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Players need motivating and inspiring

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Our squad mainly made up of players with Premier League experience are just not doing it for Adams. They need to be inspired if they are not to get out of this slump we can forget about the Premier League or even a half decent Championship run, maybe too late now. Adams needs to go now not in two or three games. Who can provide the motivation perhaps the former Assistant Manager of the multiple wining champions of England and Europe.

Something needs to be done surprised he is still here. Read somewhere our top earners will go thats laughable if they''re not putting in at City who will want them. And BJ will not be on anything like £30k a week.

Mcnally abused yesterday this needs to happen more often.

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Complete bollocks. What''s laughable is asking why a young lad earning a good five figure a week pay packet needs to be inspired and motivated. They are supposed to professional footballers ffs.

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Why does McNally seem to be the prime target for this crock of tish we find ourselves in. He is now purely the Chief Executive with a single vote on the board. He may try and advise the majority share holders but if they shout …. he jumps on the shovel !!

Same applies to Bowkett. Both have to maintain solidarity with the board in public for that is their remit.

Perhaps one day we will be able to put two and two together and actually make four.

It will not surprise other posters on her that I like McNally. He and his family are now true yellas.

He is paid big money and could the reason possibly be that that the board acknowledge he does a bloody good job, sometimes with one, or even two hands tied behind his back.

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