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Everything posted by horsefly

  1. Excellent news indeed. Glad to see the EU has done its duty, now let's hope the UK government doesn't breach the terms of the deal that it freely signed and described as a "brilliant success".
  2. FFS! Shall I post videos of UK MPs attacking the UK government? How many would you like to see, 1000, 10,000?
  3. Hilarious to read what Dominic Cummings thought of brexiteer loons: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/dominic-cummings-attack-on-brexiteers-as-westminster-row-exploded-thick-as-mince/ar-BB1g64Mf?ocid=msedgdhp In 2017, Mr Cummings branded then Brexit Secretary David Davis "thick as mince" and "lazy as a toad". The adviser warned at the time that there was a chance leaving the EU would turn out to be an "error" following a decision by "morons" in Government to withdraw from the European atomic energy community, Euratom. In a blog, he dubbed the fervently anti-EU ERG "narcissist delusionals" and "useful idiots" whose intransigence "has helped only Remain". He added: "During the referendum, so many of you guys were too busy shooting or skiing or chasing girls to do any actual work. "You should be treated like a metastasising tumour and excised from the UK body politic."
  4. Oh dear bird-brain, your usual inanely stupid comments. These are not my points, they're from the Food and Drink Federation, and the Office for National statistics. However, since you know better (hahahahaha!) please feel free to point out where these esteemed authorities are mistaken in their claims.
  5. The orange one will be feeling blue after this news: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/trump-s-popularity-falls-among-republicans-according-to-new-poll/ar-BB1g7dif?ocid=msedgdhp Donald Trump’s popularity among registered Republicans has fallen in the 100 days since the end of his presidency, according to a recent poll. The NBC News poll found that Republican support for the party was greater than the support for the former president, who was favoured by 44 per cent of Republicans. The figure for registered Republicans in favour of the party over the former president, in comparison, was at 50 per cent. It was the first time in almost two years that support for the Republican party was greater than that for Mr Trump, NBC News reported, and the first time support for the GOP reached 50 per cent against the former president. Among all respondents to the poll, Mr Trump was favourable for 32 per cent, and unfavourable for 55 per cent – a slight worsening of January’s figures, when the former president was 40 per cent favourable and 53 percent unfavourable among all registered voters.
  6. BJ's form for breaching the ministerial code, and failure to declare his financial interests: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/when-has-boris-johnson-broken-the-ministerial-code-in-the-past/ar-BB1g7qML?ocid=msedgdhp However, Mr Johnson has previously fallen foul of the ministerial code. In 2019, the cross-party parliamentary committee for standards carried out an inquiry into Mr Johnson over a late registration of financial interests. The inquiry found that Mr Johnson – who was not yet prime minister at the time – was late to register financial interests on two properties. He was three months late in registering joint ownership of a property in London in 2017, and 11 months late registering his shared interest in a property in Somerset in 2019. The report said: “Should we conclude in future that Mr Johnson has committed any further breaches of the rules on registration, we will regard this as a matter which may call for more serious sanction.” It has been claimed that the Conservative Party secretly approved paying the £58,000 bill as long as nine months ago. According to a leaked email, the payment was covered by a Tory donor. The former civil service chief today warned Boris Johnson that prime ministers must “set an example” and “abide by the rules” as required under the ministerial code. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/boris-johnson-told-aides-he-could-not-afford-downing-street-flat-refurb/ar-BB1g7rX2?ocid=msedgdhp Boris Johnson reportedly told aides he could not afford the revamp of his Downing Street flat as the costs started to spiral.
  7. Just send the dog. Although we already know what his match report will be, "Ruff!"
  8. Actually, the Office for National Statistics have consistently claimed our death toll from Covid-19 is higher than the official figures: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19roundup/2020-03-26 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_United_Kingdom
  9. Perhaps all those brexiteers who claim that trade is back to normal would like to explain the latest disastrous figures on dairy exports to the EU released by the Food and Drink Federation: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/why-has-boris-johnson-s-brexit-deal-caused-uk-milk-and-cream-exports-to-plunge/ar-BB1g6UUF?ocid=msedgdhp Why has Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal caused UK milk and cream exports to plunge? Milk and cream sales to the EU have slumped 96 per cent as a result of Brexit-related trade barriers, according to figures released this week. The Food and Drink Federation said the new trading arrangement with Europe had cost exporters more than £1.1bn since January, when Britain left the customs union and single market. Milk and cream exports collapsed by 96.4 per cent while cheese sales to the EU fell by 64.6 per cent in the year to February.
  10. What a surprise, another pathetic and obvious lie from you know who. According to the Mail article (helpfully posted by Sonyc) the Blairs spent well below the £30,000 a year limit.
