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Matt Morriss

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Everything posted by Matt Morriss

  1. No top 3. Just No. 1 Hanley, for his vast improvement over the first Prem season and only defender who looks remotely anything like resembling a Prem defender.
  2. If plenty did and not many complained about Tettey et al leaving, that doesnt automatically make their views right. Those who failed to see the impact of the 4 players leaving at the same time as Emi and Skipp, in my opinion failed to grasp the bigger picture. I was of the opinion from day one that losing those 4, and maybe even throw in Hugill, along with Skipp and Emi and replacing with a bunch of unknowns, 2 of which failed to stop their club from being relegated to Bundesliga2, was going to cause problems and I was thinking of the time Fulham came up and bought a whole new team, which didnt work at all. Again just because people werent complaining about players leaving, and many were baying for Farke blood, doesnt make them right. For me, arrogantly or otherwise, it shows a lack of football knowledge, and I think i am right to have held those opinions, and believe they are still right. The fact we are bottom by a country mile after a truly pathetic attempt to turn things around under Dean Smith proves, in my mind, that my initial fears were correct. We should have never sacked Farke as he clearly wasnt the problem and I had faith in him to turn it around, just like he turned it around post Maddison & Murphys when Pukki, Stiepermann and Co came in. Took a while to get going and Farke had to tinker (dropping Rhodes, pushing Pukki up top and bringing in Stiepermann in the hole, which clicked brilliantly). Do those who were convinced sacking Farke was needed actually stop and think about the fact Farke lost 6 integral players, key to winning the Championship, had 9 new players to gel, 5 of which had ZERO english football experience, let alone Prem, and 2 of which just got Werder Bremen relegated to Bundesliga 2 with a pi$$ poor goals and assists tally. Chuck in Tzolis, who has been a spectacular flop, and a contract clause Gilmour, which probably caused tensions when Farke refused to play him. And to top it off we have the most horrendous fixture list to start the season. Do the Farke bashers seriously believe none of the above were huge factors and it was all Farke and he had to go? Sorry, but I think those who believe that lack football nous. We should have also never let the 6 leave, although obviously Emi and Skipp was always going to difficult to hold onto. But with them going, the other 4 definitely shouldnt have. Far too much squad upheaval and reliance placed on players, new to English football, let alone the Prem. We should have retained the majority of the squad that won the Championship, like we did the first time round (that went onto to beat Man City 3-2 and Newcastle 3-0, but fell apart when injuries decimated the team) and invested the Buendia money on 3 players in the £20m range to replace Skipp, Emi and bring in another striker. Instead we spread it thin across 9 new players, of varying Prem experience, 5 of which had no english football experience at all (adding in Normann at Brighton as he didnt play 1 game). The only good bit of planning was the Gilmour signing, who we all thought would do well and really shoud have done better, but really hasnt at all and still has worse stats than Vrancic, 34 games in. And this was the masterplan to keep us in the Premier Legaue? and surprise surprise when it didnt bloody work we sacked Farke as it must have been him that was the problem. To top it off we bring in a manager who was performing so terribly at Villa after spending £200m that they were relegation candidates like us, and he was rightly sacked. A truly pathetically executed Premier League survival gameplan by Stuart Webber, wrong decisions made continually from day one back in June 2021, Gilmour aside.
  3. agreed, we wont win another point so that will make Smiths PPG 0.57 against Farkes 0.55 in the 1st season. Not enough to differentiate between the two managers. And certainly not enough to make the statement that "Dean still has a better record with Norwich in the Prem than Daniel ever did"
  4. I was never baying for his blood and never wanted him to be sacked. The problem is Smith, Webber, the owners and the recruitment. If Farke was the problem then Smith would have come in and we would have seen a significant improvement. We have not, and in fact we have gone backwards. The state of the team now under Smith is far worse than Farke. People dont analyse the situation under Farke enough. They only look at the league position and the 7-0's by Chelsea etc. Farke had just lost his best 2 players in Skipp and Buendia, along with highly influential squad players instrumental in the success he attained over the last 3 years, in Tettey, Vrancic, Hernandez and Stiepermann with Cantwell deciding to disappear also after an excellent season. Thats 7 players ripped out of the team that gained us so much success. 7 players. Not just Skipp and Emi, 7 players. Farke then had utter dross to work with replacing the above, with Gilmour, PLM, Rashica, Sargent, Placheta, Tzolis and Normann. With only Normann showing any real promise early season before injury. Along with Williams, Gunn and Kabak Farke had 9 new players to get to gel, into an entirely new system forced upon him with the players sold and bought by Webber. We had to play a 433 to accomodate the loss of Buendia and new wide players, and also to ensure Gilmour got game time. It all failed catastropically, but Farkes hand was forced. You do not go from dominating the Championship, twice, to failing so badly in the Prem, because you are a bad manager. Both times the recruitment has failed Farke. The first season the recruitment was non existent and we only had a competitive first 11, when you clearly need 15-20 first teamers to compete in the Prem. Hence when injuries struck we collapsed. This 2nd season the players bought by Webber simply havent worked at all. Webbers decision to buy Bundesliga 2 forwards that just got Werder Bremen relegated with a handful of goals and assists between them, along with a raw greek lad clearly not ready, was a massive gamble and its no surprise it hasnt worked. Farke was never the problem and should never have been sacked. Our current position and performances under Smith confirm that.
