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Lessingham Canary

Nigel Clough anyone ?

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Young manager doing a great job at Burton with no money, his side when we went there were well organised, motivated with a good strong work ethic. Could work well with DoF upstairs to support him?

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Mmm, yeh, I see the attraction, although not filling me with unbridled excitement, but Warburton (of current managers out of work), for me, would be the better option.

Is there another David Wagner out there?

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I was all for Warburton when it became obvious AN was going to have to go, but found what happened at Rangers a bit poor on his part, with the supposed Forest debacle backfiring on him. Certainly did a great job at Brentford.

Just have this feeling it will be a young manager and an experienced hand upstairs.

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He''s not a young manager anymore.Rowett, Warburton or if by some miracle, Wagner could be prised away from Huddy. Might be worth nicking Klopp''s friends and family phone list.

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....he may be doing a good job at a club with no money......but we HAVE money, at least until the parachute payments run out. We need someone who knows how to spend it and has the contacts and pulling power to attract players.

If summising what sort of a job Clough might do here, then his time at Derby might be a better comparison, and he wasnt exactly a success there?

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