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      Ipswich Fan here looking for an interview

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      I mean no harm. I just need a fan interview ahead of this Sunday''s crunch match. Any fan willing to give a thorough, well answered, fairly serious interview with a touch of banter will be ideal.

      So if you''re intrested then  reply here and I''ll send you some questions.



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      KK. I''ll PM the questions across in a bit.


      We''ve already sold 28,000 so we''re expecting just over that. Which will impressive considering out home performances this season. We sold out last season. I doubt we''d have sold 28,000 this season if there wasn''t a chance we could put you deeper in the shit at the bottom of the league - in other words, if you were mid-table as well then the attendance would probably be lower.


      Enjoy the game.

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      "Mushroom" has given some good answers and I only really need one interview.

      But I can create an extra article full of fan interviews if I get a good few. So if you want, answer the following questions and post them on this thread...

      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?

      What is your squad''s main strength?

      What is your squad''s main weakness?

      Who has been your player of the season so far?

      How do you view Ipswich Town?

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?

      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?

      Cheers. Finally, what is your match prediction and why?



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      [quote user="hatch"]

      "Mushroom" has given some good answers and I only really need one interview.

      But I can create an extra article full of fan interviews if I get a good few. So if you want, answer the following questions and post them on this thread...

      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?

      Glenn Roeder, He tore the team and the club to pieces, knowing he only had limited transfer funds and then replaced them with sub standard loan players, The likes of Koroma, Archibald-Henville (who never played for city and was sent back to Totenham) just weren''t good enough. Players like Aturo Lupoli who played well and scored goals but were lef out of the side. He loaned out Jamie Cureton to Barnsley where his goals earned them 4 points, 4 points that would have seen them in the bottom 3 comfortably had they not got them. He alienated the fans with his arrogant interviews and comments and lets not forget the whole Darren Huckerby saga.

      What is your squad''s main strength?

      I think the main strength is players like Doherty, Shackell, Clingan, Croft and Russell who are fully commited to the club and give their all for the cause, the quality might not always be there but you always get a good shift.

      What is your squad''s main weakness?

      The number of loan players, not because of commitment issues but because it limits the number of your better players you can field in any one game, From 7 or 8 loan players only 5 can be in the matchday squad so 2 or 3 will always be left out. Loan players that return to their parent clubs at the end of the season doesn''t give any stability and breaks up the squad for the following season.

      Who has been your player of the season so far?

      Sammy Clingan, Sammy Clingan is the best player we have, he is a class midfielder and a cut above anything else we have avaliable, he tackles well, holds the ball well and is a rock in the centre of midfield 

      How do you view Ipswich Town?

      Ipswich were expected to get to the playoffs this season (but mind you most bookies thought QPR would win the league!)but Ipswich have struggled and have lost games crucial times and are under performing. I think the players Magilton brought in have let hime down and the likes of Campo have underperformed, The fans are obviouslty losing patience with Magilton and his days look as if the could be numbered. Getting in a decent magager (have heard rumours about Alan Curbishley or Neil "Colin" Warnock) and shifting out some of the players not doing the business in favour of some tried and tested championship performers and I can see them challenging for the playoffs next year at least.

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      Alan Lee - Oh wait, At the begining of the season I would have said Ivan Campo but he just hasn''t done the business. Probably would have to say Giovanni Dos Santos (obvious reasons) but for Permanant players would go for Jon Walters. Unless We could have Haynes and chalk off all the goals he scored against us previously.

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?

      Favourite would be the one where we got to sing "Top of the league at Portman Road" - Whate better way to do it Jump West Brom to the top of the Championship by beating your biggest rivals in their own back yard both scored by a debutant, 2nd comes very closely behind with the retunrn fixture and a 3-1 win with MacKay getting 2 on the way to the premiership

      My least favourite, I''m prett sure of a certain 5-0 cropping up alot or a Bryan Gunn air kick but since is didn''t see them I''m going for the 3-1 defeat at Portman Road when Chadwick scored first and then got injured, so much hope only to be knocked back by a certain Mr Haynes.

