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  1. It would be hilarious if Brighton tempted McKenna to take over
  2. Obviously a dodgy source that I should ignore but I'll post it anyway 😂 Claims we are looking at a foreign manager who needs a work permit I see Johannes Hoff Thorup is 16:1 in the betting Apparently he's manager of FC Nordsjælland in Denmark Obviously I've never heard of him but he's young and doing well there. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't someone like him that's doing OK in some smaller league and has a good playing style and good stats
  3. Hopefully it's Cuesta or a similar young coach with fresh ideas about playing good football and bringing youth through Mousinho at Portsmouth is another example of someone who came from nowhere - he was a player who did some coaching at Oxford - and has transformed Portsmouth. A few Pompey fans I know moaned like mad when he was appointed but they ain't moaning now It would also help if he communicates well and explains his style and vision because after the turgid Smith and Wagner years I think we need someone who we feel is taking the club in the right direction and then he can be given some time
  4. I always thought Neil Adams was overrated I remember being underwhelmed when we signed him from Oldham and not changing my opinion after seeing him play for years. He never seemed to beat anyone or do anything skillful He's become a bit of a "club legend" figure now - just by being around the place for so long, but I still can't forgive him for being a bit crap when he played
  5. Sadly they probably will I see Barcelona are threatening to go to court to reverse a VAR decision against Real https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/apr/23/barcelona-threaten-legal-action-over-phantom-goal-in-defeat-to-real-madrid This has the potential to totally kill the game if we're not careful Already you can't celebrate a goal if VAR is around for a few minutes. Imagine if the outcome of big games isn't known for months until it's gone through the courts. If Barcelona, Forest or whoever win a legal case like this they will pop up everywhere - and be another massive factor favouring the rich clubs
  6. I'm sure we were playing him more as a striker as well They have moved him deeper - more like Rowe really. He looks as if he really reads the game well. Plus he can finish Here's his assist from last week (at 1.16 on this video) for the winning goal Almost Emi like dare I say
  7. If the rumours are true and van Hooijdonk is coming on loan with an option to buy while Idah goes to Celtic on loan without the option to buy I think it is a great idea If Adam does well he comes back here still on a long contract and we can either keep him or cash in with hopefully Celtic facing a bit of a bidding war If van H comes good we can buy If van H is useless we just send back If Adam fails then at least we have a better idea of his potential
  8. I don't think he's said anything unless I've missed something He probably will be off in the summer but I think people are reading an awful lot into the story quoted in the o/p That quotes his representatives saying "he's focused on earning a move to the Premier league" which could mean he's quite happy here and keen to learn He'll probably be sold this afternoon now I've said all that
  9. I agree it's looking like a big change in the summer paid for by some Rowe money and maybe Sara too My big question is what he does with Wagner. I can't see how he can really move the club in a different direction without a new manager My worry is he gives Wagner a go next season with a new squad and we stumble on with Wagner just doing enough to keep getting a bit longer He needs to bite the bullet at the end of the season and get a new coach in first before refreshing the squad
  10. Thanks I've found a line about it now in this article https://www.pinkun.com/sport/norwich-city/24047859.shane-duffy-praises-magic-jon-rowes-impact-norwich/
  11. Is there a link for that? I thought he was on about discussing it in the summer. Although he's only got 18 months left on his contract we have a one year option to extend so he's effectively got 2 and a half years left This was DW just before Xmas https://www.pinkun.com/sport/norwich-city/24006032.norwich-city-david-wagner-jon-rowe-contract-status/
  12. Hopefully that means Aboh will be in the squad
  13. I think his contract runs out this summer https://www.canaries.co.uk/content/ken-aboh-signs-first-professional-contract-at-norwich-city
  14. Having lived down here a while I found Delia's comments hilarious The Pompey fans I know have done nothing but moan about their team / manager for years They're a bit happier this year so far
  15. I know we're all Portsmouth fans these days. I live near Portsmouth now and know quite a few season ticket holders there Kamara is doing well. He is getting lots of game time in the top of the table team and seems popular with the fans Mousinho seems a good coach and he has played in various positions and is learning all the time All in all it seems an excellent loan for him. Hopefully he'll come back as a real contender for a starting position for us next year He he is talking about it
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