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Everything posted by Sim086

  1. [quote user="Nexus_Canary"][quote user="Sim086"] I don''t post here very often, but read everyday, far too often infact, however I am fed up with the amount of new users or glory hunters that seemed to have joined this forum. Half the time you talk absolute rubbish and actually have no idea what your going on about. For example that ridiculous thread about are manager not remebering when crofts was here, ffs he wasn''t even here, is it news he didn''t know that? No it is isn''t, if you haven''t got any postive or intersting to say, dont post, because you are making this forum very poor at the moment.   [/quote] You sir are a glory hunting newb very blatently If one looks at sign up days and the low post count. Although I do like your use of a disclaimer in line one. [/quote] Prick
  2. Haha, I know this wasn''t very interesting was just getting on my nerves though........ I can make up a ridiculous rumor if you like or suggest we should be going for Berbatov....... oh wait thats been done lol!
  3. I don''t post here very often, but read everyday, far too often infact, however I am fed up with the amount of new users or glory hunters that seemed to have joined this forum. Half the time you talk absolute rubbish and actually have no idea what your going on about. For example that ridiculous thread about are manager not remebering when crofts was here, ffs he wasn''t even here, is it news he didn''t know that? No it is isn''t, if you haven''t got any postive or intersting to say, dont post, because you are making this forum very poor at the moment.  
  4. Just reading sky sports news and watched this clowns interview, seriously is he for real!? I thought I would never see anybody as arogant as Roeder, but well done Kean, you have beaten him hands down. I dont post here often and I read some of the bile that some so called ''fans'' write, but we are are extremely lucky we dont have owners like blackburn or that clown as a manager, So who is worse for you? Kean or Roeder?
  5. Wow some people on here are pathetic, ppl like mister chops are everything thats wrong with this world. Its bloody banter. Every body is so PC these days, thats why we dont have proper christmas anymore, we have the rubbish human rights law, you cant say or do anything more its pathetic, i actually hate ppl like this get a sense of humor and a life
  6. [quote user="WW"][quote user="Jacko"]I do rate him. He has been decent this season. Had an off day today, but there you go. I am sure Howson and Snodgrass will have off days when they are playing for us to.[/quote] Snoddy never has an off day. The geordies will love him![/quote]   oi loser fcuk off!!!! u lost at home 4-1 in the championship, god your bad! we play at a much higher level and havent lost anywhere near that, you are crap, you are a loser, you have to post on a norwich site, get a life loserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  7. i hear what your saying, however even when we picked the right players for the diamond it has not worked.
  8. [quote user="WW"]I thought you all loved him and it was ridiculous for us Leeds fans to have ever called him "average"?[/quote]   F*uck off and worry about your own team who got hammered at home 4-1 you LOSERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. We were bloody crap tonight, however it is just one game, i think we can honestly all say that the diamond does not work in the premier league, it has not worked one game this season apart from burnley in the fa cup which was one game against a championship team. IMO johnson has been poor since the England link, but i still think he is a decent player. I hate all the idiots over reacting here tonight it patethic, its one game we got badly wrong, much a like the man city game. we have had a brilliant season better then we could of ever expected. Dont get me wrong i hope we never play the diamond again in this league however some people on here and canary call go way over the top!
  10. I hear what your saying and you could well be right, but with having Ward back and once bennett has signed, that gives us two centre backs to rotate with, also have russell martin, who imo has been better at CB this year then he has been RB. Taking that into account think we have more then enough defensive cover for the CB position
  11. That could still possibly happen, as championship teams can still loan players outside the deadline.
  12. As the thread suggests,  I see no future for him at the club now, its asahme he is a great stopper, however his distribution has really caught him out at this level, and i think championship level at best for him
  13. looks like going to be let down, looks like will get this bennett, but not that exciting as loaning him back :(
  14. Well I waited this long so what''s another hour going to hurt! have SSN on the laptop match of the day on tv, not a bad evening!  
  15. well with an hour to go looks like I wasted my evening reading this site and watching sky sports news lol!
  16. So far so good, WBA, and Chelsea both could of been the first team to do the double over of us, personally i am glad it was not blooming chelsea and there stuck up manager, who do you think it will be?
  17. [quote user="birchfest"]What the fuck. did Hansen even watch the game... Chelsea dominated and Norwich second best through out? joke of a pundit, cant wait for us to stay up and prove these smug gits wrong [/quote] lol i was just about to post the same thing, seriosuly they have no clue, why does everyone seem to hate us so much?
  18. [quote user="MAJESTIC"]good ref but not consistent[/quote] wow please tell me this is a wind up? did you see his performance when we played reading last year..............
  19. [quote user="Mr McGoo"]I don''t know how true this is but I heard " that he was sleeping with damien francis''s mrs" did anyone else hear this or is it just utter garbage[/quote] This i can confirm 100% true i cannot say totally how but i have seen the divorce settlement
  20. dont know if anyone knows this but naughton is a free agent in the summer, so would be available at a knock down price
  21. Norwich arent on sky loser!!! Are you so poor you cant afford to go to football
  22. [quote user="delta bravo"]obviously never played the game.......id rather talk 2 someone who knows what they''re talking about - next![/quote] lol your full of crap why dont you answering a point i assume pundits dont know what there talking about as i watched the game back on sky and they made the same.point with the header damn chris coleman and ray wilkins if only there were pundits who played the game
  23. [quote user="delta bravo"]of all the strikers at the club, in the short time he has played this season he has looked the most threatening / the biggest goal threat.  the header u refer to yesterday was not as easy as it looked, it came over a group of players and he actually had very little time to react to it.  i think u r wrong 2 say that he has looked terrible on the back of 1 very good performance against wigan (many would say he was our best player that day) and 2 sub appearances totalling about 45 mins - another total over reaction on here [/quote]wow little time to react are you joking me? what about the one on one agaiinst chelsea, not enough time there either? not an over reaction, an opinion, he may well come good and i hope he does, but i remember when we signed him all the millwall boards at the time werent fussed and said he needed 5 chances to convert 1, and that is what i have witnessed so far
  24. [quote user="delta bravo"]simo86 - i''m guessing u didnt watch  the wigan game then?  morrison terrible so far?  he''s hardly played.....why do some people on here over react to everything - maybe you''ve all got too used to winning? [/quote] I have an away season ticket and was there thanks for asking :) however back to the game in hand, as a goal scoring threat he has been poor, remind me how many chances did he have against wigan? yes he put in the cross for the goal, but was more of an assit from the keeper then morison!, i dont question, his commitment or work rate, or his link up play, but has a goal threat has he been clinical enough so far? i would say no sorry he had to take that on his left at chelsea, also your telling a prem striker should be missing a free header from that close? this is the prem you take your chances or you lose, as yesterday once again proved. i am not being negative i am just saying i do not think from what i seen so far morison has been clinical enough.
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