      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      We will only deserve to stay up if we get more points and in some ways i don''t think we deserve to as a club, the way players are sold and never replaced and the total lack of ambition shown when we were promoted and then relegated. I suppose the only reason we deserve to stay up is for the 25,000 fans that turn out week in week out to support the team.

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      Sadly not, I can''t afford to keep going to away games and the club prioritises fans with 10 away stubs higher for the local derby game and I was unsucessful in the ballot for the last 3 years running I would love to ber their on Sunday but sadly it''s not to be.

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?

      Alan Lee is the type of player we have missed since Iwan Roberts left, A big menacing striker and i think he has been excellent, Everything about hime ouzes commitment and he genuinly looks like he just enjoys success - I just hop we can keep him permenantly.

      Cheers. Finally, what is your match prediction and why?

      The script is written for Alan Lee isn''t it? I think Norwich will take the lead early on probably the goal the Jason Shackell deserves only to be pegged back by either Giovanni Dos Santos or, the eternal pain in the proverbials, Danny Haynes, But Alan Lee will pop up in injury time to take all three points back to Norfolk and confirm us once again as "Pride of East Anglia" and take a massive step towards making sure we can beat you again next season.






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      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?

      Glenn Roeder, the man was imcompetent. Letting Huckerby go on a free was a ridiculous decision that seriously hurt the fans. He was very arrogant, questioning the fans logic of football at the AGM a month before he got sacked. He had his favourites and had many more enemies, such as Lappin and Cureton. His motivational skills were also questionable.

      The Board - From challenging for the play-offs to relegation threatened in 3 seasons shows the Board are also at fault. They have hired two Managers that have been awful, in Grant and Roeder. They have both wasted the money they got, Grant did seriously more. Also the lack of effort in looking for investors has disheartened many of us.

      What is your squad''s main strength?

      I would have to say Midfield and possibly goalie. This is down to us actually owning good players in this department! Russell, Hoolahan, Croft, Clingan, Pattison and Lappin are all on permanent contracts. Out of them though, Clingan and Croft are both fantastic players, who have quality aswell as determination. They make things happen for the side, and without them two we would be rather static.   

      What is your squad''s main weakness?

      Full-Back positions. Don''t get me wrong, Bertrand and Otsemobor have great potential, but more often then not, Otsemobor is quite a liability. Great going forward, but he is sometimes relucatant to keep running down the wing, plus he isn''t the best in the tackling department. Very frustrating player. Bertrand is quite solid, but hasn''t performed aswell as he has last season.

      Who has been your player of the season so far?

      Tough one, it has to be between Clingan, the Doc and Croft. Out of them though, I would go for Doherty. He has been rather reliable this season, compared to the last seasons. He is a calm head that is needed in our situation, and does nothing fancy. He has been given more responsibility due to injuries to Stefanovic and Kennedy when he was here. But since Shackell has come back, we look great at the back.

      How do you view Ipswich Town?

      Good side with an abundence of good players. I think Ipswich are playing like individuals instead of a team unit though and this is why you haven''t reached your potential yet. The fact that your team plays better away then at home shows that the players are suffering from bad morale from within the camp. Maybe the fans are adding to a negative vibe due to the fact that your are performing better away from home. Richard Wright doesn''t look a very comfortable goalie, especially after his antics at the start of the season. The defence looks quite solid, but apparently McAuley hasn''t played to his potential. Midfield is always an area where Ipswich are comfortable, especially with the likes of Garvan and Walters running the show for you guys. In the attacking positions you look a threat, especially with Counago and Giovani at your disposal, aswell as your Super-Sub, a certain Haynes. Haven''t heard much of him this season, warming the bench?

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      Again, a tough one. I would have to say Haynes though, just to make sure that he won''t be scoring against us anymore [;)]

      Seriously, Bruce. He was the only Ipswich player to come out of the game with some dignity from the match in November.

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?

      Has to be our win away in our Promotion season. "Top of the League at Portman Road" and all that!

