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Everything posted by Webbo118

  1. [quote user="shaunieboy77"]Grabban could score goals against the likes of Sunderland,Swansea,Newcastle,Southampton and West Brom. All of whom are likely to be our relegation rivals.[/quote] We have no control over that but we potentially had the capability of ensuring that he wouldn''t score against us on Saturday.
  2. [quote user="Chip20"]Ooh, ooh; my turn! Me sir, me sir. What if we had sold Grabban to a Championship club instead, we get relegated anyway, and Grabban scores the goals next season that gets his new club promoted at our expense? Would that have been naive, short-sighted, bad business etc.? We could potentially be promotion/relegation rivals with a whole number of clubs over the remainder of Grabban''s career. Why is it only this season where there''s a potential problem?[/quote] Hypothetical nonsense, of course. We are talking about one game and one game only. I sometimes wonder which planet some of the people on this forum live on.
  3. [quote user="Jim Smith"][quote user="morty"][quote user="Jim Smith"]Don''t think they really held any "aces" because we are not some cash strapped little club in desperate need of the cash. They''ve been after him since the summer so I doubt they would have walked away had we said they can have him but one week later. They are not really in a much worse position than us and indeed will probably be above us by the end of the week if we lose down there.[/quote]Can you not just begrudgingly accept, that this is a fantastic piece of business?[/quote] We don''t really know yet do we. If Grabban hits 10 goals in the rest of the season and Bournemouth stay up at our expense then it won''t be good business no because staying up this season is worth far more than £8m to the club. On the face of it its potentially good business because i suspect we all don;t think he''s capable of doing that. If, however, he plays an influential role in Bournemouth beating us on Saturday then it will be less good. that''s why I would have preferred to delay the deal until after that game so as not to take the risk of that happening. I think taking that risk is unneccessary and unwise. I''m not saying we should not sell him at all.[/quote] You are absolutely right. At last, someone who has actually got a clue. I was beginning to wonder!
  4. [quote user="Buh"]Does anyone else see the sweet, sweet, delicious irony of posters calling for us to delay the transfer of grabban but getting angry at the club for not signing Naismith yet? Mmmm Delicious![/quote] I suppose it might be dangerous to ask if you can see the even sweeter, the even more delicious irony of what you have just written
  5. [quote user="......and Smith must score."][quote user="Jim Smith"][quote user="morty"] Yes we could. You just agree the deal but don;t transfer the registration until its too late for him to play on saturday. I know you can;t put clauses in the contract now saying they can''t play but we could have delayed the deal. Presumably Bournemouth played "hardball" by threatening to walk away if we didn''t complete it this week and we caved in.[/quote]Why would you presume that?We got very, very good money for a player that wasn''t playing, and didn''t want to be here. Surely, even you, can see the positive in that?[/quote]To be fair Jim Bournemouth held all the aces on this.If we''d thrown our toys out of the pram about him playing on Saturday it would have been cutting our noses off to spite our face and we''d have had no complaints if Bournemouth had backed out on the basis we were messing them about. They are obviously keen for him to play asap as they''re in a worse position than we are.No one else appears to have been after Grabban so to risk jeopardising the deal from the only club interested in paying a stupid price for a '' what if '' scenario would have been madness.[/quote] I hope you don''t play poker. They held all the aces?? They''ve been desperate to get him back for months!
  6. [quote user="morty"][quote user="Jim Smith"][quote user="......and Smith must score."][quote user="Jim Smith"]Sorry but this is just hugely, hugely amateurish in my view. Ok Grabban is a player who misses a few chances and long term its probably a good deal for the club but so far as Saturday is concerned you just don;t take the risk of a highly motivated Grabban popping up and scoring an important goal that costs us points and earns our rival points at the same time. Agree the fee, agree everything about the move by all means but do not let the deal/paperwork go through until after the game against Bournemouth. Really do not know what we are thinking here. So predictable what is going to happen on saturday now.[/quote]Relax Jim. Bournemouth''s offer was so stupidly good we had to take the cash before they woke up and realised they''d been stiffed [;)]OK suppose he scores on Saturday. It may mean we lose but sacrificing at most three points for silly money must be seen as good business.[/quote] Disagree Smithy. We don''t need the money and staying in the premier league is all important. Realistically we have 4 or 5 rivals for 2 relegation places. Bournemouth are one of them and in fact probably our most likely rival for that third spot if you accept that Swansea and Newcastle have better squads than us and Bournemouth and could pick up. Them gaining 3 points at our expense could be highly significant in terms of staying up as we saw in the Lambert season when our consistent successes against the bottom clubs more or less assured our safety. he may be wasteful but on his day he can be a handful and I just think taking that risk is unnecessary and naive. We can;t control whether they played either of their other new signings. We could control this. If he scores against us on Saturday then allowing this transfer to go through before the game will have been a poor decision.[/quote]No we couldn''t. Apart from the cup tie rule, there is no precedent where a club can put an agreement like this in place.I believe that it is even against European employment legislation, or something of that ilk.[/quote] We most certainly could control this - sell him on Sunday.
