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NCFC man

We need to rebuild the whole club

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i think these people need to go Players:pattisoncortotsemoborcuretonBoard:all of them fuck offMangement:all of them part fromgunny and crook

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[quote user="NCFC man"]i think these people need to go
all of them fuck off
all of them part from
gunny and crook


And Gunn should stay why?

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Surely as a "management team" they are ALL to blame? Not taking anything away from the board or players who are equally at fault for our plight.

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[quote user="NCFC man"]i think these people need to go
all of them fuck off
all of them part from
gunny and crook



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The board needs to go, replaced with people experienced in football, and able to effectivley carry out their job (unlike a certain Mr D).

As far as players go, we need people who will be good in League 1 and committed to this club. I hear (as i''ve never really paid it too much attention) that its a leauge full of large players, with faster more agressive play.

Surely all the management are to blame, and Gunn isn''t exactly a decent manager.

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at the end of the day they should all just naff off...honestly think gunn should go too, cant see why we would keep him in a managers role, maybe in a role like he had previously in marketing or whatever but nothing where he can do damage

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