      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      Well I don''t think we Necessarily deserve to, due to the fact that we are only clinging onto out Championship status on goal difference. In recent times though, I think we deserve to because the side are giving 100% for the cause. Players like Shackell and a certain Alan Lee have been immense so far and I think we have the better players at our disposal compared to the likes of Nottingham Forest and Barnsley.

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      Well, because all my Dad''s side to the family are Ipswich fans, my Grandad took me to my first ever match, to see Ipswich play Port Vale! Good game even though I can''t remember much of it, you guys won 5-0 with Johnson scoring a hat-trick. I think it was in the 1997-1998 season. However a few years later my Primary school were doing cheap youngster tickets (we couldn''t sell out back then!) so my Dad took me to my first Norwich game, 0-0 against Bury, with Bellers missing a penalty! From that day I was hooked.

      This will be my first away Derby game I have been to though with Norwich, so I''m really looking forward to giving you guys a "Spanking"!

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?

      He is potentially a Crowd Favourite, if not he already is. The way that he play''s is really what we need right now. A good old-fashioned centre forward who is not brave of getting stuck in. I think that you can tell that he is really enjoying his football here and him praising the fans for the game on Monday would of done him no harm whatsoever.

      Cheers. Finally, what is your match prediction and why?

      That''s alright! You can chuck the form book out for this one. Even with Ipswichs'' dismal home record this isn''t a normal Championship games. Magilton is on a tightrope and he will have to come up with the goods tactically and motivationally, and the fans will want to see a win to leave us in the brown stuff. But with our hard working team I think we can get a result. With the likes of Lee having something to prove, I wouldn''t bet against him to score against you guys. I think we have the better defence, the midfield area is evenly matched, likewise is the AttackI''m going to say a 2-2 draw, but I really wouldn''t be surprised if Lee grabs a late winner! [<:o]

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      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?

      I''m sure most City fans would be more than happy to compile a list for you, and in truth thousand''s of things, little and big, have led to our current, admittedly horrific circumstances.

      And as this is the case, and with so many many things going wrong in such a specific space of time, you can only point to the source for the duration of that period which is (and i can almost hear the reader''s thoughts saying it to themselves now...) "The Board".

      Truth is they have not lived up to, and most probably, and irrepairably never will live up to the responsibility put on their shoulders with the control of this club. From the dire managerial appointments, and the frighteningly horrendus misplacement of trust in player aquisitions, to the lack of awareness, gratification, and preservation of the mood and loyalty of the fans. Feels very patronising and worrying to be a Canary fan at this moment in time.

      However in saying that i can''t turn a blind to their management of finances when compared to Southampton. When we went down (from the Prem) we were in a very similar position to The Saints, and despite year after year of dissapointment on our part we''ve kept within our means, and it looks to of just about paid off (however i know we''re by no means out of the wood''s yet). Yet in saying that we have long ago waved a despairing goodbye to ambition, and angrily welcomed prudence (something that would surely not go down well at any football club).

      What is your squad''s main strength?

      Up until recently, the only part of the squad thats been worthy of the fans ambition was the midfield (bar Mark Fotheringham, the worst player in living memory for most to ever pull on a City shirt). Nowadays it''s hard to say, as Bryan Gunn looks to of thoroughly strengthened the squad in all departments that makes it look worthy of an all round solid Champioship side. So at the moment i''m not totally sure, but i''ll go with the defence considering just how dramatically they have improved under the new regime.

      What is your squad''s main weakness?

      Well as i said before, Gunn seems to of minimised our weaknesses making us pretty solid. However i think i''ll go with the strikers at the moment, as despite having a lot of players with a natrual instinct for goal we haven''t quite scored enough on their merit lately.

      Who has been your player of the season so far?

      It''s currently between "The Doc", "Ginger Pele", or as some see him "The Donkey", or just Gary Doherty, and Sammy Clingan. Despite our team having one hell of a poor defensive record for the season as a whole Gary Doherty in defence has consistently saved us on the occasions that he could, and when supported by a good partner (Stefanovic and Shackell) he well and truly produces, both in front of our goal and the oppositions (in my mind it''s a bit like Vidic and Ferdinand at United, but obviously on a far smaller scale).

