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Delia's Legacy?

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cluck - thanks again for taking the time to respond in an articulate and thoughtful way.  I have no problem with what you say, it just appears sometimes that you are trying to nitpick everything about the club just to stir up trouble.  If, as you say, that is not the case and you are simply trying to instigate some intelligent debate then more power to you.  However, you do seem very dismissive of other people''s opinions at times, and often choose to ignore the main thrust of a counter argument while picking out a tiny detail to respond to - classic political tactics (and could almost be classed as ''spin'').

I have deliberately not posted a lot recently as I don''t think there has been much more to add than that which had already been said, but I enjoy a good debate as much as anyone, as long as it stays good natured.  I just felt you had been overly hard on chicken in this thread (and yes, I have read a lot of the other threads where chicken has responded - it is just a consequence of holding a polar viewpoint to you, I believe).

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[quote user="Bury Green"]




In the following decade the money invested into the club has been predominantly by way of loans in exchange for shares which of course give them overall control of the club.  Add to this the rapidly inflating balance sheet due mainly to the rising value of land and property assets owned by the club and surely the question that must be asked is exactly how benevolent does this make them?



The loans have been converted into shares to avoid the CLUB having to repay the loans and also any interest on them.

If DS wanted to run the club herself , she would have appointed herself as Chairman, something which she has not done. If you want to have a go at the board, then the person you should be gunning for is the chairman as his role is to direct the board. If we have a failing at board level its that we have no footballing minded people on it as far as i am aware.

Her legacy so far is to have pulled the club in a much better position than it was when she took over but equally we are not now at the same level as the highest point it has reached under her tenure. As it stands, we have a better team, better facilities, a full stadium most weeks.

How quickly some forget the state we were in when Chase was forced out. Never forget that Martin O''Neill left because he was refused funds to buy a player he felt would improve the team!


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[quote user="Temp the Revelator"]

cluck - thanks again for taking the time to respond in an articulate and thoughtful way.  I have no problem with what you say, it just appears sometimes that you are trying to nitpick everything about the club just to stir up trouble.  If, as you say, that is not the case and you are simply trying to instigate some intelligent debate then more power to you.  However, you do seem very dismissive of other people''s opinions at times, and often choose to ignore the main thrust of a counter argument while picking out a tiny detail to respond to - classic political tactics (and could almost be classed as ''spin'').

I have deliberately not posted a lot recently as I don''t think there has been much more to add than that which had already been said, but I enjoy a good debate as much as anyone, as long as it stays good natured.  I just felt you had been overly hard on chicken in this thread (and yes, I have read a lot of the other threads where chicken has responded - it is just a consequence of holding a polar viewpoint to you, I believe).


Thanks to you too Temp...and it''s nice to exchange views whilst not being on the ''back foot'' for a change......

I do generally seek debate based on an angle put forward. It''s not ''nit-picking'' in my view....rather more akin to saying "Well ok then...but what about if".........It just adds to the mix and brings out strong opinions in all sorts of posters rather than just the few. Sometimes it gets personal...then I will hit back. That''s no different to chatting over the table in a pub.....except on here the words linger.....and are therefore more readily dissected and easily taken out of context.

I''ve had more than my share of being ''packed'' on on here for being outspoken.....and this doesn''t overly concern me, but when I see Wiz being slaughtered for speaking out....why shouldn''t I defend his position? He speaks alot of sense if some would care to overlook their obvious prejudice for a little while....and there is no crime in changing your mind from time to time. There is a person behind the user name remember....and it can''t be pleasant to be abused every time he chooses to contribute.

With regards to responding to ''small detail ''.....with so much stuff flying in my direction lately....it isn''t possible on here to respond to everything as in ''face to face''.....so I can only be selective and some things don''t get answered. If I feel I have been unfairly abused on another thread, I am less likely to be inclined to walk back into another session....that''s just being logical I think.

So....while I may be seen as ''negative'' by many....why not view it as just asking straight forward questions and seeking straight forward answers from fellow NCFC supporters? Isn''t that infact a ''positive'' thing to do?


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Pecking I may well be indeed. I am sorry if you feel that I am heckling you etc, I can assure you all I am doing is trying to understand the exact direction from which you attempt to come from because it does seem you have a hardline belief on this and other matters.

You have asked me for what I will believe Delia''s legacy will be and if you look I have given it on a couple of occaisions on this post alone. I can repeat it but as others seem to have seen and understood it then why say it again?