  7. [quote user="......and Smith must score."][quote user="Jim Smith"]Sorry but this is just hugely, hugely amateurish in my view. Ok Grabban is a player who misses a few chances and long term its probably a good deal for the club but so far as Saturday is concerned you just don;t take the risk of a highly motivated Grabban popping up and scoring an important goal that costs us points and earns our rival points at the same time. Agree the fee, agree everything about the move by all means but do not let the deal/paperwork go through until after the game against Bournemouth. Really do not know what we are thinking here. So predictable what is going to happen on saturday now.[/quote]Relax Jim. Bournemouth''s offer was so stupidly good we had to take the cash before they woke up and realised they''d been stiffed [;)]OK suppose he scores on Saturday. It may mean we lose but sacrificing at most three points for silly money must be seen as good business.[/quote] How many points does £8M, sat in the Bank, give you?
  8. [quote user="nutty nigel"][quote user="grefstad"][quote user="nutty nigel"]Did Bruce say "The reason ncfc transfers always go slooow is McNally''s cheapskate approach to every deal." Or was that Grefs inside knowledge that he doesn''t have? Or was it actually made up? [/quote] It was my personal opinion. You know, Nutty, in a fecking forum like this, it is nearly all about opinion. Few, if any, in here have got any inside knowledge of happenings inside Carrow Road offices. Common perception is that McNally is not an easy guy to make deals with. And I got a feeling many of our "failed" deals has got something to do with him and his (cheapskate) dealings. But that is just my opinion.[/quote] It didn''t read like an opinion Gref. It read like a feckin'' know the lot post. I doubt anyone here has inside knowledge. However opinions have to be weighted against what we know. So if we take the progress of the club since McNally joined. And the way we have managed to sign players that have managed to play 4/5 seasons in the premier league. Your opinion doesn''t really hold water unless McNally has actually been a millstone around the club''s neck and what''s happened is down to the cook and her cohorts in spite of McNally... [/quote] And starting with the words "common perception is" don''t help. How do you know what common perception is?
  9. [quote user="morty"][quote user="cornish sam"][quote user="kick it off"][quote user="Webbo118"]I think you are making yourself look a little bit silly by describing his goal against Arsenal as a "tap in". Some may argue that you are displaying your lack of knowledge of the finer arts of striking.[/quote]Ok mate, well you use your terminology and I''ll use mine. Does calling it something else mean it wasn''t an incredibly easy chance and he wasn''t unchallenged 8 yards out? Some may argue that your pedanticism over terminology is displaying your lack of knowledge in the finer arts of ''not being a bellend''.[/quote] I think you''ll find that''s pedantry not pedanticism...[/quote][:D][/quote] I saw what you did there - displayed some classic pedantitity.
  10. [quote user="lake district canary"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNid2qzbPt8Goal is at 6.08 minutes. Excellent goal all round. Great turn and pass by O''Neil, positive run and pass from Brady, ball well collected by Grabban, composure and strength to keep off Gabriel, turn on goal and a cool finish. If you don''t like Grabban, that''s one thing, but that was a well taken goal. [/quote] Couldn''t agree more. Move finished off by fox in the box with some clinical finishing.
  11. [quote user="kick it off"][quote user="Webbo118"]I think you are making yourself look a little bit silly by describing his goal against Arsenal as a "tap in". Some may argue that you are displaying your lack of knowledge of the finer arts of striking.[/quote]Ok mate, well you use your terminology and I''ll use mine. Does calling it something else mean it wasn''t an incredibly easy chance and he wasn''t unchallenged 8 yards out? Some may argue that your pedanticism over terminology is displaying your lack of knowledge in the finer arts of ''not being a bellend''.[/quote] Well that certainly touched a nerve.
  12. [quote user="STAN"]Number9 wrote the following post at 08/01/2016 12:28 PM: I''ve said it before and I''ll say it again, Howson has been captain at every club/level he''s been at. Also he plays most games for AN. He only played for Leeds prior to joining us? His first season as official captain of Leeds was the same season that he signed for us in January. A season in which he was injured in October and he never played for Leeds again. Personally I feel Howson ticks the "model pro" box, but he lacks most other key attributes that I would expect from a captain. Russel Martin is our club captain. If Martin isn''t playing the captaincy should be decided on a game to game basis. Hughtons idea of naming a ''club captain'' and a ''first team captain'' was probably the worst decision he made at NCFC![/quote] Worst decision? Really? I''ll have to get back to you on that one.
