a really nice town... a little quiet but nice pubs and cafes etc... (good if you like your fishing too i might add)what brings you into surrey? business or pleasure? i live in banstead which is near epsom... which is close to dorking!

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