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Rethinking the future

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  1. With MOTD returning to our screens tonight, where do you think we will feature in the running order?My prediction for the running order is as follows...Chelsea v Swansea (Always likely to start with the current champions)Bournemouth v A. Villa (The media darlings known as Bournemouth will feature highly)Man Utd v Spurs (Do United ever feature below 3rd spot?)Everton v Watford (Lets now focus on the other promoted teams)Norwich v Palace (Don''t think we will be the last team shown)Leicester v Sunderland (Expect them to say these two could be fighting Relegation)
  2. Most people agree that the City stand is the one that needs to be replaced, but the estimated £30m figure will surely include costs relating to the road behind it and so you can not just look at costing the stand on a per seat basis from an industry guidebook. There will also be loss of revenue while the stand is being rebuilt, and then when seats are freely available, many may not purchase a season ticket as they believe they will simply be able to purchase a ticket as and when they wish to attend.
  3. The big problem about being unable to keep a clean sheet is the additional pressure it puts onto the strikers as they know they have to score 1 just to ensure we gain a single point, and that they have to score 2 or 3 in order for us to win all three points. As a neutral spectator, i would like to see 3 or 4 goals per game and this is probably why we are getting so much tv air time at the moment, but for the manager, cutting out the defensive errors is probably the main priority on the training ground.
  4. According to Talk Sport, we have the youngest premier league squad with an average age of 25.08 years. Is it a case of you can''t survive with kids or that they are young, hungry and fearless? http://www.talksport.co.uk/magazine/features/2011-09-07/premier-leagues-youngest-squad-revealed-its-not-man-united-find-out-average-age-your-team-here…?p=19
  5. I would like to get Man Utd away as they usually have a slow start to the season and get stronger as the season goes on. Playing them early gives us the best possible chance of getting points from a match you dont expect to win.
  6. Elliott Ward on a two-year deal from Coventry City on a free transfer
  7. Maybe we could have tried harder to buy Barnard - but that is assuming we hadn''t already tried our best, but for me, i think the real danger in trying to to sign Barnard too hard is that it would have unsettled Chris Martin, who at the time, had not signed the extension to his contract which expired at the end of the season. I guess the question is Martin or Barnard?
  8. With so many rumours going round, thought this guide might clear things up as to which sauce to use. If you are making it all up or simply guessing, you end up in the brown sauce. If you say something controversial, expect the red sauce to be spilt before it all ends in tears. If you have some hot new information, try using the reggae reggae sauce. And finally, with so many managers being interviewed, or spotted at the training ground (Asda), these will inevitably be the ones who are unable to cut the yellow sauce.
  9. [quote user="Lord Flashheart"][quote user="Rethinking the future"]I am so annoyed with this decision. The last time we lost 7-1 was to Blackburn in 1992 while we were in the Prem. At the time we were 2nd in the Prem. Mike Walker was manager. That season we finished 3rd in the league. What are the board trying to prove after 2 games? A 50% success rate is not good enough. Had we lost both games then you can slightly understand it. I know lots of people on here didnt want Gunn, but is a 50% record worth sacking someone? Would we have sacked Walker?[/quote]errr... he had plenty of games last season too. [*-)][/quote]Last season is over.  New season, new sqauad with 12 new players.  If you want to base results from last season, he shouldnt have been appointed.  The board decided to offer a contract for 1 year and so to fire some one after 2 games is madness.
  10. I am so annoyed with this decision. The last time we lost 7-1 was to Blackburn in 1992 while we were in the Prem. At the time we were 2nd in the Prem. Mike Walker was manager. That season we finished 3rd in the league. What are the board trying to prove after 2 games? A 50% success rate is not good enough. Had we lost both games then you can slightly understand it. I know lots of people on here didnt want Gunn, but is a 50% record worth sacking someone? Would we have sacked Walker?
  11. Absolute Madness. Two games into the season is no time at all for a squad to get into any kind of rhythm. Three managers in two seasons and God knows how many players in that time. No wonder we are in such chaos. And [putting on the tin hat] with so many fans expecting instant fixes, we now know that the next manager can not expect to survive long if results are not going as we want. The club needs stability and unity. There will now be endless arguments on this board (and by the board) on who to appoint. How long do we give them to appoint someone? How long does the new manager get to obtain results? Our record this season is W1 - L1. A 50% success rate not acceptable? With regards to finances, we have now wasted another years salary by sacking Gunn. This after one week. We are probably still paying Roeder, and Grant + all the previous back room team. What a waste. And then people wonder why we have no money.
  12. [quote user="CT "][quote user="newboy"][quote user="CT "]It looks as though something drastic is going to have to happen to get rid of the witch. DELIA OUT NOW. If we FORCE her to lower the demand for the club then we will soon find suitable bidders.Protests, boycotts, whatever it takes. She will take us as low as she wants, we cant let this happen. Its always been said that without the fans there is no club. [/quote] I will look forward to seeing all 30 of you shouting "delia out" at the next game, never going to happen, dont forget that chase robbed us blind before he left and we hardly forced him out he went when he wanted too taking as much of the club with him as poss ! dont waste you breath. [/quote]Well then maybe its time that something SERIOUS is done. Let us not forget that Delia has profitted from the vast number of past transfer windows and the money that has gone to the club has been wasted and has taken us to our lowest position in 50 years! Hardly a good job? [/quote]How has Delia profitted from the ''vast number of transfer windows''?  You say that the money that has gone to the club has been wasted -fair comment -but I dont see how Delia has profitted from the transfer window unless you are saying she has recieved some cash - a serious allegation and something you would have to prove if you say this is true.
  13. Theo''s performance yesterday or Gunns ''air kick'' meaning we lost to Ips**** at Portman Rd?
  14. With the Tuesday night being a cup game, it may be down to Tottenham as to whether we play Alnwick because they may refuse to allow him to be cup tied. I also believe Rudd is away with the England squad meaning we have no choice but to play Theo
  15. There is only one reason Norwich lost - Colchester scored more goals than us!
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