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Everything posted by Naturalcynic

  1. I agree with that description of events. So, in summary, a straight-talking bloke, who’s not exactly flavour of the month, engages mouth before brain and says some stuff, with no ill-will intended, that some other people take exception to. But is it a hanging offence?
  2. So, non-religious, non-nationalistic and something that doesn’t glorify our colonial past but with a catchy, memorable and uplifting tune. Just off the top of my head, how about this: Ingerland, Ingerland, Ingerland. Ingerland, Ingerland, Ingerla-and. Ingerland, Ingerland, Ingerland. Ingerla-and, Ingerland. The second verse could be along similar lines to the first.
  3. From what he said it looks unlikely that it would be considered a hate crime as there was clearly no intent on Webber’s part to cause offence, although I suspect it could be recorded by the boys in blue as a non-crime hate incident which could subsequently show up in a CRB check. Clumsy words, despite arguably being well-intentioned, can have consequences. Whether they should is another question entirely.
  4. Indoctrination with and implementation of DE&I in the workplace may be a requirement both here and in the US, but I agree it’s rather difficult to see how that caused a ship to lose power and hit a bridge.
  5. All sorts of things predate all sorts of other things, but that’s where we are now.
  6. If you’re convinced that the “culture war” is a contrived irrelevance, why do you and your ilk support so many unnecessary silly initiatives that are deliberately designed to disprove your assertion that it doesn’t exist?
  7. At least Sunak and Cameron have done their bit to try to appease the Islamists in the UK, although I suspect they’ll still be on the streets on Saturday and will still be sending intimidating communications to MPs.
  8. Miscarriages of justice are one thing, but being force-fed your own ear is another thing entirely.
  9. Although Nike’s “playful” update of the flag is another unfortunate example of wokery trumping tradition, patriotism and plain common sense. Anyway, anyone fancy a gesture egg? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/26/cadbury-accused-erasing-easter-chocolate-eggs-gesture/
  10. I presume you mean that the Singapore-registered ship had an Indian crew. Not sure that has a lot to do with anything, particularly as it was a local pilot who was navigating the vessel down the river.
  11. John Sweeney once again seems to be suggesting that it was perhaps an FSB inside job.
  12. No need. Although Kings Cross are apparently unable to show any evidence of ever having done anything similar for other religions, it seems Network South-East regularly celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Each year they put up a message saying “Have a flipping good pancake day”, so that’s all ok.
  13. Gotta love a bit of gratuitous virtue signalling.
  14. Do you FLNJs ever take a break from being outraged? So, so tiresome.
  15. Moreover, far-left extremists have been trying to close it down since before it even started broadcasting. I expect Herman will add a smirking emoji after this comment too.
  16. I see that following the OFCOM ruling, the GB News building has been vandalised by some far-left extremist terrorists.
  17. Sadly the terms “racist”, “bigot”, “fascist” etc are used so often and so inappropriately by many on the far-left that they’ve become utterly meaningless.
  18. Oh sorry, I forgot that it’s only the right that froth at the mouth.
  19. And presumably the same argument applies to those clickbait stories that appear in The Guardian, Indy and Mirror, which result in the left frothing at the mouth in outrage at the wicked Tory scum.
  20. Oh come on. I know the truth sometimes hurts, but don’t shoot the messenger. And not all trees set out with the deliberate intention of inciting far-right hatred. After all, when walking close to a weeping willow recently its newly formed leaves rustling in the breeze were definitely hissing “Tory scum”, or at least that’s how it sounded to me. Incidentally, is Angela Rayner related to a weeping willow?
  21. Any extremist behaviour of this kind is unacceptable, although I think all of us must avoid being selective with our outrage. After all, the intimidation by left-wing activists outside Conservative Party meetings and conferences is equally reprehensible, as is the behaviour of pro-Palestinian supporters outside the homes of MPs.
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