I questioned your stand point as you indicated you wished to be done as it is debate. From what I can see you believed that some people (myself included) have this "myth" of a belief to support this rosey idea of a legacy that may befall her.

I simply argued that to suggest everyone believes in this "myth" which only you and Mystic outlined in another post is unfair and is not based on any fact in itself. Infact you argued that people believed that Delia saved this club are believing in a "myth" a "lie". The two in literary terms are in fact quite different as I am sure you are aware. A "myth" arguably has some element of truth about it where as a lie ofcourse is a false truth, not a truth at all.

My argument was that you are presuming that all of the people who even suggest that Delia has saved this club believed in the "myth" that you outlined. For those that don''t know the idea suggested was that many Delia supporters think that she bought the club from Chase. I knew that she didn''t and I would imagine that anyone who lived through those times probably this also. So I suppose what I am suggesting is that the theory of the "myth" is infact a "myth" in its own right.

There may be one or two people who were not old enough or in strong memory of that time that have presumed that Delia bought her shares then but I would argue that they are not as many as "all of those that think Delia saved our club".

When you asked for facts I responded by suggesting that you had not presented any facts in your own argument, instead basing a counter attack on the idea that people believed in this "myth".

I would argue that although many people may believe that Delia has "saved" our club in some way they would refer to the way that she has steered the club back into proffit whilst more recently doing so at the same time as providing enough money for the squad to maintain its ability to compete with the teams at the top of this division.

People who are ill-at-ease with the current situation I believe base their ideas around performances on the pitch. I argue this because whilst we have spent last summer we must surely now have one of the more expencive teams in the division and so should be competing with others who have spent a similar amount. The team on promotion to the premiership in our first game of that season had been assembled for a small £3million. Our team now must have been assembled for around £7-8million.

The problem with the direct comparison is the football moves and progresses every season. Prices change depending on the climate as with stocks and shares. A couple of seasons before we went up Hughes would have cost £300k for example.

With regards to the legacy, look to the most common opinion of her, thats what she is most likely to be remembered for. Sadly no matter what other people will argue she is likely to remembered as most in this country as one of (if not the first) Chefs on TV who later on in life invested in a football club. The latter almost being a footnote in comparrison to the name she has made for herself as a Chef.

If you refer to the Norwich fans, she still has a lot of that legacy yet to write or to influence/form. But I would argue that counter to your arguments the majority of people will remember her for being part of the new era at the club which sought to survive in Division 1 which they did, to establish stability which they have, to make the club profitable which they have. They were the initial targets and since then, since people started to believe they have added promotion contenders whilst not upsetting the original goals, which by and large they have done.

As others have mentioned I don''t think you can question any of the board for the amount of money provided for the squad so far in this division but you can argue that it has not been spent well.

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[quote user="chicken"]

Pecking I may well be indeed. I am sorry if you feel that I am heckling you etc, I can assure you all I am doing is trying to understand the exact direction from which you attempt to come from because it does seem you have a hardline belief on this and other matters.

You have asked me for what I will believe Delia''s legacy will be and if you look I have given it on a couple of occaisions on this post alone. I can repeat it but as others seem to have seen and understood it then why say it again?

I questioned your stand point as you indicated you wished to be done as it is debate. From what I can see you believed that some people (myself included) have this "myth" of a belief to support this rosey idea of a legacy that may befall her.

I simply argued that to suggest everyone believes in this "myth" which only you and Mystic outlined in another post is unfair and is not based on any fact in itself. Infact you argued that people believed that Delia saved this club are believing in a "myth" a "lie". The two in literary terms are in fact quite different as I am sure you are aware. A "myth" arguably has some element of truth about it where as a lie ofcourse is a false truth, not a truth at all.

My argument was that you are presuming that all of the people who even suggest that Delia has saved this club believed in the "myth" that you outlined. For those that don''t know the idea suggested was that many Delia supporters think that she bought the club from Chase. I knew that she didn''t and I would imagine that anyone who lived through those times probably this also. So I suppose what I am suggesting is that the theory of the "myth" is infact a "myth" in its own right.

There may be one or two people who were not old enough or in strong memory of that time that have presumed that Delia bought her shares then but I would argue that they are not as many as "all of those that think Delia saved our club".

When you asked for facts I responded by suggesting that you had not presented any facts in your own argument, instead basing a counter attack on the idea that people believed in this "myth".

I would argue that although many people may believe that Delia has "saved" our club in some way they would refer to the way that she has steered the club back into proffit whilst more recently doing so at the same time as providing enough money for the squad to maintain its ability to compete with the teams at the top of this division.