  11. Or as Michael Gove would say, "Let them smoke crack"
  12. Oh dear! you're really struggling aren't you, but what else should we expect from a degenerate paedophile apologist. You're a disgusting excuse for a human being.
  13. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/crime-against-humanity-human-rights-experts-issue-damning-report-on-police-killings-of-black-americans/ar-BB1g6Cz4?ocid=msedgntp https://inquirycommission.org/website/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Commission-Report-15-April.pdf
  14. More of an Ipswich signing (a croc of sh*ite).
  15. Or, indeed, any one of your posts. Must be fun living in that bile vat that passes for your brain.
  16. So Herman's one vote resulted in an 80 seat majority for the Tories did it? Ask nursey to up your number of pills, it clearly couldn't do any more harm to that raddled brain remnant squatting inside your skull.
  17. Perhaps you should try reading my posts and the articles I have linked. None of them dispute that the UK has done excellently on vaccine roll-out, and has vaccinated a far greater percentage of the population than the EU. They simply refute any claim, like that put forward by SC, who said, "I feel the sick people are the EU not giving out the vaccine when they can". Even your graphs show that to be patently false. If you can find anything in my posts or in the Telegraph article which claims the EU has vaccinated as well as the UK then feel free to quote it. The "reality" that I and the Telegraph article put forward is that the EU is significantly improving its vaccine roll out, not your attempt to impute to us an absurd claim that it has been as good as the UK. One thing that does remain a fact, however, is that the chaotic government response to covid prior to the vaccine roll out means the UK still tops the table of European countries for numbers of covid deaths.
  18. Well, since you obviously find it difficult to interpret a simple bar chart, perhaps this article from that famous EU loving newspaper, The Telegraph will help you realise your claim about the current state of the EU vaccine programme is a lie: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/04/17/whisper-quietly-europes-vaccination-programme-taking-could/ Whisper it quietly: Europe's vaccination programme is taking off - and could catch the UK
  19. Really! So you don't think it's possible that in the last three months they might have actually upped their vaccination rates? Perhaps you might like to take a look at some up-to-date figures: https://tradingeconomics.com/european-union/coronavirus-vaccination-rate
  20. Frankly, I couldn't give a damn what an intellectually retarded old gammon like you thinks. Anyone with even the slightest grasp of linguistics would know that all these pathetic attempts to claim I have any other identities on this site is utter nonsense. The fact you could even post a piece of childish "playground" tosh like this shows you are risibly unaware of your own crass stupidity.
  21. Yet again you should read the article instead of just the title. Perhaps then you would have spotted the rather helpful warning: "This article is more than 2 months old" Indeed, it is dated Jan 27th (so 3 months out of date)
  22. You are a very sad man if this retarded absurdity is all you can come up with. Comment necessary.
  23. Yet another blatant lie for which you have not the slightest evidence. And BTW, despite your obvious desire that more EU citizens die from Covid, the fact remains that the UK has the highest total of deaths of any European nation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_by_country_and_territory
  24. Oh dear! Another epic fail from bird-brain. Not only is your solitary sentence in defiance of English grammar and spelling, it also demonstrates yet again that you struggle to understand even the most basic expressions. I will repeat what Macron said one last time: Asked whether a Leave or Remain vote in France could have ended with the same result, Mr Macron told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show: "Yes, probably. Probably in a similar context. But our context was very different so I don't want to take any bets." Is it the fact that his comment contains a "disguised" conditional that taxes your tiny brain beyond its miniscule capacity? Perhaps it didn't help that Macron was speaking rather clumsily in a second language? Either way it ought to be clear to all but the severely challenged that the phrase, "Yes probably. Probably in a similar context. But our context was very different..." is to be understood as claiming something like, "If we had a similar situation to the UK the French would probably vote for brexit too, BUT we (French) have a very different context, so who knows". Every opinion poll of the French population's attitude to remaining in the EU shows them in favour of doing so. I note you have not come forward with a poll saying the contrary despite your lie that I am wrong about this FACT. Learn to read things properly, and with at least some degree of critical self-awareness. It would save you making such an embarrassment of yourself on a daily basis. .
  25. Exactly the same over-simplistic correlation of stats presented as if that is where analysis begins and ends. As I have said repeatedly stats are simply stats, and any correlations between stats are merely the starting point for an analysis which involves investigation through a variety of social research methods. For example, your blunt correlation of numbers of arrests with numbers of shootings is strikingly superficial. Before one even begins investigating such a correlation there are questions to ask about why black people are more likely to be arrested for certain "offences" than white people (e.g. possession of small amounts of drugs). However, I realise through past experience of your posts that I'm wasting my time expecting you to consider such things.
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