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Rotherhithe Canary

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  1. Anyone know if the old red lion will be streaming today''s game? Great venue for last years sky games
  2. My experience of terracing is that once you''re all packed in there isn''t really a lot of space to maneuver yourself into a better position.Also thinking it would nice for her to be able to have a seat for the game, will ask around the pubs later and outside the ground
  3. Hi allLooking to exchange 2 standing tickets for tomorrows game for 2 seated ones. Bringing my other half along to her first City game and don''t want the experience of having to stand behind one of you 6''4 lads tarnishing my chance of getting along to future games.PM me if interested, will be at the ground well ahead of time to make the exchange, both tickets are for AdultsCheers
  4. Can anyone suggest a pub in the capital where those of us unlucky enough to not have a ticket can watch the game? Would be nice to be joined by a few fellow canaries.
  5. [quote user="Mister Chops"]Did nobody in the Snake Pit have the necessary IQ to realise the "what''s it like to see a crowd?" chant was totally pointless? [/quote] This chant is actually an on-going joke in the snake pit involving a ginger haired man, it would still be sung even if we played man utd.
  6. According to skysports anyway... http://www.skysports.com/football/player/0,19754,11709_203919,00.html Mark Birch? Can anyone shed light on the situation or is it just an error on Skys behalf?
  7.      You can usually determine the current status of the teams performances by the amount of posts containing CAPITAL LETTERS and  [:@] in the titles on the front page on the message board...     It''s not looking too good at the moment [:S]
  8. [quote user="Mello Yello"] I recall the period very well. The crowds were around the 14,000 mark and sometimes less. All those attending knew we were skint and that we were still in a transition period from the doldrums of the late 90s - but the situation was that we were unlikely to be a success, and therefore, I feared and accepted the possibility in failure - resulting in relegation. Then, that turnaround with Blarneymeisters departure and Worthington''s appointment, that saw us climb the table and into safety. The following season or two, was where Nigel instilled unity and stability to our average squad.  Some say Nigel was lucky in achieving what he did with this club, I think he had a combination of good fortune and commitment from genuine and honest pros like Malky and Co, who were of average ability - but rose to the challenge and we squeezed past Burnley into the play-offs.......The Millennium adventure which attracted new followers and re-kindled the disillusioned old, to once again attend Carrow Road - now saw us on a roll. The feelgood factor had arrived, the foundations were set, and after an ''out of sorts'' following season - then came the Championship title and ''hello'' the Premiership. Sadly, I now feel we are in limbo at this moment in time. I have no faith in the current board (and the Chief Exec), and am unlikely to be swayed from my strong opinion. If folk think I''m a pessimist (or a mentalist).......then fine. I just stick by what I believe in, and will refrain from going with the flow, preferring instead, to support the squad and hope for success - and maybe a forthcoming shake-up within the hierarchy, coupled with ''outside the ring-road investment'' - which in my personal opinion, is necessary for us to further progress. "I also, always felt Rioch could have given us some success if funds were made available - but the money just wasn''t there." [/quote] Wow, a sensible post from Mellow Yellow! Are you feeing ok? [;)]
  9. [quote user="Freddy H"] I could not hear the booing in the N&P.  Doc is always a bit in and out but does not deserve boos. I also do not understand why Safri got as much flak as he did today.  OK he allegedly has been a pain in the butt off the field, but can we really fault his commitment on the pitch, he was Moroccan all over the world for two seasons and we loved him.  Today he put in his usual hefty challenges, which we loved when he was playing for us, suddenly he was a winker according to the Barclay. Its time for the Barclay Boys to grow up a bit, raise the vocal levels a lot and inspire the rest of us moaning lot to sing with them in praise of our players.  Come on Barclay you were great today when we were playing well, keep singing all game and the rest of us will (eventually) follow.  Then Carra will be the cauldron of noise and intimidating for the other team and not our own players. OTBC. [/quote] You can never hear anything in the N&P [;)]
  10. Marshall - 7 - Made a few good close range blocks due to poor defending, flapped at a cross but blushes were saved. Otsemobor - 8 - Finally a right back! very solid defensively and worked well to win ball back, huge bonus when attacking to have another player down the right. Shackell - 6 - Struggled against the very physical Rasiak, made the usual good defensive headers but not helped by his central partner Doherty - 5 - We need a replacement, granted he faced a very powerful striker in Jones, his reluctance to tackle in the penalty area and simply stand off is appalling Drury - 7 - Very important tackle in the penalty area, got forward better then usual to aid Lappin down the left Brellier - 6 - Not the best of debuts but looked promising, clearly not a terrific ball player but the midfield battler that we will need in this league possibly Russell - 6 - Same battling qualities as Brellier but a little more creative on the ball, got forward well and in my opinion won his battle with Safri Croft - 8 - One of his best displays at Carrow Road, looks a lot slimmer then last season and more dangerous when running with the ball, came deep and brought the ball forward very effectively, improved crossing also Lappin - 6 - Quiet game, had to help Drury with a tricky right winger, not as much going forward as in previous games Brown - 6 - Looked good pre-season but didn''t have the best of games today, won a few headers but to no avail, some good touches and link up play with cureton Cureton - 8 - MOM - Took his goals very well, good poacher, not as involved in link up play as i would like him to be, still settling in, will become a star this season SUBS: Fotheringham - 8 - The catalyst for the second half comeback, fought well in the middle and very good distribution, real shame to see him go off injured, hopefully wont be too serious as looks like he could seriously challenge for starting role Chadwick - 6 - Not on the field too long but managed to slice a volley out for a throw in and miss an open goal within 2 minutes of coming on Strihavka - 6 - Not on field long enough to make an informed decision of his abilities but chased ball well in final minutes   Grant - 7 - Inspired substitution bringing on Fotheringham, but still needs to realise our need for a new centre back
  11. Wwho else feels we should use the song being sung at the end of the clip for him?
  12. [quote user="Graham Humphrey"]Um, your point being...?[/quote] Comedy is wasted on some...[;)]
  13. I dont think its a question of loyalty or discontent against peter grant i think its just that singing ''peter grants green and yellow army'' is quite a mouth full
  14. For me, the superb 3-2 comeback victory against luton way back in august
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