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I've been thinking ...

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About the difference in Our team, success, and support, compared to 4 or 5 years ago, and many things have been annoying me ..

Thinking back to when we reached the playoff final, won the league, almost created a great escape in our premiership season... None of these were down to having ''excellent'' squads, but in my opinion, these were all down to our team spirit.
We had a team full of decent players, who gave it their all for our club and their team-mates. Each and every one of those players pulled together as one, and acheived something as one.

Now, and i''m sure i''ll get a bit of stick for this. But how can a team half consisting of loan players, ''pull together as one'' and achieve anything for our club. No, not because they are loan players. But because we have some leaving in one month, some leaving in 3 months, some staying on until the end of the year, and a couple staying for the full season. It destroys any form of team spirit and ''togetherness'' we may have had, when players are leaving at all sorts of different times in the season.

Another point. We had excellent, vocal fans back when we won the league and reached the playoffs. I really used to think we were one of (if not the) best fans in the country! I thought it was quite incredible. Nowadays, I''m sorry to say. I think our support has become awful. Same old boring songs, no imagination, no incredible vocal support for our team. Everything from the noise we make to the songs we sing in the stands these days has become, awful.

There is a lot more I could say about this, but if I did. I think my post would be so long nobody would read it! This has been really annoying me, and was just interested in others thoughts... Thanks.

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I agree, when you look back at the squad and first team we had they were terrible! Some really awful players in there!

Yet, down to team spirit, people working for each other, and a 12th man we did fantastic, probably over acheived!

With some many loan players with nothing to prove, no commiment to the squad we will not turn a poor team into a premiership team!

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I think the lack of vocal support in recent seasons is symptomatic of a malaise caused by the downward spiral the club has been on since dropping from the Premiership. With key players leaving and the hope of a return to the top looking less and less likely each season, the fans don''t have anything to be excited about anymore and so there enthusiasm, whilst still there, isn''t burning as brightly anymore. [:(]

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steady on Shaun, too much thinking upsets the brain cells.[:D]


The way I see it it is we, meaning the club and the fans, are still smarting by the failure to stay up in the Premier League. That season was one hell of a roller coaster ride in many ways and the complete failure of the team to turn up on that fateful day at Fulham, (unlike the fans), still sticks in a lot of peoples throats. How on earth could a team not respond to the level of support they received that day and also during the following couple of seasons is beyond me.Tie that to the fact? that the players earn vastly more than 99% of the supporters who follow them then you can see why the supporters have become very disillusioned with the steady decline in the team performances.The passion is just not there in the team anymore and it follows that the fans become less passionate as each pitiful result has shown.

Sadly I had to give up my season ticket 2 seasons ago due to redundancy, but I still listen every week on Radio Norfolk, or go to a local pub whenever they are on TV, unless things improve soon, by that I mean the team showing more passion to try and carve out a result, the level of support will start to decline as the current financial turmoil takes more effect on the fans of this club.

It is very difficult to remain positive at the moment but there are more important things in life.

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[quote user="C T has ordered his San Jose shirt"]Did you hurt yourself after thinking so deeply?[:P][/quote]

Good to see you have a interesting opinion on this,

Oh wait, sorry. I forgot you were unable to post anything over one line...

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Motivation is the key Shaun,

Any collection of players will play with spirit and determination if inspired and encouraged correctly.

"Minnows" in the cup play above themselves don''t they ? Probably motivated by the sense of occasion if nothing else, but they do produce much team spirit and endeavor to compensate their being the underdogs.

Since when have we had any great motivators in at Norwich City ?




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[quote user="Wighty"]I think the lack of vocal support in recent seasons is symptomatic of a malaise caused by the downward spiral the club has been on since dropping from the Premiership. With key players leaving and the hope of a return to the top looking less and less likely each season, the fans don''t have anything to be excited about anymore and so there enthusiasm, whilst still there, isn''t burning as brightly anymore. [:(]

maybe the fans need some "new heros" to sing about

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I think alot of the problems are to do with the club being thought of as in a downward spiral. It''s hard for fans to get behind a continuely struggling team rightly or wrongly without some encouragment from the playing side, on match days over the last few years you can feel the fans are desperate to have something to cheer, but all to often it takes 20+ odd mins for the team to get anything going and it gets very easy to just sit quietly once it has started.

The loan players issue is something that is deviding the fans making it hard for the club to feel united. Some fans feel they improve the team massively and we couldnt afford them otherwise, some feels it''s not a Norwich team because they arnt ours, some question their motivation when we lose, others feel they are blocking our young players coming through or stopping other favourites like Semi getting in the team as GR seems to favour the loans.

The fact is that we have no choice i guess because of the lack of funds but to use them but this only perpetuates a sense that the club is struggling, and has only short-term  objectives which seem to be surviving in the championship, this is a hard vision for most fans to get behind for a club the size of ours. Maybe new ownership or investment will bring a new sense of unitedness, we can only hope.

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[quote user="Gorleston Jim"]

Motivation is the key Shaun,

Any collection of players will play with spirit and determination if inspired and encouraged correctly.

"Minnows" in the cup play above themselves don''t they ? Probably motivated by the sense of occasion if nothing else, but they do produce much team spirit and endeavor to compensate their being the underdogs.

