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Everything posted by Surfer

  1. Meanwhile : Republican madness continues.
  2. Look I have told you before - we get relegated every time we put too much green into our kit. It was obvious we were going down as soon as they rolled that ghastly yellow dipped in green sheep dye. If we had wanted to stay up we could have rewarded all. of our fans by playing in last year's kit this season. oh, that a very joung team and some killer injuries didn't help.
  3. Meanwhile ... the new strategy for the Ukraine scandal seems to be to blame the subordinates. That worked for Ronald Reagan over the Iran / Contra scandal, but everyone knew that he was essentially senile and only acting as a president by that time so he got away with it. https://www.newsandguts.com/the-last-strategy-house-gop-ready-to-blame-trump-deputies-for-ukraine/
  4. Oh well, so it is all about Russia then... If the British public votes in Boris and his compromised Tories after tomorrow's Sunday Times story is digested, then they deserve everything they are going get.....just saying, you were warned.
  5. Meanwhile clubs of similar stature have never been promoted to the Premier League in order to be relegated from it either.
  6. There are three sources of new information occurring at the same time : - the depositions regarding the "withholding military assistance $ to Ukraine in return for politically motivated investigations" - the Roger Steele trial for lying to Congress about his role in the Wikileaks release of Russian hacked DNC e-mail server - FOI requests to release Mueller report internal memos and some of the FBI's 302's - those are witness statements. From each you have to come back to the central question - why does everything point to Russia / why are Republican politicians doing every thing they can not to point the finger at Russia? Well, this is from this morning - the RNC (Republican National Committee) may have been deceitful about their knowledge and role over the Wikileaks.... was the Mueller report given to Congress incomplete? “The RNC also indicates they knew the timing of the upcoming [Wikileaks] releases.” ....and... -“Candidate Trump said, ‘get the emails.’ [Michael] Flynn said he could use his intelligence sources to obtain the emails.”
  7. More on the above misuse of charitable funds case brought by New York State, they are the same legal team suing for his business and personal tax returns for other reasons, which may go to the Supreme Court for a final ruling. The lawsuit involved the President and his three eldest children, Don Jnr, Ivanka and Eric. https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/07/politics/trump-settlement-trump-foundation-new-york/index.html What is amazing is that after the Judge said - "Mr. Trump breached his fiduciary duty to the Foundation," including by "allowing his campaign to orchestrate" a televised fundraiser ostensibly for the foundation in Des Moines, Iowa, in January 2016, and allowing the campaign to direct the distribution of the money raised from that event "to further Mr. Trump's political campaign." This is the " fundraiser for veterans" in question https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/rewatching-trump-iowa-fundraiser-heart-attorney-general-lawsuit His lawyers had the chutzpah to say - "We are pleased that the Court, in rejecting the Attorney General's frivolous request for statutory penalties, interest and other damages, recognized that every penny ever raised by the Trump Foundation has gone to help those most in need," If that were true, you might presume there would have not been a lawsuit or that ruling.... the Foundation is being dissolved under legal supervision.... Famous ex-CBS newscaster Dan Rather said : ' Apparently the Trump family took the phrase “charity begins at home” literally '
  8. Re Rivers, that could well be. I could see the NFL doing something incredibly stupid like sending the NY Jets to London. 😂The really missed their opportunity , they should have sent the Raiders there..but the bad blood between Al Davis and the other NFL owners continues even after his death.....
  9. Specifically on Ukraine it’s is likely to include Donald Trump Mick Mulvaney Mike Pompeo Rick Perry on the possible list but maybe just on the other side because of “plausible deniability” Mike Pence William Barr John Bolton Then there are the fall guys - not all in the Administration but who can be blamed Rudy Guiliani Ambassador Sonderland White House lawyers Beyond Ukraine, it could be almost anyone and almost everyone in the Administration and the Republican Party over the next couple of years.
  10. I would give that one up while you are behind RTB
  11. Meanwhile. The President’s son has broken the Victim and Whistleblower Protection Act and deliberately too it seems. As he is not a member of Congress with the cover of debate clause exemptions from prosecution, will Bill Barr, the Attorney General do his duty and charge and arrest him for endangering this persons life? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/11/06/donald-trumps-son-tweets-alleged-name-whistleblower-triggered/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  12. Unlike other parts of the country we don’t like a dual carriageway to be driven through the heart of our Fine City - massive fail RTB, you were properly called on your statement. The A11 is dual carriageway from the M11 to A47 as you now know.
