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Officer Tillys small Willies (Nigel,lappy)

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Everything posted by Officer Tillys small Willies (Nigel,lappy)

  1. [quote user="TIL 1010"][quote user="Officer Tillys small Willies Nigel lappy"] Exactly BW you just cant have a civilized debate/discussion on here without the ethnic cleanser or one of his mates disrupting the thread. They really are dragging this forum in a downwards spiral. However with clever people like yourself spotting what they are up to we MAY just manage to keep this forum going    [/quote] You change your name to something provocative involving three posters to create a reaction. Just tell me why you did it........It floats your boat,you want a controntation or was it just plain attention seeking ? Now you cry victim and dribble on about civilised debate/discusion and accuse me of disrupting the thread. The disruption was you goating and baiting me to respond to your latest user name you plank so if you want to discuss the reason that brought about your latest name change carry on. No report button pressing going on at this end so grow a pair. [/quote] Dont cry over me Sergeant Tilllllllllson !!!!
  2. Exactly BW you just cant have a civilized debate/discussion on here without the ethnic cleanser or one of his mates disrupting the thread. They really are dragging this forum in a downwards spiral. However with clever people like yourself spotting what they are up to we MAY just manage to keep this forum going   
  3. [quote user="TIL 1010"][quote user="Officer Tillys small Willies Nigel lappy"][quote user="swjf50"]Our play under Hughton tends to be built on a solid defence and safety first, however, when we are not scoring at all, it must be time to take some risks and spring a few surprises. We need to shoot more often and the full backs need to go on the occasional run to give their support to the attacks. We have to be less predictable in our play and also be quicker breaking out of defence. Swansea are a great example of doing the latter, so hopefully we won''t be caught napping. Substitutions have to be made earlier to give the players a chance to effect the game. These are all obvious suggestions I know, but it seems very rare that they are put into practice. For example, how many goals from outside the area have we scored this season? Very few I know. Obviously it doesn''t matter how we score, as long as we do, but we have to use all methods. A penalty wouldn''t go amiss.[/quote]The question is do the players remember how to play with that attacking flow we had last season. Hughton should of just tried adjusting the tactics slightly, bit by bit rather than just a complete overhaul at least that way he would of found a good balance and would know roughly how that balance is. Yet now he doesnt have a clue really does he as hes only played ONE WAY since hes been here. I bet he hasnt got a bloody clue how to get the team attacking!!!!!![/quote] What an Ace name.[;)] [/quote]Why  thankyou Tilly, also i like what you did there. Pleases stop pressing the report button tho xx
  4. [quote user="swjf50"]Our play under Hughton tends to be built on a solid defence and safety first, however, when we are not scoring at all, it must be time to take some risks and spring a few surprises. We need to shoot more often and the full backs need to go on the occasional run to give their support to the attacks. We have to be less predictable in our play and also be quicker breaking out of defence. Swansea are a great example of doing the latter, so hopefully we won''t be caught napping. Substitutions have to be made earlier to give the players a chance to effect the game. These are all obvious suggestions I know, but it seems very rare that they are put into practice. For example, how many goals from outside the area have we scored this season? Very few I know. Obviously it doesn''t matter how we score, as long as we do, but we have to use all methods. A penalty wouldn''t go amiss.[/quote]The question is do the players remember how to play with that attacking flow we had last season. Hughton should of just tried adjusting the tactics slightly, bit by bit rather than just a complete overhaul at least that way he would of found a good balance and would know roughly how that balance is. Yet now he doesnt have a clue really does he as hes only played ONE WAY since hes been here. I bet he hasnt got a bloody clue how to get the team attacking!!!!!!
  5. Great to see you back L.D.C (a poster with some class)!!!! Also a great post its sad that were having to think about the possibility of being relegated. I''d be heart broken if we do go down especially with the T.V money on offer if we stay up, we could really really strengthen our squad with that and THEN if we went down  the following eason we could throw everything at getting back up and with them sort if finances we would have a bloody good chance of bouncing back up.
  6. Weve sleep walked ourselves into this. Some people have been really happy that were going for a point, However the more wiser amongst us have seen that this would inevitably lead us into trouble. Theres been so many games this season that having an attacking approach would definitely of got us 3 points. This is how i see it 3 games under HUGHTON is him wanting three points at best we''ll get 2 HOWEVER 3 games under an attacking manager who goes for it would at least get 1 win and two losses maybe even 1 win 1 draw say either way thats 3 or 4 points. ATTACKING FOOTBALL IS THE WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Thankyou very much Bert from the pair of us. Pete could ou make this a sticky for a week or so pretty please. Cheers
  8. My mates doing the marathon for the mercian benevolent fund please take a look people https://www.justgiving.com/mercianlondonmarathon/
  9. I cant believe the blind loyalty you read on here week in week out people like chops, lappinitup, nutty. Its not NAUGHTY to admit that the style of football were playing at the minute is pish. Yes we''ll probably stay up this season will we be so lucky next season i dunno
  10. 90% of this season has been painful to watch. I dont know how Hughton managed to turn an attacking team that "went for it" every week just about under Lambert to this shower of  $hit that im paying good money to watch week in week out!! expand the ground.... not on your nelly i bet the season list que''s dropped a bit since end of last season. YAWN anyway im  off to finish my sleep i started at the ground today
  11. Hi all after a good nights sleep ive subsequently calmed down i think i was just pee;d off that id spent the last month expecting hooper or possibly rvw. People are right to be a bit calmer than me as already said a win against qpr will alleviate some of my concerns. However we have only had 2 yes 2 points out of  possible 24 so on that form everythings going to honky dory thank god for that. Also the people that are moaning about the worriers such as myself are probably unable to comprehend the financial implications of going down this season. After next season the financial gulf between the championship and the E.P.L will be enormous I wouldnt be surprised to see two of the 3 promoted teams go straight down after going up. HIP HIP..... CLAP CLAP........HIP HIP...... CLAP CAP Enjoy
  12. Yes we have strengthened Branston and in all honesty i probably am disappointed mainly because ive seen this kind of thing before as a Norwich supporter and im hoping and praying beyond anything that what i thinks going to happen isnt.
