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Everything posted by Sim086

  1. i was one who missed this first goal, suffolk constabulary are an actual disgrace, if i performed like that in my job i would get the sack, i am defiantly going to make a complaint, but still we got the last laugh winning 5-1 :) actually sorry no make that 9-2 :)
  2. [quote user="Clint"]Spurs were 4 nil down with less than a quarter of the game left (over 2 legs). We were 1 nil up and cruising. Ruddy''s was game changing, Gomez''s doesn''t really matter in the great scheme of things (although he probably feels a bit of a nob!)[/quote] fair point!
  3. ummm that is all true but you must be really thick if you dont think that was a goal keeping howler last night.
  4. man i thought ruddy''s mistake was bad last night, have people just seen gomez''s how bad would you feel if you were a spurs fan
  5. unless he has progressed better then expected he will be back for ipswich, he told me himself as i served him in the bank i work, also interestingly he sees cardiff more of a threat then swansea.
  6. [quote user="Thecanaryfan"] [quote user="City1st"]"some of our most optimistic fans wouldn''t predict us being in this position at the beginning of the season2 err I did, as did many others 18-1 promotion, cheers Corals[/quote] You havent won yet!! There will most likely be a late surge from another team. There always is. [/quote] ummmmmm yeah that team is us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. could tonight actually gone any better!? with 3 games in hand on us at end of sat now down to one and we are still a point ahead, i never imgained that would of happened, and bugger there game in hand, they have to come to the mighty carrow road!!!!
  8. i couldnt agree more..... if we hadnt got those late goals at millwall and yesterday we would be sitting 7th right now, this league is so tight we are ot nailed on for play offs yet, we must keep are foot firmaly on the gas!!!
  9. [quote user="BHA"]Seen at shoreham airport an hour ago boarding a helicopter on way to yours for medical.[/quote] source? bullsh*t!!
  10. [quote user="kdncfc"]Confirmed by Brighton in their local rag. [/quote]   http://www.theargus.co.uk/sport/8818982.Bennett_hands_in_transfer_request/
  11. [quote user="nycanary"][quote user="s10_yellow"]Yeah I think it''s being shown live somewhere in Asia so there will definitely be a stream. One previous visit to Turf Moor (2-0 defeat in 08/09 - utterly abject) was more than enough for me so very good news. [/quote] yah...its also showing in the US on Fox Soccer Plus and also live streaming on foxsoccer.tv for a fee. [/quote]   i couldnt access that website wouldnt let me as with what country i am in, you know how to get round it?
  12. [quote user="CantonsHero"]In the first half, Whitbread''s arse got the better of him and attempted to set them up; then he turned attack in defence by mis-controlling on the half-way line onto his own arm, and he was at fault for the goal. A few years ago John Terry said when you come back from long term injury, the first two games you can get through on pure willpower but then you hit the wall if you''re not match fit. Whitbread hit the wall today. Nelson will start against Palace. [/quote]   are you actually serious? at fault for the goal? really!?
  13. [quote user="Excited Canary"]Mixture of tiredness and he wasn''t playing great. [/quote]   well you couldnt of been at the game as he did play well dont know where the hell you got that from
  14. our these guys completely useless according to them sheff took the lead through ched evans!? well from where i was sitting pretty sure crofts scored first what a disgrace!!!   http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11688_6695404,00.html
  15. [quote user="canaryspike7"]....at least no other f****r wanted him.[/quote]   they would of if he had done this well, one thing i can tell you gunn would not of dreamt going to burnley he would of told them where to go, looking back at it now maybe we deserve this for treating someone who was so loyal to this club through his playing and coaching days
  16. [quote user="canary_girl"] [quote user="M.A.T.T"]I hate to say it, but he would be furthering his career there. We gave him £100,000 to spend on Wilbraham and Burnley have £4-5m parachute money for transfers. They have money to spend and we dont, we have to get used to that.[/quote] to be fair to the board though, we may not be full of cash but last January they gave him money, this summer I think PL bought seven players and they wern''t all cheap who no one wanted, this January we have already bought Barnett who apparently Lambert has been after for ages, we have bought in another albeit cheap striker and its only early January. In my eyes PL has been given money to practically rebuild his own team, which he has and we are now sitting joint second with key injured players on the verge of returning. IF he leave for Burnley, its utter madness [/quote]   agreed
  17. [quote user="M.A.T.T"]I hate to say it, but he would be furthering his career there. We gave him £100,000 to spend on Wilbraham and Burnley have £4-5m parachute money for transfers. They have money to spend and we dont, we have to get used to that.[/quote]   they dont have a good as TEAM as us though, they may have some better individuals, but not a better team or club with our infrastructure, plus the fact i think we have supported lambert pretty well with the players he has brought in espcially the likes of barnett and surman, neither who would of been cheap. i think he would be crazy to go, who would burnley even be able to attract to them? they couldnt get any1 decent when they were in the prem
  18. [quote user="Lynn Canary"]What, are they going around on every thread, sayint the same load of crap, and saying that Lambert is a disgrace,and should leave the club now,like all the other muppets today on this board. Do you think Lambert will leave then ? Do you want him to leave ?[/quote]   i have said neither, all i have said is that he should of shown us some respect and if he really is not going to leave or not interested he would of said so, and he did not. i do not want him to leave he is the best thing thats happened to this club for a long time, but its looking like he may well do that, he is giving out the signals he is interested in talking to burnely
  19. [quote user="Lynn Canary"]You, definantly you. You act so negative. Does it matter what Lambert did before he got here ? What matters is what he has done since being here. He''s done a great job, and no doubt he could keep us in the Premier League when he eventually gets us there[/quote]   hucks and iwan said the same things so shock horror, so they must be morrons as well by association?