      Clingan however has pretty much single handedly upheld our team throughout the season. We lost him for a period earlier in the season and we just impoded. He keeps the play up, supports the midfield, pressures the opposition, provides support on the attack with superb passing and awareness, and provides a good set piece. Also never misses a penalties either. As many Norwich fans would say, and with these kind of qualities, it wouldn''t be a surprise to hear that he''s the kind of player you notice most when he not on the pitch.

      Overall i can''t decide, as they both have been equally vital and impressive, in an otherwise dull season that most City fans would be happy to forget. But for arguments sake i''ll go with Doherty.

      How do you view Ipswich Town?

      A mid table side, with ambition, lots of money, a passionate manager, and good, and some (well one) undeniably quality player (and no my eyes are not green[;)]).

      In all honesty, at the moment i hold a lot of respect, despite a whole lot of obvious dislike for Ipswich Town. I respect the way you''ve gone about your bussiness recently as a club, getting into a sustainable position with a lot of potential. With the side you have, and with the money you have equipped should needs be, i think you scaryingly have a long way up to go as a club. I also hold a lot of respect for Magilton (only partly due to annoying Ipswich fans [;)]), i like his honest and passionate approach as a manager, and i think he really has the desire to take Ipswich to new heights. I still think he''s acclimatising to having a lot of money to spend, and i think that if he''s given more time, to stabalise, recouperate, and push on he could really do something special Ipwsich in a positive sense.

      The only lack of respect i hold for Ipswich Town at the moment is the fanbase. A serious lack of passion at the moment in my opinion, lower and lower numbers in the crowds, despite minor setbacks going along the way at the moment. A very little and underwhelming sense of support, and after my friend went to watch Ipswich play not so long ago his response merely confirmed, if not worsened my opinion of the Tractor Boy fanbase. I currently categorically hold them in the same regard as clubs that i''d like to stick my middle finger up to, such as Birmingham, Burnley and QPR (although they all may have a personal financial excuse at the moment) as clubs with fans that clearly don''t appreciate the position their club is in, and just don''t recognise how bad things could be for them.

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      Well it''s certainly not Kevin "Clearly Getting A Little To Feisty" Lisbie thats for sure.

      For me it''s Giovanni Dos Santos (I don''t feel i have to elaborate on this one).

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?

      I must confess, i''ve only been a City fan for 7 years or so (currently 17, and long living outsider of the region), so i don''t have too many memories of City in that respect.

      My favourite would probably be top of the league at Portman Road with Mckenzie scoring a brace. As a Norwich fan you can''t really deny how brilliant and fulfilling that was, despite not having the pleasure of being in the crowd that day watching it.

      Worst though? Well I''ve been led to believe that just outside a decade ago we lost to a scoreline that i took the liberty of erasing from my mind (all i know is that it was rather unfavourable from a Norwich point of view[;)]). But inside a decade? I''ll proably go with one of the ones Haynes scored in, so how about the 3-1 loss at Portman, where Haynes got a brace brace.

      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      If we do stay up, we do, if we don''t, we don''t, to be honest.

      But i''d like to believe that with the quality of players and passion now at the club, and with a set of such loyal and passionate fans backing them (of which themselves undeniably deserve to stay up, could it only be on their own merit) that we could push on and make sure we stay up. We certainly have it in us to do so, but in saying that i don''t want to turn a blind eye to how i know we are far more than capable of making a complete screw up of it all.

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      Not yet...

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?

      Despite unfavourable comments to the contrary of what i thought when we got him, he''s been absolutely superb. He''s been assured in the front line, perfect header of the ball, useful strength, and a tremendous fighting spirit and passion. He''s given defences in Birmingham to Swansea a horrid time, and he should have 2 or 3 goals to his name already, and had lady luck been on his side he would have. He''s been an entity in the side we''ve been missing since the legend that is Iwan Roberts, and could prove to be the vital player for us in the final run in to keep s up.

      He loves the club, he loves the area, he loves the fans, and as he''s made clear on more than one occasion, he''ll fight for us to the bitter end. He''s desperate to come here permanently and i''m pretty sure almost all Norwich fans would be more than willing to welcome him with open arms.

