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    Steve Weaver

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    "Huddersfield Town confirm the departure of Academy Manager Steve Weaver""Huddersfield Town have confirmed the departure of Academy Manager Steve Weaver ahead of the club''s inaugural Premier League campaign.""The 44-year-old was brought to the club by former Head of Football Operations Stuart Webber in May 2016, with the pair having previously worked together at Wrexham AFC and Wolverhampton Wanderers."http://www.examiner.co.uk/sport/football/news/huddersfield-town-confirm-departure-academy-13426541#Hmm! I wonder? [8-)]

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    Would be good to get some coaches who aren''t Farke''s men in place. Just in case the worst happens and he turns out to be not very good.

    Webber does seem to like working with people he knows, the two recruitment people he hired were both people he''d worked with before.

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    He did, and then the club hired exclusively Germans...

    I felt going into the season Norwich were a little light on coaches, and not everyone who left this summer seems to have been replaced. Although new people might have been brought in lower down the ladder and not mentioned.

    A goalkeeper coach would be good.

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    So far we only have Richard Money (Academy Director) and the physio left from before Webber''s appointment. Irvine, McAvoy, Kiely, Spearing, Ricky Martin and Darnborough all gone.With this guy Weaver being Academy Director for Huddersfield, you''d hope he wasn''t after Money''s job [:P]

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    [quote user="Icecream Snow"]So far we only have Richard Money (Academy Director) and the physio left from before Webber''s appointment. Irvine, McAvoy, Kiely, Spearing, Ricky Martin and Darnborough all gone.With this guy Weaver being Academy Director for Huddersfield, you''d hope he wasn''t after Money''s job [:P][/quote]

    We still have Neil Adams!

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    [quote user="lappinitup"]Didn''t he also say something about wanting some British coaches too Bethnel?[/quote]He''s since said that they''re no longer worried about that. Would probably expect a German goalkeeper coach before too long, unless they promote from within.

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    [quote user="lappinitup"]Didn''t he also say something about wanting some British coaches too Bethnel?[/quote]British coaches ?I hope he doesn''t mean any of these[URL=http://s836.photobucket.com/user/mrjug2/media/bin%20one.jpg.html][IMG]http://i836.photobucket.com/albums/zz288/mrjug2/bin%20one.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

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    [quote user="Icecream Snow"]So far we only have Richard Money (Academy Director) and the physio left from before Webber''s appointment. Irvine, McAvoy, Kiely, Spearing, Ricky Martin and Darnborough all gone.With this guy Weaver being Academy Director for Huddersfield, you''d hope he wasn''t after Money''s job [:P][/quote]Sounds like Money''s leaving. Pity, thought he was supposed to be pretty good, especially as Huddersfield seemed light on young talent coming through.

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    [quote user="lappinitup"]Didn''t he also say something about wanting some British coaches too Bethnel?[/quote]

    Yes, of course he did, yet when Big Vince mentioned that on this board he was roundly condemned for simply repeating what the boy said.

    Talk about playing the poster...................

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    That ties in with this then

    Michael Bailey‏ @michaeljbailey

    Suggestions here at Colney, Richard Money is leaving his post as #ncfc academy manager

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    [quote user="Dorset Canary"]Seems strange someone is being replaced so soon, guess we can only assume they don''t feel he is up to the role.[/quote]

    It''s a case of Mr Webber wanting his own men in I suspect.

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    [quote user="Icecream Snow"]So far we only have Richard Money (Academy Director) and the physio left from before Webber''s appointment. Irvine, McAvoy, Kiely, Spearing, Ricky Martin and Darnborough all gone.With this guy Weaver being Academy Director for Huddersfield, you''d hope he wasn''t after Money''s job [:P][/quote]Just a matter of time before Weaver is announced. [:)]

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    I love Money''s comment about having worked around Farke since he arrived, he''s now gained the spark to go back into management.Either it''s pointless lip service to DF whilst covering an underlying issue, or in fact we genuinely do have a VERY good manager on our hands, and personally I''m far more inclined to believe that the latter is true.

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