People who are ill-at-ease with the current situation I believe base their ideas around performances on the pitch. I argue this because whilst we have spent last summer we must surely now have one of the more expencive teams in the division and so should be competing with others who have spent a similar amount. The team on promotion to the premiership in our first game of that season had been assembled for a small £3million. Our team now must have been assembled for around £7-8million.

The problem with the direct comparison is the football moves and progresses every season. Prices change depending on the climate as with stocks and shares. A couple of seasons before we went up Hughes would have cost £300k for example.

With regards to the legacy, look to the most common opinion of her, thats what she is most likely to be remembered for. Sadly no matter what other people will argue she is likely to remembered as most in this country as one of (if not the first) Chefs on TV who later on in life invested in a football club. The latter almost being a footnote in comparrison to the name she has made for herself as a Chef.

If you refer to the Norwich fans, she still has a lot of that legacy yet to write or to influence/form. But I would argue that counter to your arguments the majority of people will remember her for being part of the new era at the club which sought to survive in Division 1 which they did, to establish stability which they have, to make the club profitable which they have. They were the initial targets and since then, since people started to believe they have added promotion contenders whilst not upsetting the original goals, which by and large they have done.

As others have mentioned I don''t think you can question any of the board for the amount of money provided for the squad so far in this division but you can argue that it has not been spent well.


An interesting post chicken....and basically this is all I was asking with the header of ''Delia''s Legacy''.......

Contrary to popular belief, much of my reason for posting on here is to broaden the debate from where I stand to where you obviously stand. Unfortunately with this comes the usual abuse from either side of the divide.....less intent on being heard than being noticed.

It was not for me to dictate what was said on the thread....and again contrary to popular belief....I genuinely wanted to know what others were thinking on the DS issue. I don''t agree with much of what you have said....but I respect your view as I should. Sometimes opinions are so divided like this that little common ground can be found....and I think we will have to agree to disagree.....but let me assure you that I have nothing whatsoever personal against DS.....I just think that entirely the wrong strategy was used in order to take the club forward.

Ultimately we are no further on than we were 10 years ago regarding the ''football'' side of the club....and that is the only aspect which concerns me. We have a weak squad of poor players on inflated wages.....and while some of the blame must lay with NW.....the buck stops at the top in business and that is DS and her Board. Myth or no myth.....in real terms we are deeper in debt and poorer as a football team.....and that for me will be Delia''s Legacy. Stagnation rather than progress.....and prudence above ambition.


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What will Delia’s legacy be?

1 – Increased attendances

2- Better facilities

3 – Promotion to the premiership

4 – A marketing department that gets fans to renew season tickets at a staggering percentage.

5 – Greater say and interaction with fans and their forums.

6- A drunken rant, which I thought showed passion and never embarrassed me.

7 – Showing maybe too much loyalty, which is not necessary a bad point.

8 – Giving our provincial club more exposure than we might have warranted.

9 – Loaned the club god knows how much money, which I suspect she will never call in.

All in pretty positive for me. Has she and board made mistakes. Hell yes, and they have been aired on here before. But lets not belittle her and hubby’s time and effort please. We could and have had a lot worse people in charge.

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[quote user="Cluck in Boots"][quote user="chicken"]

Pecking I may well be indeed. I am sorry if you feel that I am heckling you etc, I can assure you all I am doing is trying to understand the exact direction from which you attempt to come from because it does seem you have a hardline belief on this and other matters.

You have asked me for what I will believe Delia''s legacy will be and if you look I have given it on a couple of occaisions on this post alone. I can repeat it but as others seem to have seen and understood it then why say it again?

I questioned your stand point as you indicated you wished to be done as it is debate. From what I can see you believed that some people (myself included) have this "myth" of a belief to support this rosey idea of a legacy that may befall her.

I simply argued that to suggest everyone believes in this "myth" which only you and Mystic outlined in another post is unfair and is not based on any fact in itself. Infact you argued that people believed that Delia saved this club are believing in a "myth" a "lie". The two in literary terms are in fact quite different as I am sure you are aware. A "myth" arguably has some element of truth about it where as a lie ofcourse is a false truth, not a truth at all.

My argument was that you are presuming that all of the people who even suggest that Delia has saved this club believed in the "myth" that you outlined. For those that don''t know the idea suggested was that many Delia supporters think that she bought the club from Chase. I knew that she didn''t and I would imagine that anyone who lived through those times probably this also. So I suppose what I am suggesting is that the theory of the "myth" is infact a "myth" in its own right.