  13. [quote user="Worsencroft"]Get yourself on MOTD! #cliche QPR safe cos of ''Arry and his signings. Reading have great team spirit. Southampton playing with flair. It think you missed off Norwich playing with superb spirit and still looking dangerous at home[/quote]Yes thats right Worsencroft were on fire we came back from 2 nil down against chelsea with 3 mins to go didnt we??? what we didnt oh no thats right we drew 0-0 with man city??? what that wasn''t us either ohhh no thats it, we were winning 1 nil against a lack luster spurs and ended up drawing 1 all YAYYYYY were safe. Idiot, if you''ve nothing sensible to say the probably best to say bugger all yeah??
  14. [quote user="technika"]i admire the blind optimism some people show *clapclapclap* but i also think it highlights a distinct lack of intelligence, intelligent people question things and offer reasons for debate concerning choices people make also this forum would be dull as hell/dead if everyone thought the same thing[/quote]Tell me about it technika i wish i could just smile and clap and not feel so emotionally involved when it comes to Norwich City but i cant. But god it would be an easier life if i did but i love this club and being an older fan ive seen the highs and the lows and uive also seen the highs that come before the lows and ive also been so caught up in the highs that by the time you reasie whats happening your relegated. Its alright for people like you G.P. But ive lived it all before and im a bit more cautious these days, But hey never mind watch your palms dont start hurting from all that clapping ;D
  15. [quote user="Stig"][quote user="Gingerpele"]Oh for goodness sake, go support Manchester United, you''ll enjoy it more. You don''t deserve Norwich City. And when we don''t get relegated I hope you hang your head in shame and cry yourself to sleep for being such a d!ck.[/quote][:D][/quote]oh im really sorry for daring to worry about Norwich city. Listen pal i was supporting Norwich while you were still latching on to mummy ok. Your part of the MAN U generation G.P so dont worry about who im supporting
  16. Excellent signings we all couldn''t of asked for more infact were so lucky that they would come to our club. I hope nobody else got there hopes up for rvw or hooper. Or theres the other side of the fans that think were safe as houses because qpr didnt gel after the signings in summer (yeah lets all forget harrys turning it round) oh and Newcastle''s new teams French so they wont do well. Reading well their just crap they couldnt buy a point if they tried oh whats that they drew with chelsea last night and their showing the sort of spirit and resolve that got u out the championship with that never say die attitude oh well they''ll definitely go down anyway. Southampton? well they sacked their manager so theyve got no chance have they?? Then theres wigan, you know the team that always do better in the second half of the season. Seriously i think Villa are the only team looking like going down yet weve had Lambert as a manager so we know he is capable of turning it round. My point to all this people??? were sleepwalking into the championship and most of our own fans cant even bloody see it
  17. I dont know about that Mr B. The first decent game weve had in about 7 matches is papering over the cracks and now everyones more than happy to.....................................''''go with what weve got''''
  18. [quote user="ron obvious"]".....we needed to strenthen the starting 11..." Did you see the match yesterday??[/quote]yes Ron the first match in about 7!!
  19. I can see qpr staying up and reading and the saints WE ARE F**KED. we may as well of said were after Messi and Ronaldo cos we wouldnt of get them either and we''d of got far more press coverage
  20. [quote user="Stig"]We got a loanee, who we really don''t know how well he will do.We got a like for like in BecchioWe got rid of a striker whos goals helped keep us upAs predicted all of these "big signings" were all just paper talk and smoke and mirrorsVery dissapointed, watching anyway JUST in case...[/quote]This with bells cherries and everything thrown on top!
  21. All the names banded about and we end up with kai kamara and becchio FANTASTIC. Judging by the fact that McNally had a plane at glasgow airport for Hooper all day then i think this a case of eggs in one basket. If we do end up going down then this messing about with hooper and winky should be looked at with contempt. Im gutted FFS
  22. What a joke always thought hes been a good manaer even at Scunny
  23. "if u picked 20 teams for a european super league we''d have to be in there". My arse, tinpot club in the equivalent of 20 leagues below the blue square league
  24. You can rest assured they will "pick themselves up and go again" How green the grass now Paul you JUDAS (UNT
  25. WOW what a thoroughly decent post BLY, Congratulations on being the bigger man!!
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