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Would Peter Crouch have got into the England world cup squad if he had not come to Norwich, and had the fortune to work under the guidance of our brilliant young manager?

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Who knows? It''s nice to see good old Rodders playing so well now, though. I just hope he can do the business out in Germany and show those Brazilians a thing or two. Come on England!!

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It could be argued that he would have got there without coming to us.  We certainly gave him new impetus to improve, and the staff at NCFC should be given credit for helping him regain his confidence, but I feel that the move to Liverpool was probably more decisive in his role at the World Cup.

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[quote user="blahblahblah"]It could be argued that he would have got there without coming to us.  We certainly gave him new impetus to improve, and the staff at NCFC should be given credit for helping him regain his confidence, but I feel that the move to Liverpool was probably more decisive in his role at the World Cup.[/quote]

I think being a player for Liverpool certainly helped but he did make the squad with Southampton.

I think it''s fair to say that Worthington did Crouch a favour and helped put his career back on track.  He was doing nothing at Villa and was stuck in the reserves.  Worthington took him on loan and gave him a chance to play first-team football.  He played well and his confidence improved and went back to Villa.  Despite O''Leary making it clear he did not think much of Crouch, when he was called upon due to injuries he played fairly well and because of this Southampton took a £2m chance on him.  He played well at Saints scoring a lot of goals considering he was out for much of the season until Dec-Jan time and the sale of Beattie to Everton no doubt helped him play after that. 

A lot of things contributed to him making this squad - his abilities being the main reason but it''s fair to say that Worthy started him on the road when before he was going nowhere.  No doubt another side would have taken him on loan but still........

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[quote user="Rudolph Hucker"]Last Saturday when listing his Clubs Motson failed to mention Norwich.[/quote]

I noticed that but to be fair he''s had a few and I for one don''t want to listen to five minutes of Motson listing clubs,  he is annoying enough as it!

Against Hungary (not exact), "So Mark (Lawro) do you have a favourite England songs amongst those released?".  "I don''t want to make this match all about Rooneys injury Mark but what will England miss most about him tonight and in the World Cup". 

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Don''t forget his ''spellbound'' and ''bewitched'' comments on Saturday after the Wizards team in the US was mentioned...

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And the legendary comment from the Argentina match. "And that goal gives Owen the England goalscoring record for competitive games... Unfortuanetly this isnt a competitive game so we cant give him the record"

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I know this is nitpicking but I thought friendlies still had an effect of Fifa world rankings etc. I mean I am probably wrong but that is what I was told once upon a time when I was but a weee lad.

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[quote user="chicken"]I know this is nitpicking but I thought friendlies still had an effect of Fifa world rankings etc. I mean I am probably wrong but that is what I was told once upon a time when I was but a weee lad.

They do, but at the end of the day rankings mean naff all. Competitve games are only world cup, euros, and qualifiers. Maybe one or two others, like that tournament between all the winners from each continent.

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I can''t stand Motson. The BBC should think less about "British Institutions" and more about good football commentary.

Even reading you lot taking the Michael out of him makes my blood boil - he''s like Roy Waller, except less funny and much more dull.

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I think his gangly 6'' 7" frame might have had more to do with it than anything!

To be honest fairplay to him and heres hoping he plays well in Germany but to be honest for his height he is surprisingly crap in the air but not to bad with his feet!

I feel that defenders may just be overmarking him at corners and free kicks due to his appearance which is allowing big John Terry to start getting on the end of Becham''s rejuvinated and supreme balls in. This could be very profitable during the world cup unless the other teams spot that he is actually quite poor in the air!

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[quote user="Mook"]

I can''t stand Motson. The BBC should think less about "British Institutions" and more about good football commentary.

Even reading you lot taking the Michael out of him makes my blood boil - he''s like Roy Waller, except less funny and much more dull.


they got rid of the wrong Commentator when they let Barry Davis go

jas :)

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