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First Wazzock

The 3 year plan...

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[quote user="1st Wazzock"]

I wonder where this features in Glenn''s 3 year plan ? [^o)]


As many of you would like him sacked now, probably not a lot.

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I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.

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[quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S]

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[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S][/quote]

Now Lapp you lovely old boy does this mean there will be no more cosiness at the Pickers meet with old Wass ?

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[quote user="arrdee"]

[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S][/quote]

Now Lapp you lovely old boy does this mean there will be no more cosiness at the Pickers meet with old Wass ?



No, no Lapp is spot on as usual. Thanks for pointing that out Lapp. [:#]

I don''t know what this has got to do with Arrdee anyhow [8-)]

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roeders 3 year plan.....yr 1  keep us in the championship...acheived

                                  yr 2   keep us in the championship...we shall see...not looking to good at the minute

                                  yr 3   he will be long gone.........   

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[quote user="1st Wazzock"][quote user="arrdee"]

[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S][/quote]

Now Lapp you lovely old boy does this mean there will be no more cosiness at the Pickers meet with old Wass ?



No, no Lapp is spot on as usual. Thanks for pointing that out Lapp. [:#]

I don''t know what this has got to do with Arrdee anyhow [8-)]


Oh I see you two old boys are teaming up again are you ? both of you teaming up against arrdee, well at the next Pickers meet you will be designated to the table with no plates of sausages on it because no doubt you will be too busy gazing into each others eyes. I am sorry but you have brought this on yourselves....[:P]....arrdee.

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[quote user="arrdee"][quote user="1st Wazzock"][quote user="arrdee"]

[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S][/quote]

Now Lapp you lovely old boy does this mean there will be no more cosiness at the Pickers meet with old Wass ?



No, no Lapp is spot on as usual. Thanks for pointing that out Lapp. [:#]

I don''t know what this has got to do with Arrdee anyhow [8-)]


Oh I see you two old boys are teaming up again are you ? both of you teaming up against arrdee, well at the next Pickers meet you will be designated to the table with no plates of sausages on it because no doubt you will be too busy gazing into each others eyes. I am sorry but you have brought this on yourselves....[:P]....arrdee.


Sasuages can I be on your side Mr Arrdee Sir?

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[quote user="1st Wazzock"][quote user="arrdee"]

[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S][/quote]

Now Lapp you lovely old boy does this mean there will be no more cosiness at the Pickers meet with old Wass ?[/quote]No, no Lapp is spot on as usual. Thanks for pointing that out Lapp. [:#]

I don''t know what this has got to do with Arrdee anyhow [8-)][/quote]Thanks Wazzy [Y],I know what you''re saying about arrdee but jealousy is a terrible thing! [:(]

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[quote user="AndyJR"]What are the best variety of Sausage?

Well obviously arrdee''s are the best in the country as they are made from prime pork but the best flavour all depends on people''s taste . I know the lovely City Angels are pork and apple , Evil Monkeys are pork and leek , Nuttys are our regular , Kathys I am not quite sure of , I know Lappinitups are pork and mustard but he wont be getting any of those at the  next Pickers meet in fact he wont be getting any at all, you can rest  assured on that , Jas T B K. I am not sure of I think he likes all our flavours , I know his lovely little daughter loves our chipolatas. As to the most popular well Ruth makes Pork and apple , pork and leek and Cumberland every week , we know we will sell out of these every week . My own favorites are Pork and Stilton....arrdee.

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Have to admit to being a bit of a traditionalist - Pork and Apple or a Cumberland.  Not those nasty 99p for 10 things you get in the supermarket, not even sure they contain meat.

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[quote user="Mister Chops"]Deffo Cumberland for the Chops family.  The Aberdeen Angus is underrated too.


As I can''t eat pig in any form I have rather taken a liking to Aberdeen angus beef sausages, bluddy luffly they are [Y]

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Am I missing an in-joke re your sausages arrdee, or do you actually sell sausages ?

Sorry if that sounds a bit thick, but your pork & stilton sausages have got me drooling at the mouth & I''d like to know where I could buy some.

Mmmmmm Pork & stilton sausages !!!!!!

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[quote user="arrdee"][quote user="1st Wazzock"][quote user="arrdee"]

[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S][/quote]

Now Lapp you lovely old boy does this mean there will be no more cosiness at the Pickers meet with old Wass ?



No, no Lapp is spot on as usual. Thanks for pointing that out Lapp. [:#]

I don''t know what this has got to do with Arrdee anyhow [8-)]


Oh I see you two old boys are teaming up again are you ? both of you teaming up against arrdee, well at the next Pickers meet you will be designated to the table with no plates of sausages on it because no doubt you will be too busy gazing into each others eyes. I am sorry but you have brought this on yourselves....[:P]....arrdee.


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.

I got my last post totally the wrong way round.

It should have read, ''butt out Lapp, that lovely Arrdee is right as always.''

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[quote user="1st Wazzock"][quote user="arrdee"][quote user="1st Wazzock"][quote user="arrdee"]

[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S][/quote]

Now Lapp you lovely old boy does this mean there will be no more cosiness at the Pickers meet with old Wass ?



