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charlies dad

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  1. [quote user="Old Yellow Bird"]Were you at the Ipswich game?  Quiet?[/quote] Of course he was at the ipswich game - he had a blue scarf tied round his little wrist.
  2. Well done Smudger. Its the right decision and you deserve some credit.
  3. Just had that name thrown at me - cant see where he would fit in, but my source seems confident.
  4. [quote user="we8wba"] i cant believe how split you fans really are there seems to be two sides for one side i mean its not just the board in dismay its the fans n all at the moment i know not every fan will agree on the same point, you never will get everyone agreeing but 70% want protest stopped 30% want it on so many want youth to come through, so many want experience so many all they do is moan saying blah blah we relegated, so many actually trying to encourage the team   if you all pulled together on the right decisions you will give the team, club, board the boost they need i think only thing you lot would all agree on is what n idiot i am, but hell im probably the only one talking realistically, sensible on here half the time [/quote]If somebody had Effed up Wolves to the extent that we have been destroyed, your support would be pretty angry too. The previous chairman was vilified, with good reason, and the levels of violence when he was at his nadir, were huge. Believe me, it would have frightened wolves. I personally disagree with the protest, I prefer to think it will all iron itself out, as the board position is now untenable. Support? 25,000 average gates to watch the sort of crap we have for 3 seasons? You may find this hard to understand, but we happen to think our club is better than most/all of the dross we encounter and lose to on a weekly basis, and our support is there for all to see. its not for you to be satisfied with 24th place for Norwich City.   
  5. [quote user="Bigmarkcanary"][quote user="1st Wizard"] [quote user="charlies dad"]Buccaneering left sided midfielder, known as Budgie, due to his resemblance to Adam Faith, long blond hair, and beard, noted for 30-40 yard left foot screamers into the top corner. Once scored a hat trick at Highnbury in the league cup, he played in the final that year. Left, depsite John bond trying to stop the deal, but re-emerged only to break his leg at Sunderland in his 3rd game back. An old fasshioned inside forward. He has no equal in the current side, they arent fit to speak his name by and large.[/quote] Absolutely spot on Charlies dad, budgie had a thunderous shot which had to be seen to be believed. I''m still shocked by this news though. [/quote] So then guys, did he have a similar shot on him to what Jerry Goss had? [/quote] Better, Bigmark! Better.
  6. Even Robert Chase didnt ban protestors. If the Smith junta followed this course of action imagine the national coverage? As ive stated before, i loathe the board and all their works, however, i feel that the wheels are now turning inexorably towards a change, there is too much strength of feeling and most people have their eyes open now. The protest has become a focus point for all types of nastiness, and i feel that everybody needs to take a big step back. .
  7. Im pretty sure he must feature in the 100 best City goals dvd, he scored some absolute beauties. One free kick against Manchester City from just inside the Man City half. Heavy ball of course, it dipped, swerved, twisted over all the players heads before beating Joe Corrigan all ends up. Fantastic.
  8. Buccaneering left sided midfielder, known as Budgie, due to his resemblance to Adam Faith, long blond hair, and beard, noted for 30-40 yard left foot screamers into the top corner. Once scored a hat trick at Highnbury in the league cup, he played in the final that year. Left, depsite John bond trying to stop the deal, but re-emerged only to break his leg at Sunderland in his 3rd game back. An old fasshioned inside forward. He has no equal in the current side, they arent fit to speak his name by and large.
  9. Millwall away. 1-0 defeat. A midweek nonentity of a game, listened to it on the radio. Think it was the night of ''Crazy Barry'' fame. It was opbvious then something was badly wrong and had permeated deep into the club.
  10. Totally agree with this. The board will keep - this would in no way be letting them off the hook.   Paddon was a swashbuckling figure in the first City team i saw. Instantly recognisable, and a big entertainer, with that left peg, which resembled a cannon. Lets all get together and show some respect to a true canary legend. Whatever our politics. And lets win for Paddons memory. How about it?
  11. Dont know who, but in addition to Stephenson being confirmed as coach, 2 loanees are all but done and dusted. Subject to being rubber stamped. I have no idea who they are, but we should find out soon.  
  12. Im not entirely convinced the Turners are interested in putting money into the club. If they are however, might I suggest that NOW would be as good a time as any to start?
  13. [quote user="Arthur Whittle"] Why do you feel the need to have a pop at people with different views to yours? I doubt the protestors will be mouthing off to the paying fans going in. Sums you up, and you have the gall to call us childish!! Ps- I dont think my son who will be attending protests would be fazed by your pathetic threat, he served 12 years in the army as a Para...Be warned as you would say[;)] [/quote] Arthur, i sincerely hope he bumps into these individuals.
  14. [quote user="Michael Starr"] [quote user="charlies dad"]I think you are mixing Smart up with somebody else, Michael. He is a 4''11"  9 stone right winger who does 100 metres in under 10 seconds.[/quote] LOL! I think you might be right! Why did I think he was a central defensive midfielder? How amusing... all this playing players out of position malarky has gone to my head. [/quote] 
  15. The difference between the ipswich and sheffield games was the effort and enterpriise shown by the team. Only god knows how ipswich went in at half time 2 up, they were totally outplayed, as they were in the second, when only wretched refereeing saved them. sheffield however was, like most performances home and away an absolutely disgraceful affront to the paying public. The players couldnt show less respect to the support if the took off their shirts before the match and urniated on them in front of the main stand. The players have to give - the supporters are spent out.   
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