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  1. If Byram stays fit and healthy, he's a very decent player. His last PL game before Villa was against ManU and he was solid. One of the better performers that season. Really happy for him about his recovery. Using him as a holding midfielder is out of the box thinking and I like it.
  2. Performance under Smith have been somewhat uneven, but on average 2 steps ahead anything Farke got out of the team. The problem is that instead of £10M prospects we needed £15M veterans. As it is, we basically have three PL quality players - Pukki, Norrman and Krul - and a couple who probably will eventually be PL quality. Most new recruits basically needed half a season in Championship to gel and get used to the physicality and pace. I've not totally given up, but we can't draw our way out of relegation. We need to score.
  3. Todd's little tantrum for being taken off is actually a good sign. I'd rather have an underperforming talent with a Lamborghini and exaggerated belief in his ability to turn the game around than a saint who's lost all hope. Frankly I don't give s*** what he does with his money as long as he earns it on field. I hope he buys a Ferrari if it makes him return to his form.
  4. Forget data from SA for a moment. Here is the best news: Source: https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-news-uk-latest-live-boris-johnson-party-new-rules-plan-b-covid-12469075 If 90% compliance is true, UK will crush delta and may be able to control spread of omicron until everybody have had their boosters. Caveat: universal mask use has to be implemented in schools. Boosters are absolutely necessary.
  5. Far from it, because we have a tool which is superior to any vaccine or in fact any measure there is or ever will be: High grade masks. How effective are masks? 95-99% effective -> both ways. FFP2 (95% filtration): 1 / 0.05 x 0.05 = 400. -> From one person wearing a ffp2 mask to another wearing a ffp2 mask, it takes 400 times longer to deliver the same number of viral particles from one to the other compared to not wearing any masks FFP3 (99% filtration): 1/ 0.01 x 0.01 = 10000 -> 10000 times longer to deliver same number of particles Do you get it now? We need to get over ourselves and start thinking about masks like we think about wearing shoes: You put them on when you step outside and take off when you come back at home. Mask use in Asia is the norm and that is why Japan has crushed delta despite modest restrictions.
  6. 1. No. Just wear high-grade masks. Frequent rapid tests at home. 2. No. Goods transportation has little to no impact on spread of disease. Frequent rapid tests at home. 3. No. Just wear high-grade masks, increase ventilation and HEPA air purifiers. Frequent rapid tests at home. 4. No. Just wear high-grade masks, increase ventilation and HEPA purifiers. Frequent rapid tests at home. In addition: - test & trace & quarantine those who have been exposed fast and decisively - monitor spread of variants with frequent sequencing - Mandate booster shots for all - Test all travelers to and from abroad, repeatedly, even those fully vaxxed. Quarantine until neg. result. Mandate daily rapid testing at hotels. These measures are extremely cheap compared to alternative of mass death or mass lockdowns. It is extremely stupid that this extremely cost-effective and proven measures have not been implemented yet to full extent.
  7. Denmark has probably the best sequencing in the world. Two weeks until it takes the lead. This is real world data that says we are going into mother of all lockdowns.
  8. *Hospitalizations and deaths lag by 2 and 3 weeks behind infections respectively. It takes time for infections to filter to older people when their children or caretakers transmit the disease to them, which is why initially all variants have seemed mild. Also, numbers are revised upwards and may double from initial release. There is a lot of hopium and copium being passed around. Don't fall for the sugar high. There is absolutely no case for thinking this is milder. Avoid crowds - that includes Norwich games. Wear FFP2/3 masks like your life depended on it if you absolutely have to attend. Doubling time of 2.5 days means without precautions you'll be catching it soon with millions of others and life-saving treatment may not be available to you should you need it.
  9. UK will be inundated by Omicron within weeks. Do not get sick for any reason or injured. Omicron doesn't have to be half as deadly as delta to completely overwhelm health care system.
  10. Harsh. I saw him muscle Tottenham player off the ball.
  11. He did ok in the first half. He is strong, but his touch needs to imorove. I can see him working together with Pukki in the future.
  12. There is definitely some hypocrisy in principle if we allow death from one preventable cause (flu) and not another ( corona). Of course, quantitatively you can make the argument that flu is not nearly as bad as corona and corona is simply intolerable. Yellow Fever made a good post there. Personally I'd make the argument that we should prevent both. Below is development of average life expectancy in UK starting from 1765. Progress goes against convention. We have come to expect more from life than resignation to misery and suffering. Yet that is what we're being asked now. We have the means to do better. Much better.
  13. 30k deaths from influenza is an exceptionally bad year. Usually under 25k. I don't know where you get that 40k from. If UK keeps losing 150 per day, it's annualized 50k.
  14. This. It is so obvious they were exhausted, even mentally. They looked sluggish and very little creativity. Just couldn't make it happen. We lost two of our best performers in Rashica and Normann too. We should take comfort in that this was the second time we came back from losing position. We muddled our way to 1 point in away game. It's ok.
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