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Boring Now

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Isnt it boring now with no stories to generate comments. Anybody know if we are going in for Kevin Cooper. I believe Bentley is waiting to see if West Ham go up before commiting himself. What does Neil Adams do when not commenting on Radio Norfolk.

Scraping the barrel now arent we.

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What happens to Captain Canary''s and Splat the Cat''s suits over the summer?? Who keeps them clean?? Also he climbs ALL THE WAY to the top of the flood flights to change the bulbs? How often do they need changing?

I think we are scraping the barrel! Maybe we should find the most amusingly boring question about Norwich over the summer!!

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Does anyone know how to apply for the job of Captain Canary? It''s my dream job!!! And I know for sure I''d score more penalties than the current one b4 games.

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Better hurry up Jonzey - Clint had his application in weeks ago!

Its not boring at the moment - Im just enjoying not being in the playoffs and watching the four who are desperately scrapping to join us!

There seems to be fewer random "we''re signing X (Sheringham, Romario etc)" threads here today (harper aside) - or is it me?

Maybe I''ll think one up...

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We should have a "Who will be first to FCR?" Guessing competition.

I''ll go first, Man United, and it will be a 1-1 draw.

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I bet we get someone really boring for the first game some one like blackburn a really scrappy match cant see it beeing a top 3 side

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First game up is usually a win or loss, very rarely a defeat. I expect us to carry over our winning streak and win our first game of next season, no matter who. Then the struggle will kick in.
I guess a home win against Spurs, purley because I know alot of Spurs fans who seem to think they are fans of a big club - not a mediocre faded team who were once good in the 70''s.

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Daft question, Super Shaun! Mr. Carrow is in the Barclay, where he always is! No doubt, in the close season he is allowed to go inside to sample some of Delia''s fare while everyone else is away! Lucky chap, hey? Roll on next season when he will be back outside in the cold again.

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jonzey, you obviously know some spurs fans then, i can agree with you on that one, what arrogance they all seem to have, i will also go for a huge win against spurs, with the added bonus of some of them sitting next to me when we trash them, so i can smile sweetly at them lol

also have to say of all current prem league grounds that i have been to, white hart lane is the quietest of the lot - wonder why?

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mr carrow is currently sorting out a scurmish in the city stand (lol) i just love mr carrow, last time he was in the barclay, the doors dividing blocks b and c shut right in front of me, nearly cut me in half, so whoever started the fight, you nearly killed me that day lol

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Even the silly free transfer speculation has all but dried up for now. Has anyone got any juicy or controversial football stories worthy of comment out there?

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Just noticed a mistake on my post above. Should have said the opening game of the season for a newly promoted club is usually a win or loss, rarely a draw.

If we''re at home on the first game I''d bet my mortgage on a win, against whoever (even the Gooners).

To answer Gazza, I know several Spurs fans. I can''t believe they all seriously thought they deserved Martin O''Neil as a manager!! As if he''d leave the biggest club in the UK to go to a small North London outfit like Spurs.

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