  5. Trying to work out how this is true. Smith has amassed 16 points so far with 4 wins. We wont win another point and judging on the state of the team now under Smith, I doubt he would have done any better in the first 10 games of this season. Farke had 21 points and 5 wins in this first season also.
  6. This is a tough one to answer. Everytime I think that our woes are down to Webber I initially think yes, utter clown whos spunked £50m up the wall. Then I pause for a moment and consider the variables. We dont, never have and probably never will have 100's of millions to spend. Newcastle just done £100m in January alone. Smith spent £300m almost in his time at Villa. So its no secret we are the bottom of the barrel scrapers when it comes to the transfer market. And that leads us to the impossible job Stuart Webber had last time and this season. To my mind no team that has come up and spent so little has ever survived in sucessive promotions. I could well be wrong as im no statto but we cant be far off being the most consistent under spenders who consistently under perform and get relegated. 3 seasons in the Prem under Lambert and Hughton looks like a miracle at the moment. Our business model is suited to exactly what Webber stated, in that our aim is to be a top 26 side. We are exactly that. But back to the transfers and sending Farke and Smith to war without a gun. I think one factor that never gets mentioned is that due to the lack of funds and always shopping with one arm tied behind our backs, is that we most likely end up buying players that other teams walk away from. Ie players with arguably a ton of ability and technique, but just not the complete package when it comes to physical strength, injury history and ultimately consistency of performance. Its the strength and injury susceptibility that determines consistency of performance, as in if you cant turn up week in week out, you dont get the chance to put in 7/10 performances on a consistent basis. And that I fear is our achilles heel. Perhaps other clubs walk away from our eventual transfers due to the above factors, said players price eventually then drops to a level where Webber is like a kid in a sweet shop, and we come away spending £30m/£40m on what on paper and YouTube clips look like quality players, but when it comes to the crunch they just dont bring the required physical strength and injury consistency to make it in the Premier League. Then you have the gambles that every transfer brings. Who would have thought that Gilmour and Tzolis would be such a flop, or that Normann would waltz into town like the new Buendia, only to get injured after 5 or so games. We cant blame Webber for Gilmour being utter $hite all season, or Tzolis being too raw and simply not ready, or Normann, Rashica and Idah getting injured just when things were starting to come together. Or can we? its a tough one to answer. As good as Rashica and Sargent have progressively got, they still only have 3 goals and 3 assists between them all season, which is a stat on course to mirror their last season in the Bundesliga, that got Werder Bremen relegated.
  7. I cant decipher the sentiment behind this post. Is it sarcasm or genuine comment?
  8. Is this the same Moderna that, up til now, had never had a vaccine authorised for use on the general population after years of trying, and only when Emergency Use Authorisation was granted to Pfizer, Astra and Moderna etc. did they finally manage to get a vaccine out and injected into people?
