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The layout has changed and I''m not a fan of it. The highlights a little brighter and the colour is horrible, overall they seemed to have reduced bordering amongst all the scores so it has become harder to focus on.
What do people use for getting live scores?

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I use flashscores and sofascore for updates on Ray''s funds games. I sometimes still can''t find Purple''s game....


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Livescore and Soccerway, although the latter is a lott slower, it has more leagues.

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Livescore.com is simple and gives a decent amount of detail (lineups/match stats/text commentary) if you want it (but you have to click on the game to get that so it doesnt spam the site)

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I stand outside Radio Rentals with my mates and watch the latest scores/full times appear on one of their display TV''s.....I also intend to enroll on a lip-reading course sometime in the near future, so I can actually see what Des Lynam''s actually talking about......

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Used to look forward to the half time scores at CR when they hung numbers up on hooks, you had to work it out which the letters applied to, but it was something to do at half time -
 A 1 0
 B 1 1
 C 2 0

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[quote user="KiwiScot"]
The layout has changed and I''m not a fan of it. The highlights a little brighter and the colour is horrible, overall they seemed to have reduced bordering amongst all the scores so it has become harder to focus on.
What do people use for getting live scores?

Looks exactly the same to me!

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