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Everything posted by SeattleCanary

  1. i was gonna start a new thread on this then decided theres no point. But does anyone know how many loans we´ve had over the last 2-3 seasons, cos it must be a few! I dont know how to go back and check is there a way? We must be in the 10 in the country for loaning in players, i mean we have the playing staff turnover of a seasonal holiday camp.
  2. I live in spain and took the day off work 2day just so I could get a glimpse of my team on TV, and after having to give up my season ticket a year ago I was really looking forward to seeing the new look team and put all the results from the last 2 weeks to the back of my mind. I just wanted to enjoy seeing them play, but I couldn''t. It was really bad. We have fallen so far. I had a season ticket for 10 years before I moved here last year and my god guys......... on TV i saw god knows how many empty seats!!! And i aint suprised after today. how have we changed so much in 2 seasons i mean yeah the last game I saw was the 2-1 home loss to the scum 3 days before I moved and that was bad enough but at least you know you''d turn up and have a fair chance of a win, but now we just look defense - fragile drury mate whats happened stop running away with ur bak turned on the attacker and close him down midfield - bi-past by the route one ball attack- no threat, no presence, no Ashton or Earnie and it bloody shows!!!!!!!   I thought........... here goes..........that this year, forget having stars like Earnie, Ashton, Green, etc. I thought hey look at the team Grants built they aren''t stars, or individual game-changers but maybe hey we have a team that will be collective unit of average players rather than individual money grabbers who give it their full 30 percent of the time. But today I would of had Francis back thats how bad it was. Just like to say I feel for the season ticket holders, guess I had a lucky escape. But um whats the way forward????? cos its just soul destroying to sit and say hey thats my team, as you watched been made a laughing stock. Would you believe we beat MAN U 2 years ago???  i was there that day and we didn''t even look anything even close to that team today. Feels like 10 years ago. 
  3. Says on the official site that hes had the grand tour and is very impressed. The only thing that worries me is the tone of what his agent is saying its almost like a "well its nice and everything, but we''ll see". I would be amazed if the tour didn''t woo him like it did Ashton and Earnie they never looked back. Looks as if he''s still gonna wait for another club to bid so maybe this is why we have gone after Eastwood too just in case. There is no way we will get both is there??? Link below: http://www.canaries.premiumtv.co.uk/page/MediaTalk/0,,10355~1056426,00.html
  4. Ashton vs. Man City, sublime goal! and Safri vs. Newcastle screamer. any other goals are either equal to these or just not as good. as my best mate supports Newcastle so it made it even more sweet!
  5. Dion/Shax   Lappin/Safri   Earnie/Hux  but at the moment am a massive Chris Martin fan. Wish he was on fifa but hopefully by next season him and spillane will be.
  6. Varney just scored again!!! brace now for the day maybe even a hat-trick before the end of the game. This guy isn''t over achieving he''s proving he can do summit we can''t and thats score!!! Good goal by Dublin, I think that after all he''s done this season he should go into our hall of fame at times he''s been a one man team!
  7. Both scored today and two more we ''looked at'' but didn''t try for!!!! We''re 1-0 down AGAIN!!! Someone said that Varney isn''t that good and that he''s over achieving this season, well I''ll tell you summit, I''d like to have seen him carry on over achieving and scoring for Norwich!!! wouldn''t you??? we need a goalscorer. Losing at home to poor teams, these are sad times. I don''t even live in England anymore and listening to the game on the radio is painful enough that it makes me want to support my local team here (Elche) rather than a this sad sinking ship. NO PASSION!!! NO PASSION AT ALL!!!! PATHETIC.
  8. Huckerby isn''t an out-an-out striker and is fairly ineffective when played directly upfront. And Chris Brown! don''t make me laugh, Sunderland''s unwanted garbage. People never really change and he''s no different. So erm seriously where are the goals going to come from. Everyone knows that without Earnie we would already be one of the teams in the bottom three, so seriously who will score because the odd free kick from Safri or header from Dublin won''t get us the wins.