There may be one or two people who were not old enough or in strong memory of that time that have presumed that Delia bought her shares then but I would argue that they are not as many as "all of those that think Delia saved our club".

When you asked for facts I responded by suggesting that you had not presented any facts in your own argument, instead basing a counter attack on the idea that people believed in this "myth".

I would argue that although many people may believe that Delia has "saved" our club in some way they would refer to the way that she has steered the club back into proffit whilst more recently doing so at the same time as providing enough money for the squad to maintain its ability to compete with the teams at the top of this division.

People who are ill-at-ease with the current situation I believe base their ideas around performances on the pitch. I argue this because whilst we have spent last summer we must surely now have one of the more expencive teams in the division and so should be competing with others who have spent a similar amount. The team on promotion to the premiership in our first game of that season had been assembled for a small £3million. Our team now must have been assembled for around £7-8million.

The problem with the direct comparison is the football moves and progresses every season. Prices change depending on the climate as with stocks and shares. A couple of seasons before we went up Hughes would have cost £300k for example.

With regards to the legacy, look to the most common opinion of her, thats what she is most likely to be remembered for. Sadly no matter what other people will argue she is likely to remembered as most in this country as one of (if not the first) Chefs on TV who later on in life invested in a football club. The latter almost being a footnote in comparrison to the name she has made for herself as a Chef.

If you refer to the Norwich fans, she still has a lot of that legacy yet to write or to influence/form. But I would argue that counter to your arguments the majority of people will remember her for being part of the new era at the club which sought to survive in Division 1 which they did, to establish stability which they have, to make the club profitable which they have. They were the initial targets and since then, since people started to believe they have added promotion contenders whilst not upsetting the original goals, which by and large they have done.

As others have mentioned I don''t think you can question any of the board for the amount of money provided for the squad so far in this division but you can argue that it has not been spent well.


An interesting post chicken....and basically this is all I was asking with the header of ''Delia''s Legacy''.......

Contrary to popular belief, much of my reason for posting on here is to broaden the debate from where I stand to where you obviously stand. Unfortunately with this comes the usual abuse from either side of the divide.....less intent on being heard than being noticed.

It was not for me to dictate what was said on the thread....and again contrary to popular belief I genuinely wanted to know what others were thinking on the DS issue. I don''t agree with much of what you have said....but I respect your view as I should. Sometimes opinions are so divided like this that little common ground can be found....and I think we will have to agree to disagree but let me assure you that I have nothing whatsoever personal against DS I just think that entirely the wrong strategy was used in order to take the club forward.

Ultimately we are no further on than we were 10 years ago regarding the ''football'' side of the club and that is the only aspect which concerns me. We have a weak squad of poor players on inflated wages.....and while some of the blame must lay with NW the buck stops at the top in business and that is DS and her Board. Myth or no myth.....in real terms we are deeper in debt and poorer as a football team and that for me will be Delia''s Legacy. Stagnation rather than progress and prudence above ambition.



Without trying to sound to conflicting and believe me I am trying to sound nice here. But how can you say that the football side of things have not improved?

If you take the club at the point of Delia coming in we were lucky to be graced by the occaisional youngster that came through to be great and the occaisional older player we managed to sign cheaply that still had some steam in the tank. Your looking at the best players being the likes of Iwan, Bellamy, Eadie, Jackson, Fleming amoungst others.

But we also had to put up with the likes of Milligan, Carey, Akinbyi, Forbes, Llewelyn etc who were good enough for the lower reaches of the 1st Division but were never going to be the players to fire us into the top half of the table. Ok there have been a couple of setbacks on the way - Hamilton signing two poor Dutchmen, two old Leicester players who packed their bags and ran when the oppertunity arose. But then for years we had had no money to spend on the squad not even a majority of the money brought in on selling players. Does anybody remember that most of the Bellamy money went into paying off debts? I would add that at times Delia personaly funded an increase in quality on the pitch with the likes of Ancelin and Huckerby.

I think its very difficult to argue that over the last ten years this club has not progressed football wise. We now have a regular, although not large, transfer fund for the manager to use. We are also competing in this league rather than struggling to remain in it. Not to mention that the playing staff are probably some of the best we have had at this club over the last ten or so years. I say that because other than the defence I am not sure which players ten years ago I would have in todays squad. Over the last ten years I would say I would have this line up:


Edworthy Jackson Shackell Drury

Croft Holt Etuhu Huckerby

Bellamy Iwan

Bench: Green, Earnshaw, Safri, Eadie and Fleming.