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      *Sorry, forgot the prediction*

      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?


      sure most City fans would be more than happy to compile a list for you,

      and in truth thousand''s of things, little and big, have led to our

      current, admittedly horrific circumstances.


      as this is the case, and with so many many things going wrong in such a

      specific space of time, you can only point to the source for the

      duration of that period which is (and i can almost hear the reader''s

      thoughts saying it to themselves now...) "The Board".


      is they have not lived up to, and most probably, and irrepairably never

      will live up to the responsibility put on their shoulders with the

      control of this club. From the dire managerial appointments, and the

      frighteningly horrendus misplacement of trust in player aquisitions, to

      the lack of awareness, gratification, and preservation of the mood and

      loyalty of the fans. Feels very patronising and worrying to be a Canary

      fan at this moment in time.


      in saying that i can''t turn a blind to their management of finances

      when compared to Southampton. When we went down (from the Prem) we were

      in a very similar position to The Saints, and despite year after year

      of dissapointment on our part we''ve kept within our means, and it looks

      to of just about paid off (however i know we''re by no means out of the

      wood''s yet). Yet in saying that we have long ago waved a despairing

      goodbye to ambition, and angrily welcomed prudence (something that

      would surely not go down well at any football club).

      What is your squad''s main strength?


      until recently, the only part of the squad thats been worthy of the

      fans ambition was the midfield (bar Mark Fotheringham, the worst player

      in living memory for most to ever pull on a City shirt). Nowadays it''s

      hard to say, as Bryan Gunn looks to of thoroughly strengthened the

      squad in all departments that makes it look worthy of an all round

      solid Champioship side. So at the moment i''m not totally sure, but i''ll

      go with the defence considering just how dramatically they have

      improved under the new regime.

      What is your squad''s main weakness?


      as i said before, Gunn seems to of minimised our weaknesses making us

      pretty solid. However i think i''ll go with the strikers at the moment,

      as despite having a lot of players with a natrual instinct for goal we

      haven''t quite scored enough on their merit lately.

      Who has been your player of the season so far?


      currently between "The Doc", "Ginger Pele", or as some see him "The

      Donkey", or just Gary Doherty, and Sammy Clingan. Despite our team

      having one hell of a poor defensive record for the season as a whole

      Gary Doherty in defence has consistently saved us on the occasions that

      he could, and when supported by a good partner (Stefanovic and

      Shackell) he well and truly produces, both in front of our goal and the

      oppositions (in my mind it''s a bit like Vidic and Ferdinand at United,

      but obviously on a far smaller scale).


      however has pretty much single handedly upheld our team throughout the

      season. We lost him for a period earlier in the season and we just

      impoded. He keeps the play up, supports the midfield, pressures the

      opposition, provides support on the attack with superb passing and

      awareness, and provides a good set piece. Also never misses a penalties

      either. As many Norwich fans would say, and with these kind of

      qualities, it wouldn''t be a surprise to hear that he''s the kind of

      player you notice most when he not on the pitch.


      i can''t decide, as they both have been equally vital and impressive, in

      an otherwise dull season that most City fans would be happy to forget.

      But for arguments sake i''ll go with Doherty.

      How do you view Ipswich Town?


      mid table side, with ambition, lots of money, a passionate manager, and

      good, and some (well one) undeniably quality player (and no my eyes are

      not greenWink [;)]).


      all honesty, at the moment i hold a lot of respect, despite a whole lot

      of obvious dislike for Ipswich Town. I respect the way you''ve gone

      about your bussiness recently as a club, getting into a sustainable

      position with a lot of potential. With the side you have, and with the

      money you have equipped should needs be, i think you scaryingly have a

      long way up to go as a club. I also hold a lot of respect for Magilton

      (only partly due to annoying Ipswich fans Wink [;)]),

      i like his honest and passionate approach as a manager, and i think he

      really has the desire to take Ipswich to new heights. I still think

      he''s acclimatising to having a lot of money to spend, and i think that

      if he''s given more time, to stabalise, recouperate, and push on he

      could really do something special Ipwsich in a positive sense.


