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Crossdressing Canary

Illogical dislikes

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Anyone got any illogical dislikes? Things you can''t stand but don''t know why, or you do know why but the reason is pretty rubbish?

Let off steam on here, instead of getting involved in the petty vendettas on the Norwich City discussion threads.

I''ll start off with a couple:

Beards-don''t like them, almost universally not suited to the person who wears one-this one is pretty illogical, as naturally all males-and some females-would be sporting them unless they shaved.

Hats-again, don''t like them-even functional ones- partly because I don''t look good in any, but partly because I don''t think anyone else looks good in them either.

Over to you.

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Don''t mind if I do. Can''t stand armed robbery of any kind and at any level. Taking something valuable of others, by force or violence, is untenable and should be punished.http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2489992/armed_robbery_in_gaza_israel_us_uk_carve_up_the_spoils_of_palestines_stolen_gas.html

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That isn''t an illogical dislike is it?Anyway, what''s wrong with beards? Except they are not suitable for this weather.

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Don`t like actors with deliberately booming voices, what`s wrong with a bit of decorum.

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Sicknotes. They don''t effect me personally just feel they waste a lot of other people''s time.

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What about phrases that make you cringe? I can''t stand ''back in the day'', it sounds so pretentious. Also hate ''lovely jubbly'', I really liked Only Fools And Horses but really dislike this phrase!

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[quote user="walkern canary"]Wasps [/quote]

Unusual lack of them this summer?!

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Maybe they are saving it all for Autumn film prems...Attack of the Illogical Wasps.hex

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apologies hex, not picking on you individually or pama ham who i''ve also seen doing this recently, but my illogical dislike is:

when posters put their name after their post; why? There''s no need, its just annoying (to me), I can see that your the one who posted it because it says on the side that you did, why sign it? it''s not a letter, it''s pointless, do you say your name at the end of every sentence? I very much doubt it.


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I have been trying for a subtle reply miggins.And failed.Along the lines of "It used to be like that,now it goes like this" "Play it loud".Life is a "Rolling Stone".I once was someone that might have been banned for being silly.And then again I was banned for rambling.I was also along with the whole bunch wiped overnight.I find it hard to remember who I thought I was. Hex ..Hexem grew out of a ban from 2 forums. Are you keeping up at the back there miggins..I threw on a new cloak of anonymity and hexed them, (2 forums)I retain the NM name elsewhere. And my real name is CE. So stuff that in the pie!

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Rudeness begats rudeness and so it goes on, this then gets out of hand and the person who instigates said strop then complains and hey ho a ban. I would actually ban the words `racism` and `bigotry` then perhaps we would end up with proper argument, anyway that''s my excuse for being banned. I also got banned once for calling myself `nobcheese` {well I thought it was funny}. Personally couldn`t care less if people stick initials at the end of a post. Now to my illogical dislike of the day, I cannot pretend to be well educated {ok fill your boots} but I do make an effort to get my English correct. So, why do people start sentences with `but` and `and`, even the heavyweight papers and people who should know better do it, I was always taught it was wrong, is it?

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I find it would be better not to be racist or bigoted than to ban the words. H. [;)]

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Indeed.And I say unto you...the wrath of God...will descend on unbelievers and grammar police.But nay, sayeth the multidudes " we only follow the fashion".hex,NM,CE.ccShrimper/Northender/Gardener/Chandos/Bukuru/Wallis/ sine nomine.

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".....why do people start sentences with `but` and `and ''..."

And did those feet in ancient timeWalk upon Englands mountains green:And was the holy Lamb of God,On Englands pleasant pastures seen! And did the Countenance Divine,Shine forth upon our clouded hills?And was Jerusalem builded here,Among these dark Satanic Mills?If it was good enough for William Blake , it should be good enough for you.Not forgetting one of the greatest works of English literature , the King James version of the bible published in 1611.And God said let there be light.And there was light.And some advice for you from the same source :

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”

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Slap on the wrist..Daisy Roots and Larson of course, and the butterfly from Vermont.I think the poster was elderly and may have joined the great spiderweb in the skyxxx

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Crikey... that caught me by surprise. Larson. I thought it was a quiet afternoon.....Nobody would be awake.Yesterday I walked down to St Lukes ,a concert hall now ,and across the ancient burial grounds nearby.Bunhill fields. Full of ancient memorials. It does make you pause and think.

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Bleedin  `ellfire, where was I? If we can`t trust William Blake to get it right who can we trust? Young Christopher, a quiet afternoon? If only.

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