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Everything posted by NFN FC

  1. This could be an opportunity. What else could we send back to it's origin? iPhones? McDonald's? Tim Martin? Wait no, I got it, David Wagner!?
  2. Arsenal tearing Lens apart. The runners up of the french league last season. Farmer's league!
  3. There were pretty much as many EU immigrants coming to the UK in the last year as in 2014. There's many more non-EU, mainly 210,000 from Ukraine and a 43% increase in students (government scheme to pay for our universities). Personally I couldn't care less on the numbers coming in. I care about the numbers that contribute (which is the vast majority).
  4. Atletic Club v Rayo Vallecano home win An own goal in the game - yes OTBC 💛💚💛💚
  5. Sack him and let the lads play the football they want. Stick anyone in charge, even Barnes!
  6. I tend to find myself in a minority when it comes to wanting entertaining football. Most just want results and that's fine. At the moment we are getting neither results nor entertainment. I don't get why Knapper doesn't execute a very easy win in terms of winning over fans and sack Wagner. It would show that he's in charge and ready to move the club forwards.
  7. The firing of them can be heavily influenced by fans. We have to blame someone for the dross we are served up.
  8. I really don't think any lingering love of Farke has any impact on today. The choice of management hired it outside of fans influence. How has your so-called cult of Farke caused destruction?
  9. Maybe the last few games are too fresh in my memory 🤣
  10. We'd have probably just gone in and got them.
  11. My view is if the football doesn't entertain me, why would I watch it. Therefore my rating of managers comes down to that. Farke 9/10, Smith 3/10, Wagner 2/10.
  12. Actually I don't care. Dean Smith football was horrendous. I'd rather watch paint dry.
  13. 14th in the championship is underperforming. Bottom of the Premier league is par for the course.
  14. Many factors were at play. Not much was Farke's fault. If you can't see that, you're too busy going down on Dean!
  15. There are 3 teams that have less points today (I'm excluding Everton for obvious reasons) than Farke had at this point his first season in the premier league (10). The gap gets bigger each year.
  16. That's because he was a decent manager. Not perfect, but have yet to see anything better since and I don't think we will for a while still.
  17. Wagner tactics are: Run around a lot for the first 20mins until our aging squad get tired. Leave big gaps in the middle for the opposition to walk through. Make loads of subs around 60mins to disrupt, if we have any, momentum. Make sure any lead we have is quickly thrown away.
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