      only lack of respect i hold for Ipswich Town at the moment is the

      fanbase. A serious lack of passion at the moment in my opinion, lower

      and lower numbers in the crowds, despite minor setbacks going along the

      way at the moment. A very little and underwhelming sense of support,

      and after my friend went to watch Ipswich play not so long ago his

      response merely confirmed, if not worsened my opinion of the Tractor

      Boy fanbase. I currently categorically hold them in the same regard as

      clubs that i''d like to stick my middle finger up to, such as

      Birmingham, Burnley and QPR (although they all may have a personal

      financial excuse at the moment) as clubs with fans that clearly don''t

      appreciate the position their club is in, and just don''t recognise how

      bad things could be for them.

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      Well it''s certainly not Kevin "Clearly Getting A Little To Feisty" Lisbie thats for sure.

      For me it''s Giovanni Dos Santos (I don''t feel i have to elaborate on this one).

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?


      must confess, i''ve only been a City fan for 7 years or so (currently

      17, and long living outsider of the region), so i don''t have too many

      memories of City in that respect.


      favourite would probably be top of the league at Portman Road with

      Mckenzie scoring a brace. As a Norwich fan you can''t really deny how

      brilliant and fulfilling that was, despite not having the pleasure of

      being in the crowd that day watching it.


      though? Well I''ve been led to believe that just outside a decade ago we

      lost to a scoreline that i took the liberty of erasing from my mind

      (all i know is that it was rather unfavourable from a Norwich point of

      viewWink [;)]).

      But inside a decade? I''ll proably go with one of the ones Haynes scored

      in, so how about the 3-1 loss at Portman, where Haynes got a brace


      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      If we do stay up, we do, if we don''t, we don''t, to be honest.


      i''d like to believe that with the quality of players and passion now at

      the club, and with a set of such loyal and passionate fans backing them

      (of which themselves undeniably deserve to stay up, could it only be on

      their own merit) that we could push on and make sure we stay up. We

      certainly have it in us to do so, but in saying that i don''t want to

      turn a blind eye to how i know we are far more than capable of making a

      complete screw up of it all.

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      Not yet...

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?


      unfavourable comments to the contrary of what i thought when we got

      him, he''s been absolutely superb. He''s been assured in the front line,

      perfect header of the ball, useful strength, and a tremendous fighting

      spirit and passion. He''s given defences in Birmingham to Swansea a

      horrid time, and he should have 2 or 3 goals to his name already, and

      had lady luck been on his side he would have. He''s been an entity in

      the side we''ve been missing since the legend that is Iwan Roberts, and

      could prove to be the vital player for us in the final run in to keep s



      loves the club, he loves the area, he loves the fans, and as he''s made

      clear on more than one occasion, he''ll fight for us to the bitter end.

      He''s desperate to come here permanently and i''m pretty sure almost all

      Norwich fans would be more than willing to welcome him with open arms.

      Cheers. Finally, what is your match prediction and why?Well everyone thinks that the script has been written for Alan Lee to put one away, but i feel that when you put so much expectancy on something to happen it never comes along (a bit silly i know, but this is no more than my interpretation of what life has held for me so far[:$]).I curently think that we''re expected to get a result at Portman with the lack of confidence and form over there, and ours to the contrary (despite what the bookies might have it all at), but i think some of your players will turn up on the occasion big time, and will see you sneak a 2-1 win, leaving us in bitter dissapointment.I''d like to think othewise, but it''s most certainly how our season has been so far.

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      [quote user="SnakepitCanary"]

      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?

      Glenn Roeder, the man was imcompetent. Letting Huckerby go on a free was a ridiculous decision that seriously hurt the fans. He was very arrogant, questioning the fans logic of football at the AGM a month before he got sacked. He had his favourites and had many more enemies, such as Lappin and Cureton. His motivational skills were also questionable.

      The Board - From challenging for the play-offs to relegation threatened in 3 seasons shows the Board are also at fault. They have hired two Managers that have been awful, in Grant and Roeder. They have both wasted the money they got, Grant did seriously more. Also the lack of effort in looking for investors has disheartened many of us.

