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Gentleman Jim


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When I was a lad, yawn, goalies used to have hands like buckets, be extremely acrobatic and pluck the ball out of the air with one or two hands.

Nowadays they seem content to get something, palm or foot or fist, behind the ball and just deflect it back into play.

I''ve seen so many goals resulting from this defending method lately that I think that the goalkeeper coaches need a bit of a rethink.

Anyone agree ?



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Absolutely, goalkeepers arent what they used to be, more yawns.But actually I think you''re spot on. The only reason that occurs to me, apart from the obvious one that there just arent many really good keepers around at the minute, is that the cr***y ball they use nowadays moves so unpredictably in the air that keepers are scared to try and catch it.

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i think that it is a continental thing. fine, a punch can be useful if the goalie can''t reach the ball properly, but even so i think they are far too keen to punch the ball when they are much better off catching it

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I agree with Creative - its because the balls nowadays are like bloody balloons, or at best like those plastic balls you get at the beach that can swerve two or three ways at once.
Bring back the old leather sponge I say. It''d be nice to see how nancy boys like Cristian Ronaldo would get on with them.

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Gorleston Jim.

Sounds like you''re describing Sandy Kennon or probably Kevin Keelan. They must have spoilt us older folks. Yawn, yawn!!!

By the way have you seen those ''gloves'' most keepers seem to wear these days. Try catching a ball one-handed with one of those!!!!!!


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