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Everything posted by Yella_Forever

  1. [quote user="BlyBlyBabes"] We were in the Johnstone''s Paints Trophy and had matches during international breaks to keep us busy. [:#] OTBC [/quote]   I was in New Zealand, about to hit Melbourne! :-(
  2. Its still sitting there aswell..... i want to buy not sell - GUNN (front page of the pinkun).... THis guy has already been replaced by a player who cant get in a promotion chasing side... says it all..... SELL SELL SELL.... nothing changes!!!!
  3. i was soooo angry after today... yes at the result, but mainly at the fans.... a guy who sits in the river end was shoating roeder out, munby out, delia out... and you know what half of our happy clappers were doing, yeah telling him to shut up and laughing at him...... he is about 70 and i know that for a fact, he has seen everything... everything.... he knows what he is talking about and he is right......... you fans are putting up with this and it makes me sick....!!!!!   ROEDER OUT INDEED....!!! BOARD OUT.... INDEED!!!!!! i promised my mates, lose or draw to palace and i protest... bollocks to that... i''m still angry now... i''m protesting anyhow..... END OF!!!!!   and i should not even start on about the game.... bloody roeder, why was doc only thrown up with a minute to go??? why???? stupid... left winger on the right, right on the left.... taking lupoli off when losing.... grrrr grrrr GRRRRR!!!!! IDIOT!!!!   ROEDER OUT!!!!!!
  4. do they actually know what happened at citys match or what???? i have taken this quote...........         It could have been even worse for Wolves in injury time had Darel Russell''s 35-yard free-kick not hit the crossbar. WHAT??? wolves hit the crossbar with a 35 yard free kick, not russell... he had a shot near the end... but did not hit no crossbar!!!!
  5. yep home game on ky, hence kick off at 1245!! but its always better to go!!!
  6. [quote user="jas the barclay king"][quote user="Picto2007"] Yeah Jas CNS was pretty good, well what I can remember of it anyway. So who are ya then, I can''t be arsed to guess.     [/quote] check your PM dude! jas :) [/quote]   everyone knows lazy shaun... hahaha he shagged hucks you know????
  7. [quote user="Picto2007"][quote user="Yella_Forever"][quote user="Picto2007"] Yeah its a good way to boost our sales though, although we dont really get a lot for doing it, its quite a laugh.   [/quote]   YOU did get huck''s phone number that year tho, you remember shaun? [/quote] I may have aquired the number at some point, can''t really say how though. Was quite funny when he used to reply to texts after the games.   [/quote]     and u will see shaun still has a picture of himself on his avatar!
  8. [quote user="Picto2007"][quote user="Yella_Forever"][quote user="Picto2007"] Yeah its a good way to boost our sales though, although we dont really get a lot for doing it, its quite a laugh.   [/quote]   YOU did get huck''s phone number that year tho, you remember shaun? [/quote] I may have aquired the number at some point, can''t really say how though. Was quite funny when he used to reply to texts after the games.   [/quote]   what like hucks, will u take me while u still wearing ur shin pads??!? yeh i remember him replying to you saying "anytime"!!
  9. [quote user="Picto2007"] Yeah, Shaun is a pretty awesome name to be honest. James is just plain and stupid, a bit like John. I really should take my ugly mug off this before I get stalked. [/quote] yes get ur ugly mug off!
  10. [quote user="hogesar"][quote user="Yella_Forever"][quote user="hogesar"][quote user="Yella_Forever"][quote user="Carlos Valderrama"] I reckon he is there to get match sharpness.  Sounds like it is doing the trick.  Should come back fit, hungry, match sharp and raring to go.  With any luck that is, its about time we were due some. [/quote] its a view to a permanent move! [/quote] Are you sure? [/quote]   yep was on rick waghorns site! [/quote] LOL. He''s irritating so i refuse to believe it. [/quote]   hence why the loan was till jan tho....  waghorn is a class a prat tho ur right!
  11. [quote user="hogesar"][quote user="Yella_Forever"][quote user="Carlos Valderrama"] I reckon he is there to get match sharpness.  Sounds like it is doing the trick.  Should come back fit, hungry, match sharp and raring to go.  With any luck that is, its about time we were due some. [/quote] its a view to a permanent move! [/quote] Are you sure? [/quote]   yep was on rick waghorns site!
  12. [quote user="Picto2007"] Yeah its a good way to boost our sales though, although we dont really get a lot for doing it, its quite a laugh.   [/quote]   YOU did get huck''s phone number that year tho, you remember shaun?
  13. [quote user="Carlos Valderrama"] I reckon he is there to get match sharpness.  Sounds like it is doing the trick.  Should come back fit, hungry, match sharp and raring to go.  With any luck that is, its about time we were due some. [/quote] its a view to a permanent move!
  14. [quote user="Picto2007"]There was a rumour going around that Luke Chadwick went on loan because he was being stalked by James Kerwin. James made Luke cut his hair and he didn''t like it so ran away to MK Dons. Now look what you done James. ![/quote] shaun; Luke has a bloody skin head you fool... remember?!?!?
  15. [quote user="Whatiswrongwithus"] Oh no There coming!! GOLDEN GOAL SELLERS BATTLE!!!! First to sell 500 wins!!! ...... ...... what difference does it make who sells them. all the moneys going to the same cause ..... our "really good team" [/quote] just a joke buddy sad but funny, well at the time!
  16. [quote user="Picto2007"]We miss Hucks its as simple as that. I used to look forward to watching Norwich even if  we were the underdogs in a game. You knew what Hucks was capable of and he could win you games when they looked dead and buried. I have heard the man was a complete arrogant tit off the pitch, but on it he was a great player. I for one would love to see him back in the team.[/quote] Rumour has it shaun and hucks had a thing going on it went something like this:-   "SHAUN COME TO BED SAYS HUCKS" "no" said shaun" "DO IT BITCH" said hucks... ok master said shaun, as he put on his dress....!!   haha
  17. [quote user="Picto2007"]James Kerwin you are a tool, stop trying to steal my new pinkun customers.[/quote]   Yeah, ANYONE THINK SHAUN IS UGLY?
  19. [quote user="jas the barclay king"] mate of mine bought one last home game.. he opened it up it said "december" he''s thrown it away theres no chance! jas :) [/quote]   BLOODY IDIOT!!!! he should have read the rules on the back, tickets this season stating december automatically win £1000.00!!!!
  20. [quote user="Picto2007"]Wow I have a regular called Diesel Doris that I didn''t even know about. I look forward to seeing you against Wolves then.[/quote]   i thought u went for the football u awful little boy..... trying to sell up on me now are you????
  21. dont know if this has been mentioned.... but.....   Luke had a stormer on saturday... 9 out of ten and was clapped off by home and away fans in mk''s 4-0 win at millwall... Well done luke, nice to hear two of your crosses caused panic stations.... oh and he played out of position on the left wing! shame nobody at norwich can cross a ball isn''t it?!?  
  22. [quote user="wayne kerr"]from where i was sitting he looked excellent, put some quality balls into the box and looked up for it, which is a cue for someone to say i`m talking rubbish and he was terible[/quote]   nope.. he looked the only positive of the day!
  23. [quote user="WeWantWorthyBack"]OR it might not be true, and there is nothing to hush up. For all we know Hoolahan has picked up a knock in training and wasn''t fit to play.[/quote] He was seen by many people training before the game and seen by many people leaving via the hotel exit!
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