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cambridgeshire canary

Russians asked if they should invade Poland

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2 hours ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

Nice to see a little old women go on about how Ukrainian babies should be killed.. Jesus christ


maybe she remembered their Ukrainian war hero who killed some 100.000 in eastern Galicia, then part of Poland. they were mostly women and children. Maybe she wants all the pasts Polish territory back from Ukraine.

Nowt to do with Russians but it pitches in well with all the other lies we are told. Moreover, just because City hall flies the yellow and blue flag does not mean that they are a province of Ukraine/ priority target, they just sold the Norwich flag at a car boot sale to buy themselves an ice cream.

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Wanting former territory back from another country is odd logic to use when considering Europe. Kaliningrad's in real trouble using that logic (if we're going to go all philosophical about it, I'll just say I Kant believe it 😉 ), and we'll have the Åland crisis rehashed for the 21st century if we head off that way!

I haven't even touched the Szeklers in Romania yet. 😄 

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2 hours ago, Herman said:


On 05/03/2023 at 17:12, Herman said:

I think the Poles would love them to try it.

I speak to my family in Poland on a regular basis and they are extremely concerned. The main cause of their concern is that the West thinks Putin won't invade Poland. He will. 

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1 hour ago, dylanisabaddog said:

I speak to my family in Poland on a regular basis and they are extremely concerned. The main cause of their concern is that the West thinks Putin won't invade Poland. He will. 

That makes it really simple if Russia invades Poland. It's an attack on a NATO country, in which case it's open season on all Russian forces outside of Russia.

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On 05/03/2023 at 16:41, TheGunnShow said:

Wanting former territory back from another country is odd logic to use when considering Europe. Kaliningrad's in real trouble using that logic (if we're going to go all philosophical about it, I'll just say I Kant believe it 😉 ), and we'll have the Åland crisis rehashed for the 21st century if we head off that way!

I haven't even touched the Szeklers in Romania yet. 😄 

If you take it far enough, all of humanity should be deported to Africa where it started.

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On 05/03/2023 at 12:54, cambridgeshire canary said:

Nice to see a little old women go on about how Ukrainian babies should be killed.. Jesus christ


I hope these people remember the queues for a loaf of bread and a beetroot.

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This is why we need to keep pouring aid and weapons into Ukraine. If we don't stop them here the battlefield will just come further West. The Eastern European countries that have been warning us for decades saw this a mile off but Germany and France etc were too busy taking Putin's oil and gas and handing him money to spend on his armies. Thank goodness for good old fashioned Russian corruption and incompetence that most of it was spirited away.

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11 hours ago, dylanisabaddog said:

I speak to my family in Poland on a regular basis and they are extremely concerned. The main cause of their concern is that the West thinks Putin won't invade Poland. He will. 

Would Putin be that stupid? They are struggling against a weak Ukraine, without a decent air force. They have proved they are a paper tiger.

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There was an interesting video on why Russia (or at least, expansionist/irredentist regimes) would be ****ed if Finland joined NATO, and it seemed to boil down to a long border of wilderness that's hard to patrol, not to mention that many Finnish men still undergo military service so the Finns can call upon a lot of men quickly, not to mention give them decent equipment.

Putin's from St. Petersburg. Before the Russian/Finnish border changed in 1944, one of the major cities was Viipuri (now Vyborg in Russia). Which is under a hundred miles away from St. Petersburg. If Finland allowed forces hostile to Russia to go over their borders, they'd get very close to Russia's second city that way! Putin may or may not be losing his marbles, but St. Petersburg has always had that vulnerable position to it.

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8 hours ago, Herman said:

Would Putin be that stupid? They are struggling against a weak Ukraine, without a decent air force. They have proved they are a paper tiger.

The problem is perhaps that people in the West just don't understand Russia (or perhaps I suffer from paranoia because of my upbringing).  Putin wants to recreate the USSR and he has no line in the sand. Calling him crazy would probably be an understatement. 

The other problem is that his staff don't like giving him bad news. An extraordinary number of them have 'fallen' out of tall buildings. 

We can only hope that he fails in Ukraine but quite what happens in Russia if he does is impossible to predict. 

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