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A beautiful version, lost forever!

I love that. It would never happen today though for two reasons. 1) hardly anybody sings anyway, 2) the stone island brigade are in too much of a hurry to spit their words out. 

Seriously though, it’s no coincidence that the best sounding football songs always seem to be the slower ones. 

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Don't see why a determined group of fans standing together couldn't try to bring it back. Good opportunity is afforded by the rejig of personnel in the Barclay that safe standing might bring.


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30 minutes ago, Darth Vadis said:

Great piece. Is the drummer capable of keeping the timing though...



Beautifully sung 17 minutes in. Why was it ever changed to the version (drawl in comparison) currently sang?


Brilliant. Highly recommended to those who've never heard it sung slowly. Just so much better like that

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Almost sounds like a completely different song. Surely it's possible for modern day fans to do this, similar to Spurs and the slow version of When the Saints. 

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36 minutes ago, Satriales said:

Almost sounds like a completely different song. Surely it's possible for modern day fans to do this, similar to Spurs and the slow version of When the Saints. 

It does - it seems at least 2-3x quicker now…at QPR the other day I was quite taken aback how quickly it was being sung, and it’s not for the better.  

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Somewhere in the middle would be nice, so many just mumble through it quite monotonically.

As nice as it sounds on that '75 footage, it's a little bit too chorally for people to sing out today, I think sung like that today we'd sound like we're taking the p**s.

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I was there that day, our fans were brilliant. Sung like that, it is a real experience. Today's fast and incomplete version is a sign of the times, a bit like a McDonalds/Burger King version......fast and no taste......

Edited by lake district canary

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Might be my memory playing tricks so be intersting if someone could correct me if I'm wrong but in those days didn't we start the song from "One the Ball City" rather than "Kick it Off"? Can't hear the earlier part on the link above.

I always thought the lengthening of it to include the earlier part was why it ended up being sung more quickly. 

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It's one of my bugbears. It seems that the fans today are in a race to get to the end, finishing with 'Hurrah, we've scored a city'. 

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