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Thr Great Petrol Crisis 2012!!

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Never underestimate the stupidity of the common man!!Get a grip people ffs. 

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The treasury is laughing all the way to the bank, what an easter bunny windfall, this on the assumption that a strike might happen, after Easter.The jerry can message also sold out every jerry can people could lay their hands on.We are told to ''go buy siome jerry cans, fill them with petrol and stroe them...ehyem, here is wwere the problems starts. Insurance companies will not like the idea of having unsupervised petrol quantities in garages and homes. Then there is the security aspect, if this petrol is stolen and then used by a thrid party to start a fire, all hell will break loose.At a petrol station CCTV watches over who buys petrol, but once its in our garages, nobody watches it, a dangerous accelerant that is out of view and not secured.Just as the gullible voters of Bradford west where swayed by Galloway oratory skills, these gullible consumers have taken the PM''s message hook line and sinker, bless.I hope you finally got you pint of milk and a Mars bar. It never surprises me how much time motorists have at hand to drive around the countryside trying to find petrol, queuing for hours to get a rationed amount.

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And now some daft yorkshire lass has set fire to herself , a little bit of compo anyone ?? she and her family are bound to blame the goverment http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16199277


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[quote user="Larson E Whipsnade"]Brewery workers have just called a nationwide strike. I advise you all to stock up and panic buy at your local pub asap.[/quote]

is it legal to store Guinness in a jerry can ?

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[quote user="Larson E Whipsnade"]Brewery workers have just called a nationwide strike. I advise you all to stock up and panic buy at your local pub asap.[/quote]

I am taking this advice literally.Cheers[B][Y]

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[quote user="walkern canary"]And now some daft yorkshire lass has set fire to herself , a little bit of compo anyone ?? she and her family are bound to blame the goverment http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16199277

Good little sheeple BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [/quote]Obviously thought the warning notices about petol and naked flames only applied at the garage not at home. Who in their right mind pours petrol into another container with their gas hob on????No way she deserves compensation. It was not an accident as she did not take due care to prevent it happening.

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Do you mean this one?


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Do not know how to use Facecrap myself but that picture came from another forum I use. I do not live in that area and if I did I would never use that garage under any circumstance after such blatant profiteering

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