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Ken Aries

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Everything posted by Ken Aries

  1. Have a nice break, CJF. I for one shall welcome you back. Any forum needs diverse views and all anybody has to do if they don''t like what somebody has posted, is simply ignore it.
  2. Ashton the greatest striker we ever had? In my opinion he isn''t. Of the stikers I have seen play for City since I started going to Carrow Road regularly in 1983; I prefer (in no particular order) Sutton, Roberts, Bellamy, Drinkell, Fleck and Earnie. Ashton was good but I never thought we got the best from him.
  3. Thanks for your monosyllabic response, Pete. It must have taken you ages to come up with something as well thought out as that! Special thanks go to all those who managed more than two words. There''s nothing quite like a mass debate, is there?
  4. I heard that McDonalds wouldn''t re-employ Worthless, because his lugubrious poker-face and his monotonous droning voice tended to turn customers away.
  5. They certainly have a somewhat unfair advantage with their vast funds, NC. It will be interesting to see how competitive the likes of Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool and Spurs will be next season, though.
  6. What are the chances we will be left with Joe Lewis as the only fit keeper at the start of the season? Here is the worst case scenario as I see it. Firstly, it is almost certain that Greeno will be out for several games at the start of the season. Secondly, Gallagher could well be on his way somewhere else, having failed to be given the assurances from Worthy that he is 1st choice keeper. So it may well come to pass that Gallagher has moved on, Greeno is injured and we are left with just young Lewis to pick up the gloves. Otherwise Worthy will have yet another new player to look for, in one of the most important positions on the pitch. In my opinion, it doesn''t bode well having to start a new season with an untried and untested keeper, whether it''s Joe Lewis or somebody Worthy has recently brought in. Am I worrying unnecessarily?
  7. What were you smoking when you wrote that, YC?
  8. An excellent and very interesting post, Rudolph. Sad to say I never saw Peters play for Norwich, which I''m sure is a huge gap in my NCFC supporting life. I can''t claim to be too young to have seen him, it''s just that I didn''t become interested in football until about 1983 or ''84.
  9. The danger time will be in the January transfer window, Wiz. If Earnie scores freely in the lead up to January, then a few Premiership scouts could be sniffing around to really test his loyalty to City. Sad to say, but if this happens I think we''ll find that Earnie will be sorely tempted to move onwards and upwards!
  10. I''m sorry if you didn''t appreciate my surreal/silly humour, Beno. On a more serious note, if you want to get an idea of the view from various different seats in the Barclay and Jarrold stands, it''s not a bad idea to go to a reserve match. Arrive early before too many people are seated and you can then try out lots of different seating positions. As has already been said, the view from the 4th row is pretty good when the action is all at the Barclay end, but pretty poor when it''s the other end of the pitch.
  11. What a dirty bunch of bastards they were too. They were lucky to finish the game with 10 men if you ask me. Considering the game was a friendly - I didn''t notice too much bonhomie from that collection of heathens. Towards the end of the match I was just praying that no more of our players would pick up injuries.
  12. On a clear day you can see those Yarmouth wind turbines. On mind-bending substances you can see the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal.
  13. Guys like Dyer are either incredibly thick or they must be unbelievably inebriated to do something as stupid as this. If you are a wealthy famous footballer, I shouldn''t think that you would need the most sophisticated of chat up lines to pull a dame. Why does he need to resort to such crass behaviour as this? How did he think he would get away with it?
  14. I have been wanting the board to dismiss Mr W since sometime soon after Christmas and he has done nothing to change my mind since then. In an ideal world he would be either in charge of another club or in possession of his P45 right now. Being a fair-minded sort of person I shall not be joining in with any Worthy out chants for the 1st few games, but if we start to see the kind of rubbish that was served up to us last season, it won''t be too long before I join in with any protests, I can assure you of that!
  15. The limited number of seats at Carrow Road is probably another factor in the high rate of season ticket renewals. Would as many people renew if we had a 30,000 seater stadium with plenty of spare capacity? I believe if this was the case, people would realise that it would be easy to obtain tickets for most games and therefore would turn up on a casual basis.
  16. Who is this "loyal" player named Green? I only know one who is always expressing his desire to play in the Premiership, and he doesn''t care which club he is with to achieve that aim.
  17. An interesting post, Duke. I''m glad a large number of people took the time and trouble to express their dissatisfaction with the present set- up in letters to the club. The club are far more likely to take notice of direct complaints from paying customers, rather than people posting on message boards.  Let''s hope the club have taken on board people''s concerns regarding the stewardship of N Worthington. It will be interesting to see how long they give Worthless next season to put things right. The board must be very much aware now that even if they have infinite patience in the clown, the majority of fans only have limited patience in him now.
  18. With Worthless remaining as manager of NCFC I foresee another season of miserable mediocrity. There is no way I can see us making the play-offs. The best finish has to be around 7th or 8th, whereas if a competent man was given the sort of transfer funds that Worthless must have available to him, then a top 6 place should be well within our capabilities. Don''t back him - sack him!
  19. It would have been more apt if he had won a potty - made of finest quality porcelain, with his initials embossed in gold on it.
  20. Apologies for my second post on this thread. I haven''t gone mad. What happened was, I thought I had stopped the 1st post from being sent as I wanted to make a late correction, but obviously I failed to do so. Hence, 2 very similar posts on exactly the same subject.
  21. For the best view of the pitch, I would choose a seat as close as possible to the halfway line and about 10 rows back in the Jarrold Stand. You will have an excellent view of all the action from here. The only drawback is that you aren''t quite close enough to either goal, but you should be able to see everything that happens during the match quite well in this position. For the best atmosphere, but not the best view, I would pick either the snake-pit or D and E blocks of the lower Barclay.
  22. For the best overall view of the pitch, I would choose as close to the half way line as possible and about 10 rows from the front in the Jarrold Stand. For the best atmosphere it would have to be either the snake-pit or blocks D and E in the lower Barclay. I am a casual supporter myself and the places I have just mentioned are always my 1st choices when buying tickets.
  23. To defend Worthy a little bit here, don''t forget that Sir Alex Fergusson has used strikers (Smith) and defenders (Ferdinand) in midfield. I think Rooney also is given a variety of roles, so it would appear that even the best managers like to shuffle their packs from time to time.
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