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A Stoke fans view on Norwich

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I''ve written a few complimentary words (well, sort of) about Norwich at

Premiership Poke

a weekly blog that rounds-up all the premiership action and pretty much takes the p*** out of any deserving target.

As we were in your position a few years ago I always like to see promoted clubs (well, the ones I don''t hate) giving it a good go and taking points off the big teams.

What is bizarre though is to see Ritchie de Leat featuring now and again for you lot. The bloke never appeared for our first team, mainly because he was awful, and no-one could work out why the hell Manchester United wanted him.Seems he''s a bit better than we must have realised??

Anyway, pay the blog a visit and just like V.D., don''t be afraid of sharing it with others...

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If somebody who isn''t as bad at computers can make that into a proper working link then feel free!

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A good read that! The ''What would Mario Balotelli do?'' section further down is brilliant.(Though probably shouldn''t be read if you''re a wee bit sensitive to colourful language...........)

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Cheers for all the kind words folks.

I''m new to all this blogging stuff so I''m still fumbling about a bit trying to find ways of finding new readers/followers or whatever you call it.

I''ve added a couple of facebook/subscription buttons over the last day or two, so by all means click join or like or something if you''re happy to see my weekly rants and rambles appear on your news feed. It''s a right struggle trying to get stuff read and out there so anywhere it can be linked/shared would be massively appreciated.

Thanks and good luck for the rest of the season (except when you play Stoke of course)

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