  20. [quote user="Lynn Canary"]You really are like a little child. So ,if im the exception, i expect there will only be about 3000 fans then for our matches ? No, there wont be because if you look around the other posts,its the same immature muppets like yourself that our starting numerous threads about the same load of crap. Yeah, he wants some more players, that sounds like a manager thats off if you ask me. Why would he want to sign some more players if he was leaving ? He wants a couple of players because he wants to make a push for promotion. Would you rather we didnt sign anyone so that when our players get injured we don''t have any cover, then we fall out of the running for promotion ? I should think you would actually, because you don''t really seem like a fan to me. Yes Hoolahan is out of contract in 6 months ? What makes you think that they aren''t tryin to get a contract sorted out ? Do you work for Norwich City ? No you don''t, so you have no idea what''s going on behind the scenes. Until Lambert comes out and says he WANTS to leave, he is our manager. He hasn''t said he wants to leave, so shut the hell up with all the negative rubbish. How many times has he said he wants to leave . . . None. How many times has he said he is happy here . . .Plenty. So why should he have to say it again. Nothing''s changed, he''s gona stay, and you are a pleb.[/quote]   that aimed at me or darren huckerby and iwan roberts aswell?
  21. Hucks - Just taking my frustrations out on a running machine, Only Lambert knows what he wants to do, i would be appalled if he left for Burnley   Iwan Roberts -   All pl had to add was that he was committed to ncfc as simple as that!!   you guys going to slate these two legends as well?  
  22. [quote user="Lord Horn"][quote user="simo86"] [quote user="judderman"]But he doesn''t owe us any respect. He owes us nothing. We''d still be a league 1 club if it weren''t for him. We all knew loyalty wasn''t an issue for him - if it was we''d still be in League 1 cos he wouldn''t have come to us. So who can blame him for moving to a club with more money to further his career, having done a fantastic job here, if that''s what he wants to do? [/quote]   first of all your a tw*t if you think going to burnley somehow would further his career, we have given him the opportunity to perform, before us as a manager he had achieved nothing!!! [/quote] Ah...resorting to name calling, that''s always going to win you the argument!  Before anyone starts making any comments, maybe the facts should be established.  Until then, some on here ought to take a reality check. [/quote]   just pure frustration, and may i ask then what he has achieved as a manager before us? losing in the play offs with wycombe? doing nothing at col who?
  23. [quote user="Lynn Canary"]Exactly, he has said it many times before, so why should he have to say it again ? He was happy with the club statement which said he won''t be going anywhere.If he wanted to go he could have said '' the club has released a statement and i have nothing more to say '', then people would have reason to be concerned. He is still at Norwich, he''s not at Burnley. I love Norwich , but some of the fans are truly a disgrace. Were 3rd in the league in our first season back in the Championship, and you still have to get on the back of the manager. How on earth is he disrespecting us ? In one way, id like to see him leave, and say that is because of fans like you that he is. What more does he have to do to prove he wants to be here. He has made us promotion candidates on a mediocre mudget, and he still has put up with people like you.[/quote]   idiot!!!!!!!!!!! i think you will find most fans feel the way i do and your the exception, just read the other posts. and i have no problem if he left to further his career, burnley would not be doing that. he should either dispell the rumor one way or another saying hes staying or wants to go. end of, not all this distraction and unease now surrounding the club, apprently we are bringing in two other players, how are they going to feel about this? hoolhan who is out of contract in 6 months,
  24. [quote user="judderman"]But he doesn''t owe us any respect. He owes us nothing. We''d still be a league 1 club if it weren''t for him. We all knew loyalty wasn''t an issue for him - if it was we''d still be in League 1 cos he wouldn''t have come to us. So who can blame him for moving to a club with more money to further his career, having done a fantastic job here, if that''s what he wants to do? [/quote]   first of all your a tw*t if you think going to burnley somehow would further his career, we have given him the opportunity to perform, before us as a manager he had achieved nothing!!!
  25. [quote user="greenTshirt"]Lynn Canary - what you have to remember is that there is a minority of city fans who''re not happy unless they''re having a good old moan about something. They love it.[/quote]   its not moaning for a start its an opinion, please explain to all of us we he didnt say the club have made a statement and as said previously i am happy here!? why is there all this fuss? normally the rumor us quashed and we move on this one has not, why was mcnally there before the conference? he is never never on a friday morning, no smoke without fire.
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