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Nuff Said

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Everything posted by Nuff Said

  1. TBF, and I’m not a fan, she was great especially considering she’s not well.
  2. Michael Johnson: “it was different”. 😂
  3. Just the fact it went on and on. And then on a bit more, was enjoyable. The balloon/flame was impressive as well.
  4. I was going to say you’re not going to see that every Friday night. But then I remembered Joe Lycett’s series that finished recently. This is better.
  5. Each to their own, we’re enjoying it.
  6. You saw the footage of Snoop Dogg with it earlier? Not quite sure why he’s Olympic-relevant but whatever.
  7. I’m just glad they closed the door on us.
  8. The planning meeting for the opening ceremony:
  9. I remember speed climbing from the last Olympics now you mention it. It is insane, you would swear it’s the camera which is at an angle, not the surface they climb.
  10. Not just in Europe. I’m looking at you, Republican Party.
  11. If only Trump and Vance would go forth and multiply….
  12. @canarydan23, I wouldn’t bother engaging with yellow hammer, he starts with a superficially informed post which, as you have rightly said is actually largely BS (for example the Health Foundation state “63% of children and working-age adults in poverty in 2022/23 lived in families where at least one adult was working part-time or more”) but once you call him out with actual facts and reality, he just resorts to “ok boomer”-type of retorts. Leave him to read his Daily Express and wallow in an imagined version of a country overrun by foreigners and feral benefit claimants.
  13. If I hadn’t literally said in the post you quoted “There will be some but for every Biden gaffe, I would expect to find a corresponding Trump “shark speech” “ you might have a point. It’s hardly deflection to make the same point twice.
  14. You clearly missed this one earlier:
  15. List these “endless gaffes”? There will be some but for every Biden gaffe, I would expect to find a corresponding Trump “shark speech”. However, for every Trump court case, I don’t think you will find any Democratic equivalents.
  16. Yes, an option for selection if we want to give ourselves the best chance of winning games. They are experienced professionals who currently are better players than the youth squad, otherwise we would already be picking the youth. While development of academy players is important, success on the pitch will always be a higher priority. You expect the youth players will get better but only our coaching team will know.
  17. The question is whether the money saved from the portion of wages covered is of greater worth than the value of having each player around the club and as an option for selection. If they are as unattractive as the OP suggests to us, then surely other clubs are going to pay very little. tl;dr - it’s not worth it for the pittance it would probably save.
  18. “My Labrador was a great dog and pet; good genes, very good genes, okay, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a Labrador, if he were an Alsatian if, like, okay, if he was a German Shepherd, they would say he’s one of the smartest dogs anywhere in the world — it’s true! “ (Only slightly adapted from a Trump speech)
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