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  1. Was a great game, just got back, the place was full!Also in attendance were, Grant Holt, Cody McDonald, Paul McVeigh and Chris Martin!McVeigh was having a good ole chat with Carolyn and Fleming at the start aswell as Gary Holt who had a great game tonight!
  2. The songs an embarrasment.No response from us because they guys in the snake pit are pathetic, if they sang songs to help the team then of course they would get a response as proved in the first 10 mins.The whole chant may be a bit of banter but the barclay would rather watch the game and support the team rather than pretend to be loyal supporters by singing that cr*p
  3. This might just be me, but id rather Gunn took these players on trial and see what they can add rather going on what agents say. Its better than offering them 3 year deals without a trial surely?So stop trying to jump on the bandwagon and moan about how Gunn is a shocking manager. This is his first full transfer window so give the bloke a chance. Btw this doesnt apply to most, just some of the moaners.Rant Over.
  4. Reading that sounded like someone describing Iwan! [:D]
  5. Sorry i dont get your point?On the forum surely Pete can joke and call him McSmall.But in all the reports it says Paul McVeigh so the pink''un are doing nothing wrong.
  6. I was at leicester that day. Leicester originally threw the coins in our direction, hitting a woman in the face causing pain to her.My hatred for the wolves is the 2nd Leg of the play-off semi final.You win 1-0 we go through, cue all your "fans" spitting down on us and throwing coins down.Then 2 cars with a norwich scarf in were bricked on the way out of your city.
  7. Blood Sugar, without a doubt. Awesome Tune. Easily pendulums best but not one people have heard of as it was before they were big.Listen to the start aswell, the speech is good. Then the TUNEEEEEEEEE!But yeah - Blood Sugar - If you need a link just pm me and ill sort you out ;]
  8. Surely only one can get him though!
  9. COVENTRY CITY are weighing up a £1 swoop for Norwich City''s Sammy Clingan, according to reports.I Hope not! [:D]Should hold out for £1.50 to be honest.
  10. Cool thanks. Does it cost anything or do you just pay as and if you want the tickets?I would just pop in tomorrow but its journey that isnt really needed so i dont want to go to Norwich just to get the Form. Ill phone up and see if they would send it to me.Thanks for your help guys!
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