Since when have we had any great motivators in at Norwich City ?


Mike Walker!



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[quote user="Taiwan Canary"][quote user="Gorleston Jim"]

Motivation is the key Shaun,

Any collection of players will play with spirit and determination if inspired and encouraged correctly.

"Minnows" in the cup play above themselves don''t they ? Probably motivated by the sense of occasion if nothing else, but they do produce much team spirit and endeavor to compensate their being the underdogs.

Since when have we had any great motivators in at Norwich City ?


Mike Walker!




Precisely. I think it speaks volumes when the most recent ''motivator'' you can think of is Mike Walker ...

As for the point on loans. I don''t see how it has come to the need to rely on loans, and so many of them! What has changed from then when we had virtually a full squad of permanent players to now??

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[quote user="Taiwan Canary"][quote user="Gorleston Jim"]

Motivation is the key Shaun,

Any collection of players will play with spirit and determination if inspired and encouraged correctly.

"Minnows" in the cup play above themselves don''t they ? Probably motivated by the sense of occasion if nothing else, but they do produce much team spirit and endeavor to compensate their being the underdogs.

Since when have we had any great motivators in at Norwich City ?


Mike Walker!




Precisely. I think it speaks volumes when the most recent ''motivator'' you can think of is Mike Walker ...

As for the point on loans. I don''t see how it has come to the need to rely on loans, and so many of them! What has changed from then when we had virtually a full squad of permanent players to now??

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[quote user="NCFC_Shaun"][quote user="Taiwan Canary"][quote user="Gorleston Jim"]

Motivation is the key Shaun,

Any collection of players will play with spirit and determination if inspired and encouraged correctly.

"Minnows" in the cup play above themselves don''t they ? Probably motivated by the sense of occasion if nothing else, but they do produce much team spirit and endeavor to compensate their being the underdogs.

Since when have we had any great motivators in at Norwich City ?


Mike Walker!




Precisely. I think it speaks volumes when the most recent ''motivator'' you can think of is Mike Walker ...

As for the point on loans. I don''t see how it has come to the need to rely on loans, and so many of them! What has changed from then when we had virtually a full squad of permanent players to now??


Problem is there arnt to many motivators about that i can see would want to come to Norwich, and we probably couldnt afford to restructure the management again.

I know what you mean about the loans, problem is we have let players leave over the last few years and replacements havent worked out. If all the loan players were to leave, I wouldnt want to rely on whats left and there doesnt seem to be any cash to buy any sort of replacements or additions, sadly.

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[quote user="CDMullins"]

I agree, when you look back at the squad and first team we had they were terrible! Some really awful players in there!

Yet, down to team spirit, people working for each other, and a 12th man we did fantastic, probably over acheived!

With some many loan players with nothing to prove, no commiment to the squad we will not turn a poor team into a premiership team!


This is simply untrue.  Loan players, especially the younger ones have everything to prove to their parent clubs manager.  They are out to prove they are good enough and worthy of a chance in the first team when they return home.

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[quote user="NCFC_Shaun"][quote user="Taiwan Canary"][quote user="Gorleston Jim"]

Motivation is the key Shaun,

Any collection of players will play with spirit and determination if inspired and encouraged correctly.

"Minnows" in the cup play above themselves don''t they ? Probably motivated by the sense of occasion if nothing else, but they do produce much team spirit and endeavor to compensate their being the underdogs.

Since when have we had any great motivators in at Norwich City ?


Mike Walker!




Precisely. I think it speaks volumes when the most recent ''motivator'' you can think of is Mike Walker ...

As for the point on loans. I don''t see how it has come to the need to rely on loans, and so many of them! What has changed from then when we had virtually a full squad of permanent players to now??


Worthy had this team really going in the championship winning year.  And to a certain extent after xmas in the prem.  He deserves to be classed alongside Walker as a great motivator.  It turned sour for both of them in the end remember.

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[quote user="NCFC_Shaun"][quote user="Taiwan Canary"][quote user="Gorleston Jim"]

Motivation is the key Shaun,

Any collection of players will play with spirit and determination if inspired and encouraged correctly.

"Minnows" in the cup play above themselves don''t they ? Probably motivated by the sense of occasion if nothing else, but they do produce much team spirit and endeavor to compensate their being the underdogs.

Since when have we had any great motivators in at Norwich City ?


Mike Walker!




Precisely. I think it speaks volumes when the most recent ''motivator'' you can think of is Mike Walker ...

As for the point on loans. I don''t see how it has come to the need to rely on loans, and so many of them! What has changed from then when we had virtually a full squad of permanent players to now??


Worthy had this team really going in the championship winning year.  And to a certain extent after xmas in the prem.  He deserves to be classed alongside Walker as a great motivator.  It turned sour for both of them in the end remember.

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Agree Worthington was a good manager and he in general used the money avaliable to him well, until the season after we got relegated from the premier league. From that momment on how many truely great signings has any manager made for Norwich? Most have turned out badly or average for one reason or another, the only really good signing was Earnshaw who we got half a season out of and got our money back, and currently Clingan looks a good player from the current crop, Otsemebor, Pattison and Russell have some good games now and again, jury is still out for me on the other''s. But theres a massive list of players that have bombed since we were relegated.

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