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River End Canary

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  1. A fairer defintion i think is the plastic fan and the true supporter, something that we can all buy into  
  2. [quote user="Buh"]I''ll be waiting for someone to use this as an excuse "I wasn''t booing Whittaker I was booing the pitch!"[/quote] Or indeed the geezers who come out with the pitchforks at half time!  
  3. ZLF you make a good point but I firmly believe that Bournemouth can play the style of football they are this year because the surface allows them to. It is these details that make the difference between good and bad results. One thing for sure the Messiah would never have allowed McNasty to get away with such an awful playing surface    
  4. I was at the Bournemouth game the other week and what impressed me was the quality of the playing surface even in January it was like a bowling green. Ours this year is pretty poor and the ball was bobbling all over the place against Brentford last week. Not sure why it is so bad this season but really needs to be relayed asap. PS I blame McNally and the lack of investment for the state of the pitch. What was particularly disappointing is that we didnt sign a new groudsman during the transfer window
  5. Cameron is bossing that midfield. Strange atmosphere for the lad no one is booing him
  6. After the week we have had there is no senario where I won''t Boo on Saturday
  7. Will the donation include an additional amount for the academy. It would be a blo@dy cheek if you try to sneak in a donation to the academy this should be included in the 2 quid
  8. Would like to see the new guy start so we can have the opportunity to boo him quickly
  9. Yet another f@ck up by MnNasty Noone and Doorans he really is a prize tool. The sooner he goes the better
  10. It''s all so depressing how far we have fallen we were signing the exciting wolfswinkel and now we have a striker from a Sunday league up in Scotland. It''s just not fair what have we done to deserve this.
  11. He has only been in the role for a few months so you can''t with any degree of credibility blame him for that list!
  12. the former villa CEO Paul Faulkner has left Notts Forest. Time for Delia to make a deadline day move for him and get McNally out the club. It''s now or never Delia
  13. He will be the replacement for Bradley Johnson and he is no worse than him
  14. Laps you are ignoring me i am not feeling loved anymore?
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