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Bad Films!

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What films do you feel have wasted 90 plus minutes of your life?What films have you walked out of?

Jaws 4-The Revenge. 

Sharks are not vengeful and they can''t roar.And probably the worst Caribbean accents i have heard.Just stupid!!


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Even when he is slaughtering the Burmese junta in Rambo?? Yes,i watched that last night as well[:$]

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Casino Royale with Daniel Craig - pure shite. Craig is a crap Bond. Other stinkers include: The Matrix, Lost in Translation (it was for me!), Pret a Porter and many more so bad I remember nothing about them. At least I managed to sleep through most of The Matrix. I frequently find that if the critics love a movie I hate it and vice versa. A film I adored that was pretty much universally hammered by those in the know was the remake of The Ladykillers, starring Tom Hanks. Brilliant. The original, in my opinion, was crap.

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''Dude Where''s My Car?'' The worst pile of poo i''ve had the misfortune to sit through. Only saw it due to a recommendation from a colleague, safe to say I never bothered with any more of his suggestions!

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[quote user="AJ"]Megashark Vs Giant Ocotpus![/quote]

On SyFy channel by any chance?

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I think it might have been on there at some point!

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[quote user="Alejandra"]Worst film Ive ever seen is Dark Water, id be surprised if anyone likes that [/quote]i didnt think it was that bad to be honest."orphan" was pretty crap.... the matrix is over rated tosh.theres loads of films i can go on about that are crap. 25th anniversary of Robo Cop this year.. apparently that film is a "classic" too.. clearly times were deseperate in the 80''s!

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[quote user="Julius Sieze-Her"]Anything with Michael Caine in it.[/quote]

" Get Carter "...one of the great British films of all time , certainly in the top 50. And " Sleuth " is a wonderful acting performance. The Ipcress File is another classic. The Man Who Would be King , directed by John Huston who thought it was the best film he ever made and he made plenty of classics and should know. Mind you , they are all 30 years or more in the past and he has appeared in much rubbish since.

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Anything with Sylvester Stallone in it , he can''t act. Let''s face it , he can barely speak. Almost all films longer than 90 minutes. Hugh Grant...no reason need be given. All cockney gangster caper films , apart from The Long Good Friday " . All romantic comedies...." romantic comedy " ...are there two more doom laden words in the entire English language ? All film musicals , the only half bearable one being the film version of Lionel Bart''s Oliver Twist.

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[quote user="PurpleCanary"]Kubrick''s 2001. It may be true that in space no-one can hear you scream, but you can find yourself watching paint dry.[/quote]

The myriad of cr@p films out there and the single one you pick out is the classic that is 2001: A Space Odyssey !?!?!The fact that the film isn''t action-packed, in-your-face entertainment catering for the masses is the whole point.


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[quote user="Larson E Whipsnade"]Anything with Sylvester Stallone in it , he can''t act. Let''s face it , he can barely speak. Almost all films longer than 90 minutes. Hugh Grant...no reason need be given. All cockney gangster caper films , apart from The Long Good Friday " . All romantic comedies...." romantic comedy " ...are there two more doom laden words in the entire English language ? All film musicals , the only half bearable one being the film version of Lionel Bart''s Oliver Twist.[/quote]

I cannot agree with that at all.The rest i mostly agree with[Y]

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Gotta be Blair Witch Project and Mission Impossible 2 or 3 - whichever 1 had the motorbike chase - no storyline whatever.Arnie films can be hit and miss.Also anything with that crap actor who''s so awful I can''t remember his name. He''s 1 of those big strong guys turned actor who makes Arnie look a talented actor.

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[quote user="drurys testamonials mark 15"]Gotta be Blair Witch Project and Mission Impossible 2 or 3 - whichever 1 had the motorbike chase - no storyline whatever.

Arnie films can be hit and miss.

Also anything with that crap actor who''s so awful I can''t remember his name. He''s 1 of those big strong guys turned actor who makes Arnie look a talented actor.

That''s probably The Rock.

(In the same boat as Van Damme and Seagal)

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[quote user="Shyster"][quote user="PurpleCanary"]Kubrick''s 2001. It may be true that in space no-one can hear you scream, but you can find yourself watching paint dry.[/quote]

The myriad of cr@p films out there and the single one you pick out is the classic that is 2001: A Space Odyssey !?!?!

The fact that the film isn''t action-packed, in-your-face entertainment catering for the masses is the whole point.



No, the point is that it is a stupendously boring film. And certainly inferior to some of his earlier work, such as Paths of Glory, and Dr Strangelove.

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I am fairly easy to please when it comes to films, can sit through most and derive some enjoyment with some of my favorates being war films... which makes me wonder why, no matter how many times I try one of the supposedly best films of all time featuring some excellent performances apparently fails to hold my attention for more than 10 mins.. I give you ladies and gentleman.. Apocalypse Now. A film I should love but dont.



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