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  1. She should think herself lucky. The first date i took my other half on was Port Vale away, now thats grim! That was Oct 1999 and she still comes to games so be careful what you let yourself in for.
  2. Quite right CT it is the championship not league 1. I just wonder why one championship club (Coventry) we''re happy enough to let Ward go and another two championship clubs (Preston and Doncaster) who had him on loan last season didn''t try to get him back?
  3. Glad GJP and Granty agree. Lambert has been superb for us but i really don''t think that this was a football descision as such. Lambert very quickly made a judgement on Doc and let everyone one know what it was. Doc was in PL''s eyes the last resort and we were very much down to the last resort for the Orient game when he brought him back and was then in the situation that he could not drop him because he was clearly our best CB by a country mile. As you say GJP can Lambert honestly look in the mirror and say that Nelson is the better player? If he can then i don''t think he''s the football genius we hoped he was. I disagree with you one one thing GJP in that i dont think its his only mistake. Going by what i''ve seen in the home friendlies and on Friday Jackson worries me. His finishing against Everton was seriously putting the corner flags in danger and i dont know if its just me but he dosen''t seem that fast even. Everytime he''s been in a chase with a defender he''s come out second. I''d much rather have kept Cody whos got pace and can finish and brought someone like Alan Lee or that type who''s played in the championship and can put pressure on Holt for his place.
  4. Big difference of opinion with you on this Persnickety and thats fair enough but i''d still defend my view on the subject. Yes i do remember the Brentford game and honestly my first opinion of Whitbread that day was that he looked shakey and he''s looked worse in the two games i''ve seen him in since then. I know we got the win against Brentford but i really thought he was the weakest link. It was his debut granted but he was woeful against Stockport. I think that Doc gave you 7/8 out of 10 every week and i can''t agree with you that he''s been shown up in the championship over the years, honestly that kind of comment is what always winds me up when Doc is being discussed cause its just not true. I''ve been very unimpressed with Ward in the three games i''ve seen him and that worries me cause i thought he''d be decent (which he hopefully turns out to be). Him and Nelson are not good enough as a pairing. Bury yellow said he''d rather go with PL''s judgement on this and not the posters on here. Well hows about we go with the views of the professional footballers who voted Doc in there team of the season, or do they know nothing either? Because my beef with this is Doc is better than Nelson, and yet Lambert has weakened us by getting shot of the better player and i think this comes down to a bit of face saving or whatever you want to call it by PL. I''ve no problem with getting rid of Doc if you bring in someone better, we haven''t. BTW even by your standards of dumbness to put it politely Yank that -6 compared to -1 is just about the most pointless post stupid post ever.
  5. Lambert has cocked up big time over this. He''s let our best CB go and we are worse for it. Couple of things, to the poster who said the club had a one year option on Doc''s contract so couldnt offer him anymore money, no that was last year. Roundabout March time Doc stated he hoped he''d be offered a new deal. And as for this myth that he must have been asking for silly money what shite that is. If thats the case he''s ended up at the wrong club cause Charltons money problems would hardly suggest he''s on big money there. Lambert was never keen on Doc and despite a season where once he''d come back into the side he was outstanding Lambert was always going to show him the exit door. If this was Roeder showing stuborness like that he''d be taking pelters on here but he''s not cause its Lambert but that dosen''t mean he''s right, he''s cocked up. Ward looks pretty dodgy and i can''t believe there seems to be so many pinning there hopes on Whitbread. He''s played about 3 games, looked crap in everyone and been injured since then, another Louis-Jean by the look of it.
  6. A few tasty looking little bets for you; Holt to score more league goals than Lita 5/6 with Totesport, got to be a very good chance seeing as Lita won''t start much i would think. Same odds for Martin to score more than Paynter. 4/5 for Earnshaw to score more than Nugent looks tasty to. 16/1 for Surman to be Norwich player of the year with Coral. Lump on Livingston to win Scot div two at 13/8 with Totesport. Not great odds but a double with Kilmarnock to finish bottom of SPL at 4''s could be good.
  7. Top post from grantroederdisater. Summed it up to a tee.
  8. Agree with you 100% Mr Chops and the original poster. If Doc went missing during the relegation season then a few others must have been missing presumed dead ffs. In Lambert we have to trust until such time as something goes tits up and he''s earned that trust but as the o.p. said letting Doc go was a big mistake. You have to laugh at the crap some people sprout about Doc on here still and yet if he was so bad how come he was voted in the divisonal team? A team voted for by professional footballers. I''d guess they probably know what there talking about in this case. And as for this he found his level rubbish he''s been our best defender for years. I hope Whitbread is upto the job but its looking bleak so far.
  9. Play offs everytime. Club should always come before country if your a true City fan.
  10. Thats your opinion Temp and your entitled to it only some of us have a different view of it. I''m English and happy to be so but i''ve got no intrest in the England football team and i''ve no desire to drive round with a couple of crappy plastic flags from Tesco on my car, unless there the ones that say CHAMPIONS 2009/10 of course! Only i ain''t seen those ones in my local Tesco.
  11. Really don''t give a stuff about England, never have been able to get into it and i''m in my forties now so i guess i never will. To be honest i''ll be glad when they go out cause the media have surpassed themselves this time i''m already sick of hearing about Gareth Barry''s bloody ankle or whether Carragher will play at rb or cb. I''m Norwich and thats it as far as i''m concerned, first last and always.
  12. Why exactly shouldn''t Arthur have started this thread then wiz? Thats a bit rich when you consider some of the pointless attention seeking threads you start. Indy is spot on with his reply when he say''s Gunn is a bigger legend than Curo will ever be and as he say''s you didnt mind laying into him so really it was your reply that was pointless, as usual.
  13. Why don''t you apologise for being an utter tool.
  14. I love it. How can it drown out the noise of the crowd when the crowd join in with it, leave it as it is and enjoy the fact we''ve heard so often this season.
  15. Incase you hadn''t noticed NCFCWebbo Charlton and Leeds are in League 1 as well and yet you can''t seem to go two weeks without one of them being on sky.
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