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Hi all,

Apologies for doing this- not usually my style...

Some of you may remember that I wrote in the summer about losing my father who I'd been going to Carrow Road with since I was 12.

I've not been since but was hoping to go to the Sheffield Wednesday game to mark what would have been his Birthday with my brother and my mother. Unfortunately the ticket website crashed and by the time I got through to the ticket office the tickets had all gone.

If anyone is selling three tickets or knows where I may be able to purchase them I'd be eternally grateful to you.


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1 hour ago, king canary said:

Hi all,

Apologies for doing this- not usually my style...

Some of you may remember that I wrote in the summer about losing my father who I'd been going to Carrow Road with since I was 12.

I've not been since but was hoping to go to the Sheffield Wednesday game to mark what would have been his Birthday with my brother and my mother. Unfortunately the ticket website crashed and by the time I got through to the ticket office the tickets had all gone.

If anyone is selling three tickets or knows where I may be able to purchase them I'd be eternally grateful to you.


It was an excellent and moving post which made me realise why I go to away games now.

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18 minutes ago, Midlands Yellow said:

I just got 3 tickets online together . Still a few left . 

Thanks! Just got three myself, I just took the ticket office at their word when they said sold out!

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So happy to read you got the tickets. Celebrate your father's life in the best way and hopefully our lads bring a win and possibly secure promotion that night too.

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Glad you got the tickets. I used to sit with my father in the River End prior to moving away and I can completely understand your position if I had lost him. He's currently up visiting me in the north for the boro game tomorrow.

I hope the Wednesday game goes well for both the promotion party but also for your occasion remembering your father.

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