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  2. only problem we''d have to stump 1,000 quid each to gain control, afterwards whats gonna pay the wages? gingerbits i wholeheartedly agree with you but the last thing the board has ever wanted is the fans knowing the truth. POWER TO THE PEOPLE NCFC MES QUE UN CLUB! HOPE I DON''T GET BANNED FOR WRITING IN CATALAN HOMAR, I NO PASTA
  3. oh well there go this years restaurant profits, about 700,000 according to the torygraph
  4. [quote user="Brendan"]wow, probablty the best and most detailed thread ive ever seen. Bravo my friend. I take my hat off...[/quote]SHORT AND SWEET LIKE ME MISSUS
  5. no surprise i''m sad really you seen the mockery the club has become, go and have a wet dream, your only damp behind the ears
  6. brendan, ohh brendan, brendan is a bore , who likes sniffin'' whoreeessssssss
  7. [quote user="Brendan"]Nahhh i can see us getting around 18,000[/quote] BRENDAN CHAMPION UNDERAGE HAPPY CLAPPER --- and he''s proud,hope delia''s saying prayers for you boy
  8. i would love this to be true then all the small-minded racist smart arsed twats might start thinking,coz delia ain''t gonna have a good word with god for ya
  9. ahh the fingergate cup, haven''t we got more pressing issues ffs
  10. boo or hiss he''ll still miss
  11. [quote user="Brendan"]Yeah, to be fair on his behalf, even "happy clappers" like me would be mightily peed off. Ah well its not me this time so i can just say this >>> [:D][/quote] NUMPTY; GET YERSELF LAID SON
  12. just think if delia had some real money how different things would be - links -quotes --did you see how strong the man city defence was against barca in the gamper cup tonight?
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