  13. [quote user="STAN"]Number9 wrote the following post at 08/01/2016 12:28 PM: I''ve said it before and I''ll say it again, Howson has been captain at every club/level he''s been at. Also he plays most games for AN. He only played for Leeds prior to joining us? His first season as official captain of Leeds was the same season that he signed for us in January. A season in which he was injured in October and he never played for Leeds again. Personally I feel Howson ticks the "model pro" box, but he lacks most other key attributes that I would expect from a captain. Russel Martin is our club captain. If Martin isn''t playing the captaincy should be decided on a game to game basis. Hughtons idea of naming a ''club captain'' and a ''first team captain'' was probably the worst decision he made at NCFC![/quote] Worst decision? Really? I''ll have to get back to you on that one.
  14. [quote user="Essjayess"]Dont get the part where it says Sunderland were in more need of a defender..but ah well. If we are talking CBs only then they have more CBs than City, but seem to prefer older age or injury prone CBs..for example Kirchoff.[/quote] Probably something to do with the fact that they have conceded more goals than anyone else.
  15. [quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="......and Smith must score."]That said I''m fairly confident their '' prudence with ambition'' of previous years is a bit more balanced now...[/quote]I hope our ''prudence with ambition'' is forever maintained Smithy, rather than finish up like a Bolton, Leeds or Portsmouth. As much as it''s been derided by many of our fans, it really has served us well over the years. A quick look at the Championship table will show many of those teams can look back at past successes while we can look to the future with confidence. How many times over the years have our fans looked at other club transactions with envy and yet many of those clubs are below us now?Why would we want to dump ''prudence with ambition'' when it has been so successful for us? [/quote] I thought he left a long time ago !
  16. [quote user="grefstad"]Barclay seats 48/49 the 3rd: Grabban isn''t capable of having a field day against a girls under 11 team , let alone two international CB''s Against DeMichelis, any forward who likes to run tve channels will have a field day. He does not like being dragged out of position. I am pretty sure Grabban will play tomorrow.[/quote] It''s a pity you couldn''t get dragged out of position !
  17. [quote user="Pyro Pete"]So that''s only £35million worth of centre back talent they''ll be fielding. Should be easy![/quote] Two established Argentinian internationals with 30 or more caps each. No problem!
  18. [quote user="kick it off"][quote user="chrisr1606"]But then you have to ask yourself...why are they offering so much for just a post it note?[/quote]No. I know the value of a post it note. If the buyer feels it''s worth more and are willing to pay then let them get on with it. Not my problem.[/quote] How much would you want for a don''t post it note?
  19. [quote user="kick it off"][quote user="lake district canary"][quote user="kick it off"]The two yard tap in is a skill that strikers in the Conference should have in their locker.Sorry just watched it again. The 8 yard tap in.[/quote] You had a right good go at me recently for writing something deemed stupid and then come up with something like this. Suggest you keep your insults to yourself in future if you are going to write rubbish like this. [/quote]You were arguing that Rudd is as good as De Gea. You continued to argue it for about 10 pages.I got the distance of Grabban''s tap in wrong. Checked, and corrected myself.I''m not quite sure why or how you believe that to be similar, but for once can you try and make it through an entire thread without attention seeking and trying to make it about you. You''ve made your point, I''ve answered it, either discuss Grabban or GTFO, I really don''t care which but I''m sure I''m not alone in being bored of the Lakey Diaries in every thread.[/quote] I think you are making yourself look a little bit silly by describing his goal against Arsenal as a "tap in". Some may argue that you are displaying your lack of knowledge of the finer arts of striking.
  20. [quote user="jaemae2"][quote user="Webbo118"][quote user="FenwayFrank"]You should have stuck with " I have no idea "[/quote] I thought he had ![/quote] If you don''t have a brain, yep.[/quote] Clearly that''s something else you know very little about !
  21. [quote user="Number9"]For confirmation: New year''s eve he tweeted tick tock - quite logical Since then he has the odd tweet about appreciated + a retweet of Elliott signing at Blackburn. The unusual pattern happens to be the virtual Twitter silence from him. Nathan is usually popping up at regular intervals with a variety of tweets, to have just those two comments in 6 days is highly unusual. The nature of his ''cryptic'' tweet + the timing, ie the transfer window opening, is very concerning.[/quote] Perhaps he''s just getting a bit bored with it.
  22. [quote user="FenwayFrank"]You should have stuck with " I have no idea "[/quote] I thought he had !
  23. We are the luckiest supporters in the country to have him as our Manager.
  24. [quote user="Mr Jenkins"]If the player doesn''t really want to come and we end up being a move of last resort for him then I think we are taking a huge risk with what for us is a lot of money. He obviously has the skill set that we need but more important will be judging his attitude and professionalism, I want players who are 100% committed, is that commitment really possible if you would prefer to be somewhere else?[/quote] Do you really think that our manager would sign a player if there was any doubt about his commitment? I remember someone else turning up to sign only to subsequently being shown the door!
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