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  1. What a sensationalist view. Not surprised by the left at all.
  2. It's why i said it was a big if. And again, it wasn't just him that didn't take chances. You are just singling out Placheta which is unfair and using him as a stick to beat Farke with. He has shown signs of promise for a lad that has never played English football before this season so he needs time on the pitch.
  3. Not sure you'd be saying this if Placheta had taken his chances. I know its a big "if" but the whole team hasn't taken their chances of late so to single out Placheta who's most definitely a work in progress is a tad unfair.
  4. Perhaps Wigan should have done their due diligence and looked into Holtys character then. Then again, it was Owen Coyle that signed him before being sacked after 4 months. I'd be more willing to bet a culmination of player role, injuries and change of manager (opinions) had more of an impact over Holtys time at Wigan than him being a big time Charlie after his last payday!
  5. Understand where you are coming from but i think sometimes you need a bit of a jack the lad in the squad as it brings a togetherness and team banter among a group of pros that can often take their job a little too serious. Suppose it's all a matter of opinions as Holty says in the podcast a few times.
  6. Great to watch every minute of that. The banter between the 4 of them was hilarious and it's strange that whatever level of football you've ever played, you can relate to some of the stories being told by ex pros. I played for the same Australian side that Holty did while he was here (Sorrento FC) but I had left the club the season before. My younger brother played along side him up front in a reserves match for Holtys first game. They won by a big margin and my brother scored 7 I think with Holty setting all of them up. Holty got a call up for the 1st team. It's interesting what Holty says about Hughton and for me it makes me wonder if Hughtons footballing philosophy may have stifled anyone else's career at NCFC? The Wolf?
  7. Not sure playing all 3 fit center backs at the same time is wise with our current injury crisis!
  8. Its a soft one but not only is he backing into McGovern he's also leaning in with a slightly high elbow. From the ref's viewpoint it could look a lot worse than it does on telly!
  9. There's been relative peace in the regions you quote and now you want the turmoil to start again? Open your eyes!
  10. Well well well, Stieperman has looked poor but that finish was lovely! Get in!
  11. I hope this comment bites me in the **** but experience over youngsters in this game???
  12. Dominating through the middle. Swansea look lazy there!
  13. Can I be the first to say, PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT!!!
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