  9. Can someone explain to me why its a 'Vaccine Passport' and not a 'Covid Passport'? Surely the aim is to restrict people from gathering who may have Covid, to reduce the spread. Being fully vaccinated does not eradicate your chances of getting Covid or spreading it, it only reduces the %, apparently. And on the contrary, prior immunity from previously having Covid seems to suggest that your immunity status is far greater than that of a fully vaccinated person, studies have shown. So myself, having previously had Covid, pose far less a risk to my fellow man in a nightclub or at the football compared to the guy next to him who has never had Covid, but is fully vaccinated. Studies have shown this and people with far greater qualifications than me have spoken about the world over. Given the recent developments in France, Israel and now with Scotland introducing vaccine passports to enter nightclubs, the football and large gatherings, it is obviously only a matter time before this comes to Carrow Road. There has been no mention of negative tests or prior immunity in the vaccine passport talk, and in fact I seem to remember Boris slipping in at the end of his speech before the parliament 'summer holidays' that he will "serve notice now that vaccine passports will be required by the end of September" adding to it before he scurried off that negative tests will no longer be valid. So this all points towards no vaccine passport showing your fully vaxxed, no entry to matches at Carrow Road. Given the coercion, fear mongering and media and advertising campaign to get the jab into every human on earth and the desperation surrounding it, for me it is hard not to conclude that there is more to play here than it simply being another flu jab. I am and have been from day one, firmly of the opinion that the pandemic and covid vaccine worldwide rollout is completely deliberate, with the agenda of depopulation being the root cause. When billionaires and the elite discuss the world population of 7.8billion people being way to high and that something needs to be done urgently, and im talking about people such as Bill Gates, the Rothschild's, Prince Charles and our very own Boris, this should be something you take notice of and to suggest it is a red flag I would say is a massive understatement. For those scratching their head at this point, here is one article on Demography from the good old Rothschild family. Ive also attached my favorite 'a picture speaks a thousand words' photo of wee bonny Charlie and Evelyn De Rothschild, at the bottom. https://rwu.pressbooks.pub/rothschildsintrotosociology/chapter/demography-and-population/ I now firmly believe that anyone who does not hold this view is either grossly misinformed, incapable of critical thought, unwilling to research, or unable to, or simply deluded to the point that they cannot think for themselves and are happy to be spoon fed information and instruction from their Governemnt and media. To wrap up todays rant, I would sincerely appreciate anybody's reply to my views that could convince me otherwise, because at this stage I am really fearing that I will not be able to see my beloved Canaries this season due to my own medical and personal reasons for declining said Covid vaccines. I'll leave you with this nugget and one of many reasons why I will not ever be getting the Covid 19 vaccine, or any other experimental vaccine (and yes it is experimental as it was rolled out under EUA regulations and has not gone thru the typical vaccine safety measures, ie. years of safety testing, on humans at a grand scale) aside from living my life wholly independent of relying on the pharmaceutical industry to keep me 'healthy'. I do not believe for one second that Boris, our Govt and Govt's the world over, and the pharmaceutical companies give a single $ hit whether little old me lives or dies. Nor do I believe the people involved in this pandemic, the bilionaires, the Govt stooges, the pharma CEO's, give a single $ hit about my life and whether I live or die. It is for this reason that I believe that the Covid vaccine program has an intention entirely removed from saving granny and little old me from dying.
  10. His time is definitely not up. But the Pukki love in has got to stop. I was annoyed with Farkes comments after, basically saying Pukki wasn't fit, hardly played pre season, Covid etc. It showed as Pukki looked like the injured/exhausted Pukki of the 2nd half of the last prem season. Josh Sargent on the other hand, who has had 2 weeks of Bundesliga action plus presumably a full pre season, came on and looked ready to go. Pace and strength and on the front foot trying to hassle Liverpools defence. Idah also looked sharp. But if Farke continues this season with a half fit Pukki, or a Pukki out of form and low on confidence with 0 goals in 10 games, ahead of a Sargent or an Idah, we will go down again.
  11. To add to that, I thought bar Gibson and Hanley, and to a certain degree Lees Melou ( if only for his height ) that we severely lacked strength all over the park. The Premier League is all about pace and power. Something we seem to lack in all areas other than CB. Looking at Watford today and the size and strength of some of their players, they are gonna smash us off the park. Again.
  12. Everytime I've seen Sorenson play I have been impressed with his defensive work, his physicality and aerial prowess. I'm sure his abilities would have given our midfield a different dynamic today. Was crying out for some drive and bite. Don't think PLM, Gilmour or Ruup offered any bite or drive at all. Sorenson may lack the finesse and technical ability of today's 3 midfield starters, but again a team is about more than just 11 players with the most ability.
  13. I still can't understand why Sorenson hasn't been given a go. Last season I thought a Sorenson/Vrancic midfield was the dream team, but we never saw it. And this season with Tettey and Skipp gone I thought for sure Sorenson's time had come. Alas not and today cried out for him I thought. Was not impressed with Ruup at all and I felt a more combative physical Sorenson would have boosted our midfield and allowed Gilmour and PLM to get forward more. Farke sees Sorenson everyday in training so he is better to judge of course. Looks like he just doesn't fancy him as a midfield starter. I seem to remember a certain Tettey and McLean getting their first start together in the Premier League against Man City, albeit when we had a few injuries. Before kick off I thought it was exactly what was needed for the game, and they both played a blinder and gave us what we needed in a strong combative midfield. Today we seemed to have gone with flair and technique in midfield with PLM, Ruup and Gilmour. A bit of steel was needed.