  9. With the slight disappiontment of the transfer deadline day, and only 2 midfieldrs coming in without the scent of a striker or defender, we need goals...........and quick. If he gets a game I think that Chris Martin could be the young, hungry goalscorer to answer all our problems and light up the rest of what has been a dim season. Now that he is getting in the squad in this January Window, this is his opportunity and out of all the new faces that have appeared at Carrow Road just reccently he excites me the most. If not then who will score the goals??? Realistically who can we get on loan to score the goals??? Acctually now I''m worried, but would love to see Chris show Jarvis, Henderson and Cart-Horse Thorne a thing or two.
  10. Extra!!! I don''t think so   Maybe the ones we were goin to get have now fallen through and were getting players now that had it not been for suspensions and injuries we wouldn''t have needed.
  11. [quote user="GJP"][quote user="jjblyss"] ryan jarvis, rossi jarvis, halliday and ian henderson....don''t write these 4 off they are all talented players who just lack exposure to playing week in week out, i believe PG rates all four but also he realises that especially in the case of ryan jarvis and ian henderson they were mis-used by his predecessor, henderson often played out of position and jarvis jsut put under either to much pressure or lost confidence either way lets support these guys they are young and whether you realise or not they are inexperienced and a stadium can be a daunting place when fans go against you. [/quote] While I agree with some of the comments you made later on in the post about the senior players I really think you''re giving some of them youngsters a bit too much credit. Giving people games or playing them in their favoured position doesn''t suddenly mean they''ll become quality professionals. Those 4 particular players would never make the grade at a club which has a stronger acadaemy system.Nigel Worthington realised they weren''t up to it and PG will be exactly the same. They have to give 1 or 2 a run every so often as a token gesture but aside from Joe Lewis there aren''t any young players at the club who stand out as being good enough to make the grade. We need to be more ruthless with the academy....players that just aren''t cutting it need to be kicked out rather than just letting them sit on the fringes of the first team for 4 years. [/quote] Chris Martin aswell as Joe Lewis are the exceptions big things are expected of him.
  12. Not if Shackell doesn''t pass the fitness test More likely:                            Marshall Colin (1 ''L'')   Doherty      Dublin      Drury Croft      Etuhu         Safri         Huckerby                Brown            Martin   This could be the more likely of the two as Shax is a major Doubt!
  13. Commons isn''t a central midfielder he''s a winger and he loves forest to bits he''ll never leave!
  14. this wasn''t supposed to be a rant. Just stating the obvious. Just wish we''d hurry up and get someone to replace Earnshaw now so they''re settled in by the time he leaves in the summer and we all know that now isn''t too far off in the distance.
  15. Your source of the Derby link cos I haven''t seen any story anywhere smudger!! Varney to Derby doubt it smudger very much!!! You think that with already spending 3 million in the window so far also having Howard, Lupoli and Fagen up front that they''ll buy another striker. Na mate and if by the end of the window they have bought him by all means drag this post up and rub my face in it but i very much doubt that that will happen. With us Varney is taking the step up and guaranteed first team footy plus your the only one who thinks we can''t get him. If he''s out of our reach then so is your suggestion of Chris Porter and Billy Sharp who I''d like to point out are playing for the top 2 sides in league one so are unlikely to leave with the prospect of promotion. Crewe ain''t gonna get promoted and Varney ain''t top scorer in the league like the other two that you suggested. So it''s realistic!
  16. If Earnie is injured then the arrival of Chris Brown number wise only replaces him we still need another striker one in and one out scenario. Any possible deal for one of the up and coming strikers we all wanted to see we must have a mill we can use or just under for someone in the top scorers list from league one. OR IF NOT PLAY CHRIS MARTIN. cos WLY is crap now i think we have established that, Dublin is better at the back although cover will be needed if Flem goes. Brown isn''t really good enough to be worth even half of Earnshaw. Varney would be great. Earny and Varney up front would keep us clear of relegation and next season when Earny goes to another club Varney and Martin or Brown would do a good job for us. Just makes logical sense something has to happen now either blood the youngster or buy and up and coming future star.
  17. we could always make some extra cash by setting up a circus in carrow road on sundays. we already have all the acts and they can even wear their shirts to identify who they are. Not sure who the clown will be yet as there are so many candidates. One act that we could consider performing could be someone demonstrating how to play football like the old days but I''m not sure we currently have the right staff. We could advertise.
