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First Wizard

Emotional Blackmail Kings!.

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[quote user="1st Wizard"]

Morty & Herb: The Laurel & Hardy of the message boards!.

The only way the KTF brigade can try and deflect criticisim away

from their beloved leader/manager is to insult the poster doing it.

The above two are very keen on this transparent tactic. There''s

always a nasty little jibe with them, in fact to post without an

insult is quite beyond them.

Well they''ve failed again, a bit like Worthy I suppose.

At least you''re consistant boys, very unlike Worthy!.


Am I the only person who sees the irony in this?!

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Whereas I use words in a friendly humourous way, others use words like stupid, sad and idiot, mate.

Spot thedifference, no of course not, you''re too busy keeping the faith aren''t you?.

It clouds your judgement of posters.

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[quote user="I. Shurmer"][quote user="1st Wizard"]

Morty & Herb: The Laurel & Hardy of the message boards!.

The only way the KTF brigade can try and deflect criticisim away from their beloved leader/manager is to insult the poster doing it.

The above two are very keen on this transparent tactic. There''s always a nasty little jibe with them, in fact to post without an insult is quite beyond them.

Well they''ve failed again, a bit like Worthy I suppose.

At least you''re consistant boys, very unlike Worthy!.


Am I the only person who sees the irony in this?!

No, you''re not.  I have defended Wiz many times in the past on these boards, but in all honesty Wiz, you have almost become a parody of yourself these days.  I''m convinced you''ve lost the plot.

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[quote user="1st Wizard"]Keep the faith mate, keep the faith, lol he he.[/quote]

You just keep deflecting away from any questions asked to you, lol he

he, you mug! Of course, I mean that in a friendly and humorous way!

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The 3000 who were at Coventry know more about loyalty to their club than Wizard ever will.

End of story.

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1st Wizard/Troll is a master self-publicist. The thread about the

Wikipedia entry on ''trolls'' was the most pertinent comment on the old

mind-changing fraud I''ve read. He doesn''t care what reaction he gets,

so long as his name is mentioned.

I know I''ve just added to this, but it''s in a good cause. All of you

who are irritated by the old troll (in the Wikipedia sense Wizard - not

name-calling) need merely ignore him to win the game!

An alternative was demonstrated by Aberdeen fans on the Beeb''s message

boards recently. They successfully wound up Rangers fans visiting their

site by being very polite & patronising - ''whose a good little boy

then? My your typing is good today.'' Get the idea?

Pat the little troll on the head, give it a biscuit, and save your other points for any sensible posters!

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a good friend of mine, a supporter for over 20 years, a season ticket holder and regular away traveller, and also a good contributor to this board has now stopped coming on here, the reason the continued childish interaction between certain contributors, I can only assume from some of your posts that you are indeed adults, so may I suggest you start behaving like men and either accept that you have differences or perhaps meet each other to sort it out in the manner befitting adults, because quite frankly you are cowards shouting at each other from a distance hiding behind usernames like 2 gangs of 10 year olds...


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when are you all going to realise the best tactic with 1w would be to ignore him.?

he thrives on a reputation for controversy and starting threads with the most posts (including many of his own).


isn''t it about time someone said something to offend him so that he goes away in a sulk for a month?

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Ban me......................again.

Boycott me...............again.

Call me names...........again.

Ignore me..................again

How original Fillet, apart from Campbell (where is he?) you have always made things personal, why, did I wrong you in a former life?.

The reason I reply a lot in my own threads Fillet, is because posters ask me direct questions, as I have respect for said posters (not a two way thing on here I''ve noticed!) I answer them, see simple.

Whether anyone believes this I care not,  may I wish the lads the best of luck tomorrow at Derby, we need a win badly guys. OTBC .

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[quote user="FilletTheFishWife ."]isn''t it about time someone said

something to offend him so that he goes away in a sulk for a


I don''t think hes ever managed a month (mores the pity)

It might be worthwhile then, but he comes scuttling back after a week or so, like a scalded dog.

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well wiz you have done it again no wonder the team are in the bootm half then in the top half with a so called fan like you you are evn getting the true city fans arguing with each other. i would like to know why the pinkun let you get away with it.

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Post count currently at 2,400 - but I wonder how many of those posts have actually been worthwhile? 10% perhaps?

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So now its my fault that the team are losing King, not Worthy''s, not the players, or maybe even the boards, but little old me.......that''s just laughable mate.

So you are a true fan and I''m not.....why pray?, beause you say so?, I''ve put my terrace time in mate,  so don''t use that old line with me.

I hurt just as much as anyone when City lose, and I''ve been hurting a  hell of a lot just lately!.

I just demand a higher standard for City than you do King, and if thats a crime, I''m guilty and proud of it!.

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you dont help wiz do you, moaning and winging every single day,i want a higher standard then we have at the moment but moaning everyday isnt going to help the team or the fans so yes you are guilty .

and its not just me thats fed up with your moaning either.[:@]


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