And this is why I think that whilst its ok not to like Delia, no one can make you like anyone - to suggest that any part of the club has not progressed at all over the last ten years - is not only harsh it is infact ignoring what is right under your nose in hard evidence.

Over the last three seasons is another matter but I think changing the manager who obviously they felt highly of was the first step now they will have to look at how they can assist this manager in making a team on the pitch that is capable of promotion and to be honest I don''t think we are that many players short. Obviously some more depth but if the rumours are to be believed we seem to be targeting the right sort of player - Riordan, McPhearson etc. Add a centreback with some experience and leadership around 30ish and I think we have what it takes.

Ten seasons ago we were asking which player was available on a free transfer that may improve our team!

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I cannot comprehend those who doubt the good delia has done for our club, one simple thing to say is this - We have Darren Huckerby & Robert Earnshaw!! players like that don''t sign for norwich at least they never did until delia came along instead we got players like Keith Scott & Ulf Ottosen. Her legacy will be that after years of doom she gave us hope of being a great team again, and we were for a few seasons, now that hope has turned into expectation and that ultimately will be her downfall afterall it was worthy''s.

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I''m going to shock you now chicken by saying that you make some valid points....however I''m not so sure that todays squad is as strong as the one DS inherited. It wasn''t great then....but there were still a few tasty players there....including Bellamy who raked in £6 million when he left. No such family silver there now.

My main argument is not so much that DS has actually ''harmed'' the club...because that would be unfair, but from my angle I can''t see alot of progress either and after 10 years that is what we should judge her on.

Ultimately the club has a very large debt problem.  Unlike years ago there are no players we can sell to try to reduce that....nor are there any top youngsters coming through. This was something the club could always boast in years gone by. Nowhere near enough attention has been given to the players on the park....and like Chase before her...she has had misplaced priorities...ie ''infrastructure''.

Try as I may.... I really don''t see any substantial merit in her time at the club....and infact the whole image of NCFC these days is one of fluff and tablecloths. Not good....and it will take us some while to regain any self respect once DS''s tenure is over.

Not being nasty....just realistic. She isn''t up to the job and if she really loves the club as she claims...she should move aside and let someone else in who is...............[:)]


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Chicken, how can you seriously say you are happy with the level of investment in the squad over recent seasons? You laud the board for "providing a big enough transfer kitty to compete with clubs at the the top of this division" (ummm, ok.......!) but you neglect to mention that this kitty amounts to a mere fraction of the incoming transfer fees we have recieved. So in effect, despite the premiership millions and the much talked about other income streams Delia and the board have created, City are as much a selling club as it always has been. If you bear in mind the players payed for by the fans in the share issues, the club has made a significant profit in the transfer market over the last 5 or so years.  Why this is the case is of course a whole different question however, as Bury Green has alluded to, the massive investment in off-field projects over the last few years has certainly done anything other than damage the value of the holdings of the major shareholders at the club......

A senior player recently called our squad "ridiculously small" and the fact that you seem to think that we are even trying to compete with clubs at the top of this league in terms of building a squad strong enough for promotion i find amazing. Dont forget that Croft turned down higher wages from other championship clubs to come here, we only have one proper striker and only one senior player who can actually use his left foot!

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How you can Puit Shackell in ahead of Malky is beyond me.  And in recent performances I would even put Dion Dublin in ahead of Shackell.  As for Etuhu, do you go to games?  because anybody actually watching him ''play'' would not rate mr 1 good game in 6 anywhere near a best XI of the last year let alone the last 10 years/...

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And instead of letting Gordon Brown cream off £600,000 tax on our profits we could ......

Mystic Meg


That means  that NCFC plc must be making a considerable profit Mystic !       sure you will agree that  there`s more to running a football club than  buying new players ?   remember that other clubs  have gone down  the route of buying new players  , irrespective  of all the other facets of the club that  need a stable  finance , and have gone hurtling into relegation !

Losing Chadwick and Croft  to injury  has been a setback   , the point being that  both those players  displayed  the kind of  fighting attitude   that this  " team " has lacked  since the prem season !    Grant hasn`t  been able to  get the players we have at the moment  to display this attitude , what makes you think he`ll be any more successful  when new players come in? 

