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Hartsons Gut

"Eye of the tiger" song campaign.

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Please please please have this song to come out to. Its the most motivating song ever and will get the crowd buzzing.

I have read all the posts on here complaining about the current song and yes its ****. Come on and give this one a go.

Who do we write too, to get it changed? Please sign yes to the "eye of the tiger campaign".

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Can we also have a campaign to bring back the mullet ?  I think that everyone in the Barclay End should have one, especially in the winter when your friend the Mullet keeps the cold away from your neck.  Also, deely-boppers came from around 1982, can we bring those back too ?  Oh, and legwarmers and shoulder pads, you don''t see women wearing those these days.  I wonder why ?

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as you can tell i am an eye of the tiger fan being a barney fan so im all for it!!

if not go for pigag, its not motivating ut its great


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''Eye Of The Tiger'' so very 80''s..... leave it as it is! I don''t believe in this superstition rubbish, the new music has nothing to do with our decline or not motivating the players! For that the blame lies within!

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Surely some Tom Jones:


Why, why, why, Del-i-a?

Bye, bye, bye, Del-i-a?

Before we find ourselves in Division Four

Forgive me Delia, I just cannot take any more


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[quote]The current run out music is just a durge.[/quote]Agreed, but it is a modern dirge.  I''d be in favour of us running out to "Hev yew Got a Loight Bor" by the singing postman, but the public have spoken.

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Why don''t we commission a local person to produce a specific piece of music for the club to run out to rather than using something from "the charts"

If you want to here a great run out song watch LEICESTER A NEW ERA on you tube.(after the old ones) They have been running out to this since the Late 60''s that I know off and probably before that. It''s traditional and unique to them.

It''s Brilliant and the best in the league bar none.

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Please let it be something that is good instead of Club Foot. I think the song is good but it is NOT the anthem that we should be running out to. Same with Eye of the Tiger, good song but not the thing we need.

Welcome to the Jungle- Guns n Roses

Kashmir- Led Zep

The Contender Theme- Hans Zimmer

Parlay- Hans Zimmer (Pirates of the Caribbean 3 soundtrack, sounds really western standof like)

Hot for Teacher- Van Halen ( just the drum solo at the beginning would be enough)

Lux Aerterna- CLint Mansell (the remixed version for Lord of the Rings)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdvkNl2CGHw contender theme

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzCxOAtiAtg parlay

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ziswQduk2Q Lux aerterna

The others i think should be known if not stick the names into youtbe.




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