      What is your squad''s main strength?

      I would have to say Midfield and possibly goalie. This is down to us actually owning good players in this department! Russell, Hoolahan, Croft, Clingan, Pattison and Lappin are all on permanent contracts. Out of them though, Clingan and Croft are both fantastic players, who have quality aswell as determination. They make things happen for the side, and without them two we would be rather static.   

      What is your squad''s main weakness?

      Full-Back positions. Don''t get me wrong, Bertrand and Otsemobor have great potential, but more often then not, Otsemobor is quite a liability. Great going forward, but he is sometimes relucatant to keep running down the wing, plus he isn''t the best in the tackling department. Very frustrating player. Bertrand is quite solid, but hasn''t performed aswell as he has last season.

      Who has been your player of the season so far?

      Tough one, it has to be between Clingan, the Doc and Croft. Out of them though, I would go for Doherty. He has been rather reliable this season, compared to the last seasons. He is a calm head that is needed in our situation, and does nothing fancy. He has been given more responsibility due to injuries to Stefanovic and Kennedy when he was here. But since Shackell has come back, we look great at the back.

      How do you view Ipswich Town?

      Good side with an abundence of good players. I think Ipswich are playing like individuals instead of a team unit though and this is why you haven''t reached your potential yet. The fact that your team plays better away then at home shows that the players are suffering from bad morale from within the camp. Maybe the fans are adding to a negative vibe due to the fact that your are performing better away from home. Richard Wright doesn''t look a very comfortable goalie, especially after his antics at the start of the season. The defence looks quite solid, but apparently McAuley hasn''t played to his potential. Midfield is always an area where Ipswich are comfortable, especially with the likes of Garvan and Walters running the show for you guys. In the attacking positions you look a threat, especially with Counago and Giovani at your disposal, aswell as your Super-Sub, a certain Haynes. Haven''t heard much of him this season, warming the bench?

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      Again, a tough one. I would have to say Haynes though, just to make sure that he won''t be scoring against us anymore [;)]

      Seriously, Bruce. He was the only Ipswich player to come out of the game with some dignity from the match in November.

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?

      Has to be our win away in our Promotion season. "Top of the League at Portman Road" and all that!

      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      Well I don''t think we Necessarily deserve to, due to the fact that we are only clinging onto out Championship status on goal difference. In recent times though, I think we deserve to because the side are giving 100% for the cause. Players like Shackell and a certain Alan Lee have been immense so far and I think we have the better players at our disposal compared to the likes of Nottingham Forest and Barnsley.

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      Well, because all my Dad''s side to the family are Ipswich fans, my Grandad took me to my first ever match, to see Ipswich play Port Vale! Good game even though I can''t remember much of it, you guys won 5-0 with Johnson scoring a hat-trick. I think it was in the 1997-1998 season. However a few years later my Primary school were doing cheap youngster tickets (we couldn''t sell out back then!) so my Dad took me to my first Norwich game, 0-0 against Bury, with Bellers missing a penalty! From that day I was hooked.

      This will be my first away Derby game I have been to though with Norwich, so I''m really looking forward to giving you guys a "Spanking"!

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?

      He is potentially a Crowd Favourite, if not he already is. The way that he play''s is really what we need right now. A good old-fashioned centre forward who is not brave of getting stuck in. I think that you can tell that he is really enjoying his football here and him praising the fans for the game on Monday would of done him no harm whatsoever.

      Cheers. Finally, what is your match prediction and why?

      That''s alright! You can chuck the form book out for this one. Even with Ipswichs'' dismal home record this isn''t a normal Championship games. Magilton is on a tightrope and he will have to come up with the goods tactically and motivationally, and the fans will want to see a win to leave us in the brown stuff. But with our hard working team I think we can get a result. With the likes of Lee having something to prove, I wouldn''t bet against him to score against you guys. I think we have the better defence, the midfield area is evenly matched, likewise is the AttackI''m going to say a 2-2 draw, but I really wouldn''t be surprised if Lee grabs a late winner! [<:o]


      Worst memory of a Derby game in recent times has to be the 3-1 loss at your place. We just didn''t show up that day and Haynes ran the show, blimmin'' git [8o|]

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      [quote user="hatch"]

      "Mushroom" has given some good answers and I only really need one interview.