  18. if we''ve signed Chadwick and now this let-down, i wouldn''t be at all suprised if theres only one more signing making the three for the window, so don''t expect a keeper defender and midfielder unless they''re about 40, work part time in tesco and play for yarmouth town. The Championship standard is now the standard and The Premiership is a dream land away and an over achievement and no longer an ambition for our board, every thing about our club screams ''Championship standard and below'', players, manager and most definitely the board. We are no longer a big fish in a little pond, always aiming at top 6, mid table nowshould be what we all pray for then if we can acheive this we will be in dream land right everyone? This club is a joke, and everyone is having a good laugh as we trip ourselves up making too many of the same blind mistakes over and over again!
  19. i no they must be blind. These are the sort of people that are just so desperate to see the good in everything and don''t wan to admit the obvious truth and that is that there isn''t even an upside to this transfer. Not one bit of silver lining!
  20. Why sign a player that can''t cut it in a mediocre championship team and seems like a Sunderland version of our Hughes, Etuhu, Robinson etc. I wouldn''t mind if our signings came good but past events don''t fill me with hope. Stop defending this signing people, I have nothing against the lad only for the board that have brought him here, we need people that will stand up and be counted, people that can share Earnies goal burden. If Earnie gets injured, even after this where the hell do we look? this guy is not the answer. What is wrong with Luke Varney? are the club stupid how many fans wanted Luke and not Brown we should have more involvement, we pay for the privilege for gods sake! Varney is highly rated probably at under 1 million would have been a coup, just like Watford did with Hoskins 1 million. Sorry guys but if Earnie gets injured we are gonna be stuffed. Sunderland are once again laughing their arse''s off at us, and I don''t blame them, we''d do the same if someone came in with half a mill for Hughes or Robbo or Dickson, so stop bein upbeat and be realistic, because in six months Chris Brown will once again be the topic of conversation on here again and you know in your heart of hearts that it won''t be anything other than to moan about how you wish we could terminate his contract and how we should have gone for Varney, Sharp, Porter, Hoskins, the list is endless maybe we should have tried some of these before moving to our D list. And notice that there was no competition to sign him just like Hughes and Carl Robinson, I guess that we must just see something in these players that no other club does thats why there is no competition, and we are normally wrong when going for the ones that no one else wants. He''s not up and coming and he''s not old and proven so what the hell are you pleased about. I''m fed up with the tosh this club feeds us apart from the odd ray of light every now and again to keep us sweet. Just quikly Luke Varney is about 5'' 11'''' to 6'' 1'''' perfect height and would have fitted the bill perfedtly, for price, target man attributes, goals to take the pressure off Earnie, and has age on his side and is already improving all the time, and is admired by many clubs (in other words competition which like Pearson is an indication that we are competing for a top player that is a wanted man). Brown is a poor teams reject like our Jarvis. What will he bring us?
  21. [quote user="I OWN THIS CLUB"] A girl who i work with who knows Crow from their school days tells me that Crow has been to have talks with the Canaries. Crow is apparantly not happy with life at Peterborough and has been having trouble with his landlord and wants a move back, although he does have a bit of bad feeling from how he left in the first place. Talks are apparantly going at a slow pace, but watch this space. [/quote] No it is not true. My Girl friend''s Nan who I also talk to is on the board of Directors at London Road, this is tosh chaps. Plus I went to Caister High school with Danny he don''t want to come back. Tosh!!!!!!
  22. oh well palace have signed Ifil now and I''m sure Southampton will get busier. We signed Croft in the summer and Chadwick now the last before them was Earnshaw a year a go. It is still very poor.
  23. If you ever watch the news and then the weather report you''ll see that the name that represents the east anglia area is ''Norwich'' and not Ips**t, among only a few other names. Just thought it was amusing and a bit sad a know but if they we considerd of higher stature then they would be on there and not us. At least this way we are consistantly on TV and we don''t even have to worry about losing or any embarrasing scenes from Delia, we just sit pretty on the map. Heres to much brighter sunnier times in the transfer window! 
  24. simple answer to the up and coming second fiddle to dion would be Luke Varney by miles and then stick Dublin on for the last 20 minutes.   Simple!
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