  14. Jacob Sorenson is a recognised defensive ball playing midfielder. Farke just doesn't fancy him for some reason. Game was crying out for him today, think Farke got it wrong. Sorenson for Ruup would have given us more bite in midfield and allowed Gilmour to play a bit further up the field. Would have also given us a bit of height for corners. Farke knows best though and if he thinks Sorenson isn't needed or is the defensive answer then not much we can do about it. He sees him in training day in day out. I feel like Farke has gone with the 3 players with the most ability, but as good as Ruup, Gilmour and PLM are technically, none of them possess the aerial prowess and physicality that Sorenson brings to the table. A team is is all about pegs in holes. I think sometimes we seem to have the Lampard, Scholes and Gerrard for England syndrome, in that we fill the team with the 11 best players at the club, but that might not necessarily work out as being the best team.
  15. "And the statement says fans may be asked to either prove they are fully vaccinated or that they have given a negative lateral flow test in the 48 hours leading up to kick-off." Where and how does one obtain a lateral flow test?
  16. For every New Zealand and South Korea there is a Sweden, Florida and Texas. Doesnt prove a thing either way. In fact you can't really compare New Zealand to the UK. Same size except one has 67million people and the other 5million. How can you possibly compare lockdown and Covid measures from the 2 countries? I think California against Florida and Texas is a more accurate analogy.
  17. Yeah righto. Sweden had very few Covid restrictions and there death toll was on average the same or lower than everyone else. Also compare Texas and Florida to California. Cali mandated masks and Lockdowns, Texas and Florida didn't, almost following the same time line and guess what, similar Covid death toll. In Florida's case it was lower, and I believe they have a higher % of older people, for obvious reasons. I do not believe for one second masks, social distancing and Lockdowns made a jot of difference to Covid 19. I have always believed it to be an unstoppable virus that could not be controlled. And I don't know how anybody can say for certain that masks and Lockdowns have worked. I believe the measures the UK Govt have made were grossly disproportionate, and the reasons for them could be several. Opportunistic capitalisation, as evidenced by Hancock's million pound contracts to his mates and Lord Falconers "the gift that keeps on giving" statement. A$$ covering, in the sense that if the Govt did nothing, Covid would spread and people would die and Boris would be blamed and the Conservatives voted out. So they imposed numerous restrictions to combat Covid and make it look like they were proactive and to look the heroes. Hasn't really worked out that way but I believe they were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. Other countries, Sweden etc. did very little and still got stung the same. 3rd reason I guess is the conspiracy theory in that Covid was created in order to bring about world change and reduce the world population and introduce totalitarian Govt control. And before anyone says it, I am giving comment on the current state of affairs and possibilities. I am not saying I believe there is a hidden agenda. What I will say is though that nothing from the last 18 months has appeared normal and I really think you have to be a special kind of stupid to not even consider the possibility that something sinister could be happening beyond 'there was a coronavirus in a Wuhan wet market, then we had to wear masks and lockdown and take vaccines, but then everything went back to normal'. It is no secret that Depopulation is the one of the global elites favourite topics. It certainly is something our very own Boris Johnson has strong opinions on and has talked about on more than one occasion. Then you have Big Pharmas role in all this. And the money trail. How many billions have certain people and organisations made out of the Pandemic? To think that there is categorically no conspiracy and this is all just coincidence brought about by a pesky virus, for me is a plain sleepwalking mentality.
  18. Your absoultely right Herman You got me I am an anti-semite. I am also a racist, a mysoginist and i hate marmite.
  19. christ Right, i mentioned Soros purely and simply because he is the wealthly elite. And it is my opinion that the worlds billionaires do indeed control what happens in the world, thru banking and other means. Soros either has contributed millions to or did indeed found FullFact. And the point is, that I have already stated... How can you accept as 100% fact and the oracle to end all, a website/institution such as FullFact that accepts millions in funding from other sources such as Google and Facebook?
  20. you need to read them again as your not digesting my info correctly. For example. I did not say that 9/11 was not a terrorist attack. My point was do you believe 100% that it wasnt? When there is a mountain of evidence to suggest otherwise. I dont commit either way because honestly I am not sure, because quite frankly the world in 2021 has become a mirage and smoke and mirrors show. However, the mountain of evidence presented makes me at least ask the question. And the point is.....are you the type of person who just blindly accepts the official narrative? or do you question....
  21. errrr do I really need to explain this one? So you think there is nothing wrong with a group or service, supposedly setup to give unbiased opinion, receiving millions in funding from various sources?
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