      But I can create an extra article full of fan interviews if I get a good few. So if you want, answer the following questions and post them on this thread...

      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?

      incompetent board and to many loan signings

      What is your squad''s main strength?

      at the moment are main strength has to be midfield. a fit and on fire clingan and russell would match most in this division. shacks and the doc have also helped to fially produce a spine to the team!

      What is your squad''s main weakness?

      defence - in particular right back! no cover for otsemobor has led to his performances being the wrong side of average.

      Who has been your player of the season so far?

      lee croft

      How do you view Ipswich Town?

      scum, thick, horrible place, crap manager, underachieving ( wrt money spent )

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      if we absoulutely had to id take owen garvan of your hands, i also rate alex bruce highly but as he will be at carrow road in the summer no point saying him!

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?

      favourite has got to be the two nil win at your place - remember "top of the league at portman road"? least favourite goes to the 3-1 defeat last season, we were terrible and made you lot look half decent

      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      we dont, our board do not deserve run a championship club. 25,000 week in week out dont deserve anything less then championship football but our board have shown inexcusable incompetence so we may have to get use to it!

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      yes when we won 2 nil - remember "top of the league at portman road"? great day

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?

      looked ok, suprisingly fit and really passionate to do well. i just hope this isnt one big master plan to score an own goal this sunday and lift his shirt to reveal an ipswich shirt!!!

      Cheers. Finally, what is your match prediction and why?

      3-0 ipswich. there is likely to be huge pressure to get a result with potential wins for a rivals the day before, i expect this to make us crumble. you lot have nothing to play for except this match, you will be as fired up as us but without the pressure.




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      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?

      A mixture of things. The boards failure to supply either manager we''ve had with money, which makes the decision to turn down Mr. Cullum last summer all the more baffling. Also, Roeder had this club at the lowest level I have ever experienced, and was disliked by 90% of fans towards the end.

      What is your squad''s main strength?

      Central defence. The Doc and Shax have made us into a side that look difficult to beat as of late.

      What is your squad''s main weakness?

      Lee croft. And the fact that we don''t really have anyone to play there instead of him.

      Who has been your player of the season so far?

      Gary Doherty

      How do you view Ipswich Town?

      Ambitious with a very rich owner. But, at the end of the day, you are a bit filthy aren''t you?

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      Dos Santos or Walters.

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?

      Favourite was the 2-0 victory to go "TOP OF THE LEAGUE! AT PORTMAN ROAD!".

      Least favourite was last seasons defeat, where nobody in a yellow shirt turned up.

      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      Fans. 25 thousand every week for the last 5 or 6 years. Without doubt the best fans in the league.

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      Yeah, last season. Other than the first two minutes it was horrible. As much as it pains me to say it, we were beaten by a far better side.

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?

      Very well. He''s the happiest man in East Anglia.

      Cheers. Finally, what is your match prediction and why?

      2-1 Norwich, Alan Lee last minute in front of the North stand. He''ll shush the stand in celebration!

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      [quote user="hatch"]

      "Mushroom" has given some good answers and I only really need one interview.

      But I can create an extra article full of fan interviews if I get a good few. So if you want, answer the following questions and post them on this thread...

      What is the main reason behind this season''s demise for you?

      What is your squad''s main strength?

      What is your squad''s main weakness?

      Who has been your player of the season so far?

      How do you view Ipswich Town?

      If you could (or HAD to) have any Ipswich player, who would it be and why?

      What have been your favourite and least favourite meetings between the two sides in the last decade?

      Why do you deserve to stay in this league more than your fellow strugglers?

      Have you been to Portman Road before? If yes, tell us about your experience...

      How has Alan "carthorse" Lee got on for you so far?

      Cheers. Finally, what is your match prediction and why?



      [/quote]JIM MAGILTON...IS THAT YOU?????

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