  13. Meanwhile, public hearings into Ukraine military aid $ for dirt scandal will start next Wednesday. And the trial of Roger Stone has started... charges around Wikileaks, e-mail hacks and collusion. .... as Leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi has said why is it " all roads seem to lead to Putin " ?
  14. Win our last 12 games and it doesn't matter about Friday.
  15. Ah yes, Burbank well named the Burrs that grow on the Bank definitely painful. Almost as bad as the “Shybush” in Texas. It’s got nasty thorns in it you don’t realize are there until you stroke it’s leaves to get them to close up - hence the “shy”
  16. Rumor here is LA Chargers to London. 😞 their owner Kurt Spanos (sp?) is throwing F-bomb expletives around over that rumour - spoiled brat. He had a city in San Diego that loved his team, and he threw it all away to get richer in LA. He said they were coming home, but nobody wants them back, they left 40 years ago. Can’t sell out a 26,000 Brentford style stadium to their own fans....it’s become an away game every home game. So the team everyone wants back in LA - the Raiders - are going to Las Vegas to become the NFL version of the Haarlem Globtrotters and the Chargers are going to become the West Coast version of the Jets - squatters in their local rival’s stadium on a low rent deal. Just pathetic.
  17. The problem is the “when” as much as the “if” electoral laws are enforced. Here in the US if they are enforced at all, it’s often after the election is over and there is no recourse. So that is where journalists and other respected members of society have a huge role to play, to call out this lying not just report the lies. This is something the US journalists have failed at big time, I hope the UK journalists do not fall for it.
  18. They are simply following the lead of their Republican “colleagues” in the US. Once the lying / propaganda starts there is no bottom. it must be called out and dealt with right now. There are only two groups of people who can fix this problem - Tory MP’s and the voters - but journalists and judges can certainly help out.
  19. Truth matters though. I will shoot down a lie every time I see it. As for the “we need to get back to governing the county” - that is another lie. Unfortunately the Senate Majority Leader can block consideration of any bills passed by the House - and he has. Legislation on gun control, healthcare, election security etc etc etc many with widespread support in the country have all been stalled by the self proclaimed “Mitch the grim reaper” Still anything to set up the big lie “ they are just do nothing Democrats” is OK eh?
  20. Get your head out of the sand man - here's a list of the 25 most dangerous cities; most are in Republican led states. Only Baltimore is in that top 25 - # 1 most dangerous is St Louis in deep red Missouri. As usual a "Trump truth" is a pack of Republican lies. What makes a city dangerous is treating residents like a piece of trash and lax gun control laws. Immigrants and aliens have nothing to do with it... that's just a xenophobic excuse for why your'e failing. Most high immigration cities are safe and do well economically. https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/travel/experience/america/2018/10/17/25-most-dangerous-cities-america/1669467002/ St Louis (R) Detroit (D) was (R) until Jan 2019 Baltimore (D) Memphis (R) Kansas City (R) Little Rock (R) Milwaukee (D) was (R) until Jan 2019 Rockford (D) was (R) until Jan 2019 Cleveland (R) Stockton (D) Albuquerque (R) Springfield (D) was (R) until Jan 2019 Indianapolis (R) Oakland (D) San Bernardino (D) Anchorage (R) Nashville (R) Lansing (D) was (R) until Jan 2019 New Orleans (R) Minneapolis (D) Chicago (D) was (R) until Jan 2019 Houston (R) Hartford (D) Chattanooga (R) Bueamont (R)
  21. Well that's alright then. The effective Foreman of the Jury - Mitch McConnell - has already made up his mind there is no charge to answer. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment-mcconnell/mcconnell-does-not-expect-possible-senate-impeachment-trial-to-lead-to-trumps-ouster-idUSKBN1XF2GK I think he should pay attention to tonight’s election results and reflect on his party’s future....
  22. So the Republican reaction to the release of the testimony transcripts and Sondland's reversal is ..... Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, says he won't read any of the transcripts, and dismissed Sondland's reversal. "I've written the whole process off ... I think this is a bunch of B.S." Where I think this is going is : the Democrat majority House will Impeach the President over the use of taxpayer money to the Presidents personal benefit. the Republican majority Senate will refuse to convict him, as the acknowledged transaction was "not an impeachable offense" The 2020 election will be fought over corruption and election integrity, the Democrats will paint the Republicans as being O.K with foreign and domestic interference in elections, and the whole system - registration and de-registration, voter identification, campaign financial disclosures, voting times, days, tallies and vote verification - needs to be updated and practices like gerrymandering outlawed. The Republicans will paint the Democrats as being communists and hypocrites and say they do exactly the same thing...
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