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Fireworks ban?

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49 minutes ago, BroadstairsR said:

I don't remember Halloween being nearly as big a thing as it seems to be today though.


Indeed. It has taken over from our traditional Guy Fawkes night. 

As kids we looked forward to it from weeks ahead, building a bonfire and raiding the kids in the next street. It's all safety first now.

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Since I started working from home, I've really just found them a bloody annoyance. I think I could be persuaded to agree with licenced displays only, but not for general sale.

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Just now, ricardo said:

Indeed. It has taken over from our traditional Guy Fawkes night. 

As kids we looked forward to it from weeks ahead, building a bonfire and raiding the kids in the next street. It's all safety first now.

Bought endless bags of Haribos etc for Halloween and one little girl turned up and was only allowed two. Now B&M etc are selling everything off. The Irish do celebrate what it is actually about. Its a public holiday.

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4 hours ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

We get this exact thing every single year it feels like. "Ohh these bloody fireworks with the young'uns making noise and having fun how am I supposed to enjoy my slipers and werther's originals with all this racket?"


I've always thought you were a bit daft but now I know for certain. 

You're quite happy to mumble ooh and aah at the pretty lights in the sky but completely oblivious to the fact that the noise that fireworks make is causing huge distress to animals of all sorts. Two years ago a local lady lost a beautiful horse that had impaled itself on a fence due to fear of a private fireworks party. The vet told her it probably took around 4 hours for it to die. This was a week after 5 November. If you think that's acceptable you are a thick cnut. 

Try giving your head a bit of a wobble and see if it helps. 

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17 minutes ago, dylanisabaddog said:

I've always thought you were a bit daft but now I know for certain. 

You're quite happy to mumble ooh and aah at the pretty lights in the sky but completely oblivious to the fact that the noise that fireworks make is causing huge distress to animals of all sorts. Two years ago a local lady lost a beautiful horse that had impaled itself on a fence due to fear of a private fireworks party. The vet told her it probably took around 4 hours for it to die. This was a week after 5 November. If you think that's acceptable you are a thick cnut. 

Try giving your head a bit of a wobble and see if it helps. 

Of course there are animals and safety concerns. Should people be allowed to celebrate a good, fun, lighthearted classic British family traidition that's been going on for 400 years? Of course. This country's traditions and heritage has been slowly rotting away and vanishing in the past few decades as is last thing we need is more cultural rot.

On the other hand should farmers and people with pets and very young children be safe and happy and free from serious noise and issues being made by a small number of braindead idiots who have no idea what health and safety is and are happy to just randomly fireworks off in the middle of residential streets like idiots? Of course.

It's a tough issue. You can't exactly ban it, with it being an old traidtion and a good night of fun but sadly like many things it's clear a small minority are causing issues. So I guess the question is what can you do to prevent idiots ruining the day? I suppose alll you can do is try and get local councils to place restritions and have police or PCSOs to spend the night and day making sure that those restrictions and obeyed. But of course then of course you'll get people screaming that this is mass censorship and unwanted goverment control and LITTERALY LIKE THAT BOOK 1984 WE LIVE IN A FACIST POLICE STATE!

Nevermind that the police and councils are skint and stretched thin as is and would probably not want to send multiple officers to patrol the streets and neighberhoods all day and night long.

It's a tough isse with no easy answers. You are right that sadly some idiots ruin a night that's suppsoed to be fun for all but it's still something that should never be banned.

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Good luck trying to ban private firework usage in Scotland and Northern Ireland on The Twelfth, which usually accompany the bonfires!

Edited by TheRock

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There seem to be fireworks all year round now. Money up in smole literally.

Seems slightly ironic we have a bitter war in Gaza, remembrance weekend and people letting simulated bombs off 😉

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