The  REASON why  this club   has been stuttering along  ,  sometimes winning well ( usually against poor teams )  and downright   apalling  performances  { the norm )    against moderate opposition    , is NOT  the fault of Delia !     how is it her fault  that 11 , so called professionals , trot out onto the field , week in , and week out ,  and display to all the   paying fans , that they don`t give a rats arse whether  they win or lose  ( like ... we get payed just the same , win or lose )    its the TEAM  that are letting down the club  , not Delia   , and Grant  seems not to be able to get a grip of the situation  , and thats HIS job !! 

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[quote user="sheded"]

And instead of letting Gordon Brown cream off £600,000 tax on our profits we could ......

Mystic Meg


That means  that NCFC plc must be making a considerable profit Mystic !       sure you will agree that  there`s more to running a football club than  buying new players ?   remember that other clubs  have gone down  the route of buying new players  , irrespective  of all the other facets of the club that  need a stable  finance , and have gone hurtling into relegation !

Losing Chadwick and Croft  to injury  has been a setback   , the point being that  both those players  displayed  the kind of  fighting attitude   that this  " team " has lacked  since the prem season !    Grant hasn`t  been able to  get the players we have at the moment  to display this attitude , what makes you think he`ll be any more successful  when new players come in? 

The  REASON why  this club   has been stuttering along  ,  sometimes winning well ( usually against poor teams )  and downright   apalling  performances  { the norm )    against moderate opposition    , is NOT  the fault of Delia !     how is it her fault  that 11 , so called professionals , trot out onto the field , week in , and week out ,  and display to all the   paying fans , that they don`t give a rats arse whether  they win or lose  ( like ... we get payed just the same , win or lose )    its the TEAM  that are letting down the club  , not Delia   , and Grant  seems not to be able to get a grip of the situation  , and thats HIS job !! 


But Delia gave Grant the job.....making a ''special'' appeal to him to come even when he hadn''t applied. So like it or not....it is her fault and it''s a fault which will linger here for the next 3 and a half years!

No-one is saying that she is out to ''sabotage'' the club.....but when will the penny drop that DS and her cronies haven''t a clue about running a football club.....and don''t even try to learn from their earlier mistakes? A three and a half year contract for an untried (unpopular with the fans) rookie manager? Could you image that happening anywhere else?  DS was desperate....and hoping for a miracle. Sadly miracles don''t happen in real life....but coincidences do.....and is it a coincidence that our club is in such a sad decline these days?


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[quote user="Cluck in Boots"][quote user="sheded"]

And instead of letting Gordon Brown cream off £600,000 tax on our profits we could ......

Mystic Meg


That means  that NCFC plc must be making a considerable profit Mystic !       sure you will agree that  there`s more to running a football club than  buying new players ?   remember that other clubs  have gone down  the route of buying new players  , irrespective  of all the other facets of the club that  need a stable  finance , and have gone hurtling into relegation !

Losing Chadwick and Croft  to injury  has been a setback   , the point being that  both those players  displayed  the kind of  fighting attitude   that this  " team " has lacked  since the prem season !    Grant hasn`t  been able to  get the players we have at the moment  to display this attitude , what makes you think he`ll be any more successful  when new players come in? 

The  REASON why  this club   has been stuttering along  ,  sometimes winning well ( usually against poor teams )  and downright   apalling  performances  { the norm )    against moderate opposition    , is NOT  the fault of Delia !     how is it her fault  that 11 , so called professionals , trot out onto the field , week in , and week out ,  and display to all the   paying fans , that they don`t give a rats arse whether  they win or lose  ( like ... we get payed just the same , win or lose )    its the TEAM  that are letting down the club  , not Delia   , and Grant  seems not to be able to get a grip of the situation  , and thats HIS job !! 


But Delia gave Grant the job.....making a ''special'' appeal to him to come even when he hadn''t applied. So like it or not....it is her fault and it''s a fault which will linger here for the next 3 and a half years!

No-one is saying that she is out to ''sabotage'' the club.....but when will the penny drop that DS and her cronies haven''t a clue about running a football club.....and don''t even try to learn from their earlier mistakes? A three and a half year contract for an untried (unpopular with the fans) rookie manager? Could you image that happening anywhere else?  DS was desperate....and hoping for a miracle. Sadly miracles don''t happen in real life....but coincidences do.....and is it a coincidence that our club is in such a sad decline these days?



Memories playing tricks Cluck ?       I seem to remember that the board  brought in  an expert ( Stringer ?)    to sort out the 6  candidates  , and advise on the best  prospect , 

It was the  Board who chose Grant   !    Delia  isn`t the  matriarch  you try to portray   .....  she`s far too smart to interfere  in matters she`s not   experienced  with  .........   she took advice ,  and Grant got the nod   .

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