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Michael Turner

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Let''s face it, he''d be a serious option for a starting spot at CB now wouldn''t he? Surely couldn''t do any worse than Bassong. Shame he''s out on loan :/

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Josh wrote the following post at 24/10/2015 11:47 PM:

Let''s face it, he''d be a serious option for a starting spot at CB now wouldn''t he? Surely couldn''t do any worse than Bassong. Shame he''s out on loan

Utter madness

Clearly never been to a live game

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He''s probably had his best days now.

But him at his best with Bassong is so much better than what we''re stuck with now. We''ve gone backwards.

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of course I have, went to plenty last year. If anything he''d keep Bassong on his toes. With little competition for his place complacency can easily creep into his game.

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The club had all summer to buy defenders to create competition for places

But we chose not to making some cr@p excuse that no one wants to come


Why did we Wisdom ? Not even good enough for a place on the bench

At least he can have a chat with Voo & Laffs

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I find most of the threads on here are similar to the moronic CC.......I believe.you post regularly! It brightens up my day reading the argumentative dross though so please continue!

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So Bassong is the scapegoat this weekend?! This forum never ceases to depress the hell out of me.

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Totally agree, watch the Arsenal v Everton game and pick out all the potential scapegoats for the 3 goals. Some of the best defenders and goal keeper in the prem. I also note that Barkely''s goal down the left was because the Aresenal RB was caught attacking. Shocking! Still, the guys on here know better!

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The answer to the OP is simply, no. If you kindly cast your mind back to last season when we conceding comedy goals by the bucket load in the championship. Turner was a massive part of the reason that was happening.

We looked much more effective when he was replaced by Bassong and began to climb the table. It''s not the sole reason, of course, but it was a massive factor. Which begs the question, if Turner was struggling last year then why it''s going to be any different at a much higher standard?

We can demand changes to the back four until we''re blue in the face but they''ll largely be changes for changes sake. The only way the back four can be improved fuandementally is to strengthen in January. Something which I fear won''t be easy if we''re in a poor league position at that time.

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[quote user="Herman "]So Bassong is the scapegoat this weekend?! This forum never ceases to depress the hell out of me. [/quote]

Not the scapegoat but he was pretty poor for the third game! His passing is abysmal, his reading of the game is questionable and his defending was non existent, that ball was crossed onto his head and he didn''t jump, never made it hard for the player to take the header, it was schoolboy stuff yet again!

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But I thought Whittaker was to blame for everything that happens in the world.

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Either Whittaker, Martin, Bassong and Olsson are all scapegoats or they''re just not that good. (it''s the second option)

.....The whole defence is not really good enough to be in a mid-table PL team (which we all knew already before the start of the season).

The question is: where can we improve?

Opinions differ on this (which for some reason is dressed up as scapegoating). Some think its the Martin and Whittaker partnership, others think its the two CB''s, whilst some think its Olsson and Bassong.

Opinions, not scapegoating, though I do think some people are blind and can''t have watched the game, for example some posters suggesting Martin only gave the ball away a couple of times.

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As a whole the defence is not good enough-I think Russ gave the ball away 5+ times but Bassong was not far off that either and is a liability as times. Many other players lose/give away possession as well but that is not picked up as much due to those players not being under the spotlight as much. Tettey for example who loses possession an awful lot and also gives away silly fouls. Redmond is another who gives the ball away unnecessarily by trying to take on too many players when a simple pass would do.

It is a collective failure really. January will be tough if we are down at the bottom-who would want to join us if we would likely be relegated?

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