No, no Lapp is spot on as usual. Thanks for pointing that out Lapp. [:#]

I don''t know what this has got to do with Arrdee anyhow [8-)]


Oh I see you two old boys are teaming up again are you ? both of you teaming up against arrdee, well at the next Pickers meet you will be designated to the table with no plates of sausages on it because no doubt you will be too busy gazing into each others eyes. I am sorry but you have brought this on yourselves....[:P]....arrdee.


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.

I got my last post totally the wrong way round.

It should have read, ''butt out Lapp, that lovely Arrdee is right as always.''


Ah! well Its to late for sorry now Wass , you and your old mate Lapp will be on the table with none of the lovely arrdee''s sausages , you can however watch all the rest of us eat them , you never know your luck Wass Lapp might bring a withered old chipolata for you....[:D]....arrdee

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Blimey, you danced your way out of that one Waltzy. A soft shoe shuffle, a quick step to the left and you twist out of trouble. I think arrdee will see through that mambo jambo! [;)]

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[quote user="arrdee"][quote user="1st Wazzock"][quote user="arrdee"][quote user="1st Wazzock"][quote user="arrdee"]

[quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="arrdee"]I am surprised your old mate Lappinitup hasn''t been on and told you "you are repeating yourself Wassy"[:D]....arrdee.[/quote]I had noticed arrdee, multiple posts saying the same thing just to get the post-count up. What is it with these wizards? [:S][/quote]

Now Lapp you lovely old boy does this mean there will be no more cosiness at the Pickers meet with old Wass ?



No, no Lapp is spot on as usual. Thanks for pointing that out Lapp. [:#]

I don''t know what this has got to do with Arrdee anyhow [8-)]


Oh I see you two old boys are teaming up again are you ? both of you teaming up against arrdee, well at the next Pickers meet you will be designated to the table with no plates of sausages on it because no doubt you will be too busy gazing into each others eyes. I am sorry but you have brought this on yourselves....[:P]....arrdee.


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.

I got my last post totally the wrong way round.

It should have read, ''butt out Lapp, that lovely Arrdee is right as always.''


Ah! well Its to late for sorry now Wass , you and your old mate Lapp will be on the table with none of the lovely arrdee''s sausages , you can however watch all the rest of us eat them , you never know your luck Wass Lapp might bring a withered old chipolata for you....[:D]....arrdee


Sorry Lapp my dear friend, I was thinking of us both being ''sausageless'' on the night. According to Arrdee you might be giving me one on the night - I hope he''s talking about sausages and not the legendary pork sword, I don''t think I could manage it.  [+o(]

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[quote user="BringBackIwan"]

Am I missing an in-joke re your sausages arrdee, or do you actually sell sausages ?

Sorry if that sounds a bit thick, but your pork & stilton sausages have got me drooling at the mouth & I''d like to know where I could buy some.

Mmmmmm Pork & stilton sausages !!!!!!


He ceetainly does make Sausages.. and they are deliecios! Well reccomended! i think Ray sells them... send him an email!

jas :)-

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[quote user="mastoola"]does anybody remember craskes in the city center. best sausages ever!![/quote]

Legendary in their day. I can remember as a small child, my mother and grandmother shopping there.

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[quote user="AndyJR"]Not that their a patch on Ardee''s sausy''s but Pickering''s in Costessey does a nice one!!


well andy, im come back to live in norwich in the next month and boy do i miss a good pork sausage!

must try if you say they are better.they must be some sausage.

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[quote user="mastoola"]

[quote user="AndyJR"]Not that their a patch on Ardee''s sausy''s but Pickering''s in Costessey does a nice one!![/quote]

well andy, im come back to live in norwich in the next month and boy do i miss a good pork sausage!

must try if you say they are better.they must be some sausage.

[/quote]Ah Masoola, you have missed my point!!  I said the Pickering Sausages ''aren''t'' a patch on Ardee''s, just that they are very good.  Just have to pick you up on that as I don''t want to incur the Wrath of the Ardee.  [:D]

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[quote user="AndyJR"]Not that their a patch on Ardee''s sausy''s but Pickering''s in Costessey does a nice one!!


As a recent convert to the arrdee sausage I can confirm their delicousnessssssssssssss.

Made totally and packed with meat from a domestic animal (not called rover or tibby!)

Meatfully delectatious and my grandchildren now INSIST that I take over only the renowned sausage of great distinction.


Does that allow me on your table now Ray[;)]

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[quote user="The Butler"]

[quote user="AndyJR"]Not that their a patch on Ardee''s sausy''s but Pickering''s in Costessey does a nice one!!


As a recent convert to the arrdee sausage I can confirm their delicousnessssssssssssss.

Made totally and packed with meat from a domestic animal (not called rover or tibby!)

Meatfully delectatious and my grandchildren now INSIST that I take over only the renowned sausage of great distinction.


Does that allow me on your table now Ray[;)]


I''ve just proved grovelling does you no good at all  [:''(]

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