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Big O

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  1. I think if you think about what we’re likely the ambitions of the window then the club have done pretty well but has exposed us to a level of risk that it could go badly wrong. On the plus side, the wage bill is down, we have reduced the size of the black hole/debt through getting good fees for players, we have in theory now got the players who want to be here and somehow got £14m ish for Idah and Kamara. We have also invested heavily in youthful players with upside, who are mainly technical and could be sold into plenty of markets. the risk side is that we have gone for a significant change of style with a relatively inexperienced manager, young players exposed to a tough division and taken a lot of goals out of the side. We look hugely reliant on McClean, Gunn and Sargent and pray no serious injuries. Like others, I think as fans we have to be realistic in our expectations and really get behind this change as we need it to work, we can’t now suddenly switch course again - so we need to be all in and behind it. I personally think we will be bottom half up until Xmas and then improve to be c8th by end of season but importantly in much better shape to attack next season.
  2. That makes the massive assumption they will stay. In reality they have spent £125m which covers their entire premier league TV money without even talking about wages, that’s a c£60-£80m black hole to start with (dependant on the wage). That means they will have to be shifting people out the door rapidly if they go down. Trying to be dispassionate about it, it will be quite interesting to watch how they go, as other teams have tried this approach of spending lots of money on lots of new players and it can be too much change and they fall away miserably (Fulham) but then forest somehow stayed up after buying about 30 players. I always think the key to promoted teams in the premier is somehow trying to ride the momentum early and get as many points as possible before that belief drains out of you. I think we will be able to see where the binners will finish within the next month. I do think all the promoted sides stand a chance as Everton look woeful - but that has been said plenty of times before!
  3. Hope you are right, as it’s clear we need atleast one more good established players to come in
  4. I think I feel a little bit spooked if the rabbi motondo bid is true. I was hoping we had a clear Rowe replacement lined up given it was always a possibility he would leave this window, feels like we scrabbling around for a loan. If that’s the case why not just keep kamara?
  5. I would think the logic is to play an experienced player alongside Cordoba whilst he settles in
  6. A long way to go, but lovely to see a Norwich team zipping it about again. You get the feeling a lot of the new and young players will get better and better. Room for some level of optimism at least
  7. You can see the progress already in the style of play, a few decent additions are needed and we will definitely start to move forward. Need more goal threat for sure
  8. Anything upto 3 months. Might well force us to get another midfielder - every cloud and all off that 😔
  9. I think it’s exciting to see Crnac, Forson, Sainz, Forsyth, Myles all being great on the ball and fluid in movement. Can easily see our front 4 having freedom and popping up all over the place. I like many others would love to see one more midfielder to compete/upgrade with Kenny and Nunez and then maybe a striker on loan to give us a bit more cover. If we get the 18 year old Dane too then that’s a bonus.
  10. I think this is really positive that the club are identifying talented, technical young players with potential upside. I just hope and pray that the fans don’t turn too quickly as this will take time to bed in and for us to be competitive. i actually think now that the McCleans, Duffy, Sargent, Gunn spine becomes really important to us and that Barnes will be useful to have around these talents. We have to be patient and give the new coach and signings time.
  11. Maybe this guy is Connor in disguise?
  12. I think Kamara has a real opportunity to bed in over the next couple of weeks and get his confidence up. Don’t think we can let another wide player leave and it will be him or Hernandez on sat
  13. Be a shame to see Sarge leave but it does also feel inevitable. We are clearly in a massive transition and I am slightly worried about the volume of change and what this might mean in terms of time to be competitive, however if this frees up money and wages to bring in young, hungry talent who want to be here then crack on
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